Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (2024)

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (1)

Storm over Venezuela oil speech

Venezuela's energy minister has caused a political storm by telling state oil workers to back President Hugo Chavez or leave their jobs. The opposition released an amateur video of Rafael Ramirez, also head of the state oil company PDVSA, making the remarks to top executives. The opposition says the government is illegally mobilising workers to secure Mr. Chavez's re-election on 3 December. Mr. Chavez defended Mr. Ramirez and said workers should back the "revolution".

The president, a key critic of the United States who is widely expected to win the election, said: "Of course PDVSA is revolutionary. Its workers are with this revolution, and those who aren't should go somewhere else. Go to Miami." Mr. Chavez applauded his minister's words by saying he should make the same speech to oil workers 100 times a day.

The video was presented by supporters of the main opposition candidate, Manuel Rosales. Opposition media outlets have been repeating the 14-minute video over and over again. It shows Mr. Ramirez standing at a podium and addressing a crowd of managers. He can be heard saying that the state oil company is " red from top to bottom" - in reference to the colour red used by President Chavez's supporters. "Here, we are backing Chavez, who is our leader, who is the leader of this revolution, and we will do everything we have to do to support our president," Mr. Ramirez adds. "Those who do not feel comfortable with that orientation, should give their jobs to a Bolivarian a Chavez supporter."

(BBC NEWS. November, 4, 2006)

1. Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) Venezuela's energy minister told workers they should help President Hugo Chavez to winthe election or leave their jobs.b.( F ) Rafael Ramirez works in the private sector.c.( V ) According to the opposition, the Venezuelan government is unlawfully summoning workersto re-elect Mr. Chavez.d.( F ) Mr. Chavez was surprised that Mr. Ramirez was giving support to his re-election.e.( F ) Mr. Chavez said that the PDVSA workers who do not aid the revolution he leads shouldabandon Venezuela and go to Miami.

2. Continue analysing the sentences according to the text.

a.( F ) The president believes that workers in Venezuela should applaud his minister's words 100times a day.b.( V ) Manuel Rosales is the most important candidate of the opposition.c.( F ) Mr. Rafael Ramirez released a video showing his speech to top executives.d.( F ) Mr. Ramirez says the PDVSA is totally red, mentioning the colour red used by the Bolivianand the Venezuelan.e.( F ) "Here, we are backing Chavez, who is our leader, who is the leader of this revolution, and wewill do everything we have to do to support our president". Mr. Ramirez repetitively uses thewords "we" and "our" to convince people that President Chavez supports the Bolivarians.

3. Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

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a.( V ) "The energy minister has caused a political storm by telling state oil workers to backPresident Hugo Chavez". We could also say: "The energy minister has caused a politicalstorm because he told state oil workers to support President Hugo Chavez".b.( V ) "The opposition released an amateur video". The passive voice of this sentence is: "Anamateur video was released by the opposition".c.( V ) "The opposition says the government is illegally mobilising workers to secure Mr. Chavez'sre-election". The past tense of this sentence is: "The opposition said the government wasillegally mobilising workers to secure Mr. Chavez's re-election".d.( V ) "They should go somewhere else". The negative of this sentence is: "They shouldn't goanywhere else".e.( V ) "Mr. Chavez applauded his minister's words". We could also say: "Mr. Chavez applaudedthe words of his minister".

Bill Gates calls time on career at Microsoft

Bill Gates on Thursday announced his intention to leave his full-time role at Microsoft, drawing the curtain on a controversial business career that more than any other shaped the first half-century of the information age and turned him into the world's richest man. Mr. Gates, a Harvard drop-out who founded Microsoft along with Paul Allen more than 30 years ago, said he would switch his attention instead to philanthropy, continuing the work on global health and education that has come to absorb his time.

The Microsoft chairman will hand over his responsibility for its software strategy immediately and reduce his involvement in the company progressively during the two-year transition period. He will give up all day-to-day activities by July 2008. Mr. Gates said he hoped to stay as chairman of what is the world's biggest software company "for the rest of my life", and that the directors had supported this idea. "I don't see a time in the future when I won't be the chairman of the company", he said.

Mr. Gates said that the reshuffle would not hamper Microsoft, adding: "The world has had a tendency to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on me." Of his change in direction at the age of 50, he added: "My announcement is not a retirement - it's a reordering of my priorities."

(By RICHARD WATERS. The Financial Times. Redmond. June, 15, 2006, 21:37. Last updated: June,

16, 2006, 07:43)

1. Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) Mr. Gates did not graduate from Harvard.b.( F ) Bill Gates wants to keep on being responsible for Microsoft's software strategy.c.( F ) In P2 we can see that Mr. Gates plans to be the president of Microsoft only until 2008.d.( F ) "The world has had a tendency to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on me." These words show that Mr. Gates wants the world to give him more attention.e.( F ) In Richard Waters's opinion, Mr. Gates's priority is to retire.

2. Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.( V ) "Bill Gates is the world's richest man". We could also say: "The richest man in the world is Bill Gates".b.( F ) In "Bill Gates, "who" founded Microsoft, said he intends to leave his full-time role at the company," the word "who" can be replaced by the pronoun "which".c.( V ) "Bill Gates said "I will switch my attention to philanthropy". The indirect speech of this sentence is: "Bill Gates said he would switch his attention to philanthropy".d.( F ) "The Microsoft chairman will hand over his responsibility for "its" software strategy

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immediately". The word "its" refers to "chairman".e.( F ) The sentences "He will give up all day-to-day activities by July 2008" and "In July 2008, he will start doing his daily activities" have the same meaning.

Texto I

A text familiar to many, George Orwell's classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, "Animal Farm" spends too little time on the details of time and place. Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...)

Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwell's biting satire on Soviet history before viewing "Animal Farm", just to know what's been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwell's allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, we're left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright.

Texto II

Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely - and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwell's short novel. "Animal Farm" is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: "It is the history of a revolution that went wrong". The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...)

In "Animal Farm", Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple "comrades" to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips.

The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hairraising warning to all humankind: "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which".

Texto III

When the farm's prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...) . When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed "Animal Farm" as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important of which is that "all animals are equal" (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both "worlds". The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleon's conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argument

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breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans.

(Fontes omitidas propositadamente)

1. Assinale a opção que indica, respectivamente, o gênero dos Textos I, II e III.

Ia) Sinopse de livro/filme,b) Crítica literária, c) Crítica literária,d) Crítica cinematográfica,e) Crítica cinematográfica,

IIcrítica literária,sinopse de livro/filme,crítica cinematográfica, crítica literária, sinopse de livro/filme,

IIIcrítica cinematográfica.crítica cinematográfica.sinopse de livro/filme.sinopse de livro/filme.crítica literária.

2. Da leitura dos Textos I, II e III, é possível depreender que:

I. o trabalho de Orwell pode ser entendido como um conto de fadas ou como uma crítica a regimespolíticos totalitários.II. o filme "Animal Farm" retrata todos os aspectos apresentados no livro de mesmo nome e, por isso, recebeu elogios da crítica.III. o enredo de "Animal Farm" aborda, entre outros temas, a influência do poder no comportamento humano.

Então, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas a I. b) apenas a II.c) apenas a III.d) apenas I e II. e) apenas I e III.

3. Assinale a opção que indica possibilidade de substituição de termo ou expressão em negrito noTexto I sem que o sentido do texto seja comprometido.

a) "has cropped up em has cropped up on school reading lists" pode ser substituído por "has been imposed".b) "fail" em "Few readers can fail to be touched..." pode ser substituído por "help".c) "since" em "This familiarity is convenient, since, as ..." pode ser substituído por "because".d) "Instead" na última sentença do primeiro parágrafo pode ser substituído por "Furthermore".e) "left out" em "just to know what's been left out" pode ser substituído por "included".

4. Os termos "prevent from" (Texto II) e "realize" (Texto III) significam, respectivamente,

a) prevenir - compreender. b) impedir - compreender. c) prevenir - imaginar.d) impedir - idealizar. e) preparar - idealizar.

5. No Texto III o termo "which em the seventh and most important of which is that..." refere-se a

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a) the new philosophy of Animalism.b) the wall of the barn.c) commandments.d) all animals.e) all people.

6. No final do Texto III, o autor afirma que os animais não conseguiam mais diferenciar os homensdos porcos. Qual das opções abaixo, com frases encontradas no Texto II, faz observação semelhante?

a) power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictatorsb) dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whipsc) human nature and diversity prevent people from being equald) the creatures outside looked from pig to mane) but already it was impossible to say which was which

7. A expressão "break out" em destaque no Texto III significa

a) to make a sudden, quick advance.b) to bring or come to an end.c) to develop suddenly.d) to force or make a way through.e) to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently.

As questões de 8 a 10 referem-se ao seguinte cartaz de divulgação de evento, afixado em um dos murais do ITA.


The annual meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (SBPMat), now being held for the 5th time, is the largest and most comprehensive Brazilian national conference in Materials Science and Engineering. The V SBPMat / Brazilian MRS Meeting 2006 will provide a very stimulating environment for the discussion of relevant themes in materials research.

The Meeting will be held together with the X Brazilian Congress for Microscopy of Materials (MICROMAT 2006), promoted by the Brazilian Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis (SBMM).

The joint event will take place in the Costão do Santinho Resort & Spa in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. As in previous meetings, the conference will bring together scientists and engineers, from Brazil and abroad, interested in multidisciplinary topics of materials research.

The scientific program consists of 13 symposia, each featuring internationally recognized speakers as well as oral and poster contributions. In addition, leadingedge topics of materials research will be highlighted by distinguished lecturers in plenary sessions.

SBPMatBRAZIL-MRSSociedade Brasileira em Pesquisas de Materiais

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Brazilian MRS Meeting 2006Florianópolis, SC, BrazilOctober 8 th - 12 th, 2006Costão do Santinho Resort & SPA


(formatação adaptada)

8. De acordo com o texto do cartaz, considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. o V SBPMat é uma conferência internacional realizada anualmente na área de Ciências dos Materiais e Engenharia.II. o evento tem por objetivo promover discussões sobre temas ligados à pesquisa em Materiais.III. estarão presentes no evento engenheiros e cientistas de várias partes do mundo, não apenas do Brasil.

Então, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas a I. b) apenas a II. c) apenas I e II.d) apenas II e III. e) todas.

9. Ainda de acordo com o texto do cartaz, considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. a programação científica do evento é composta de simpósios, palestras, comunicações orais e posters.II. o V SBPMat e o X MICROMAT serão realizados concomitantemente.III. a informação "Abstract Submission Deadline June 30, 2006" refere-se ao prazo final para inscrições no evento.

Então, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas a I.b) apenas a II.c) apenas a III.d) apenas I e II.e) todas.

10. Finalmente, considere as seguintes afirmações:

I. "the largest and most comprehensive conference" indica que a conferência é um evento de grande porte e de caráter abrangente.II. "being held em now being held for the 5th time e will be held together" em "The meeting will be held together with the X Brazilian..." poderiam ser substituídos, respectivamente, por "taking place e will occur".III. "leading-edge topics" refere-se a temas em destaque na área de pesquisa em Materiais.

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Então, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas a I. b) apenas I e II. c) apenas II e III.d) apenas I e III. e) todas.

11. A opção que melhor preenche a lacuna do primeiro quadrinho da tira abaixo é

Quadro 1

A: Well, Mr. Vagner, our point is that...B: Not at all...

Quadro 2

A: Thanks...You know, people here got quite intolerant...B: I don't mind.

Quadro 4

C: Meu chefinho está tentando parar!!

a) Can I smoke? b) Mind if I smoke? c) Do you smoke?d) Want a cigarette?e) Are you OK?

As questões de 12 a 16 referem-se ao texto a seguir:

An ever-improvingelectrical system

If you total up all of the wires and cables of all diameters and lenghs found in a large airplane, they could stretch for hundreds of miles. The plane also has hundreds of places using alternating and low tension continuous current (115 volts). It is common practice for these generating and distribution systems to maintain a solid energy reserve for peak usage times and unusual circ*mstances.

The kilowatts used on new models cannot be compared to what will be required on board the megajets A380 (now going through flight testing) and the future A350, plus the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. All of these plan on offering new dimensions in inflight entertainment and a level of connectivity that is comparable to what we already have on the ground - for laptops and individual cell phones, broadband internet, e-mail, Wi-Fi (longdistance enlacing), and all the rest.

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In today's wide-body planes, the biggest energy consumer is the heating for de-icing and defrosting the windscreens. But, even after adding in the 16 ovens and coffee machines in the galley, plus the electronic navigation, communications and avionics systems, we will still be well short of the electrical system on board the advanced jets that will go into service between 2006 and 2010.

Besides the fact that each of those aircraft will have two (not just one) alternators per engine, there will be other brand-new electrical applications. The wiring may come with a variety of tensions and frequencies, which will bring a new level of freedom to designers who are projecting a much larger, more flexible, more efficient, and safer electrical system.

Texto by

Ernesto Klotzel,


Clayton Jr

Icaro, April, 2006

12. Assinale a opção que melhor explicita o objetivo principal do texto.

a) Descrever o sistema elétrico de um avião de grande porte.b) Descrever as partes de um avião que demandam o uso de sistema elétrico.c)Discorrer sobre as inovações que serão realizadas no sistema elétrico em novos aviões de grande porte.d) Comentar que, no futuro, poderemos usar celulares e internet em mega jatos.e) Ressaltar que, no futuro, a fiação de novos aviões comportará tensões e freqüências variadas.

13. Atualmente, nos grandes aviões, a maior parte da energia é consumida

a) na utilização de fornos e máquinas de café.b) em navegação eletrônica, sistemas de comunicação e de aviônica.c) em sistemas antiembaçamento e degelo dos pára-brisas.d) na manutenção da temperatura interna da aeronave.e) na manutenção da energia da aeronave para eventuais emergências.

14. O termo "these" em "All of these plan on offering..." está substituindo

a) novos megajatos.b) equipamentos eletrônicos que poderão ser usados a bordo.c) níveis de conectividade comparáveis ao que temos em solo.d) quilowatts usados nos novos megajatos.e) correntes elétricas que serão usadas nos megajatos.

15. A expressão "to be well short of em we will still be well short of the electrical system..." pode ser substituída por

a) to be far from. b) to be adequately supplied with. c) to be below the limit.d) to be close. e) to be left off.

16. O aspecto que permitirá maior liberdade aos projetistas é que

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a) os novos jatos contarão com aplicações elétricas inovadoras.b) os megajatos terão dois alternadores por motor e a fiação comportará tensões e freqüênciasdiversificadas.c) os novos jatos contarão com corrente alternada e contínua.d) os megajatos oferecerão novas possibilidades de entretenimento.e) as novas aeronaves contarão com um sistema elétrico mais eficiente e seguro.

As questões de 17 a 20 referem-se a um trecho do prefácio abaixo:

(...)For about 25 years, I have had the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals have established an enduring track record of solid success on almost every attempt. They have consistently contributed innovative and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the discipline.

These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One can venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent such a thing can exist in this field.

Uniformly, these successful persons have (1) a genuine interest in - even a fascination with - the technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In line with this last point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a graph or drawing.

This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and perhaps enhance the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the examples used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this goal.

In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basis upon which one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this treatment, however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis is used to support this goal.

Castleman, K. R.

Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996

17. Assinale a asserção que NÃO indica possíveis objetivos do livro.

a) Auxiliar no desenvolvimento da compreensão conceitual da teoria de processamento de imagens digitais em contraposição à memorização mecânica da teoria.b) Aprofundar a compreensão dos fundamentos da tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.c) Desenvolver a capacidade de enxergar problemas relacionados a processamento de imagens sob pontos de vista variados.d) Apresentar exemplos, referências, exercícios e sugestões para o desenvolvimento de projetos usando tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.e) Aumentar o interesse genuíno pela tecnologia de processamento de imagens digitais.

18. Considere as seguintes asserções:

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I. para elaborar o livro, o autor estudou, por um período de vinte e cinco anos, o trabalho de pessoas queutilizam técnicas de processamento de imagens.II. no processamento de imagens digitais, a análise matemática é utilizada como apoio aodesenvolvimento da compreensão conceitual.III. a análise matemática oferece os fundamentos sobre os quais se pode fazer previsões precisas em relação ao desempenho de um sistema de imageamento digital.

Das afirmações acima, está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto

a) apenas a I.b) apenas a II.c) apenas a III.d) apenas I e II.e) apenas II e III.

19. Assinale a opção que melhor traduz, respectivamente, os termos "venture" (paragraph 2), "knack" (paragraph 3) e "hard-pressed" (paragraph 3).

a) especular; inclinação; não obrigadosb) atrever-se; inaptidão; inflexíveisc) evitar; propensão; sobrecarregadosd) ser prudente; idoneidade; obsessivose) arriscar-se; talento; sob pressão

20. As expressões "as opposed to" (paragraph 3), "In line with" (paragraph 3) e "however" (paragraph 5) podem ser substituídas, respectivamente, por

a) in contrast with, In agreement with, although.b) in contrast with, In agreement with, though.c) in contrast with, In dissension with, though.d) in conflict with, In dissension with, although.e) in conflict with, In agreement with, although.

How are tattoos removed?By T. Durkee, Berkeley, California.

Industry experts say that 50 percent of people with tattoos will someday consider getting rid of their body art. Doctors remove the markings using three types of lasers: alexandrite, YAG and ruby. Each works on different pigment colors and compounds, so the dermatologist will use one or a combination of lasers depending on the nature of a given tattoo. Tattoo pigment is inserted into the camada layer of the skin through ruptures in the top layer, or epidermis. To remove that pigment, the laser emits very short pulses, which are selectively absorbed by the color of the tattoo ink. This high energy fragments the pigment into smaller particles that are then removed by the body's immune system. In most cases, a series of laser treatments can remove ninety to ninety-five percent of the original design.

Patients who want a tattoo removed should seek a dermatologist with experience and equipment specific for the procedure. Those who own their lasers typically do more tattoo removals and as such have more practical experience.

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(Adapted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - July, 2005)


1. In the text, the expression 'getting rid of ' does NOT mean ____.

a) erasingb) throwing away c) eliminatingd) removinge) getting free of

2.Laser treatments can usually remove ______ of the original design.

a) allb) morec) most d) nonee) little

3.Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

I) Some people will never consider getting rid of their tattoos.II) The type of laser used will depend on the tattoo design.III) The body's immune system may reject the laser treatment.IV) Doctors who own a laser are usually more experienced.

a) T - F - T - Fb) F - F - T - Tc) F - T - F - Td) T - F - F - T e) F - T - F - F

Latin lessons

By Denis Macshane

Se abla español? The question answers itself in more and more American cities. By contrast, Spain's two biggest neighbors, France and Italy, hardly know Spain exists.

Today Spanish cities are among the most vibrant on the Continent. Almost alone in Europe, Spain has embraced globalization - and in doing so escaped the paralyzing dialectic of right versus left. Beginning in 1986, when Spain joined the EU, successive prime ministers realizações on the achievements of their predecessors. The socialist Felipe Gonzalez rejected the classic left-statism of his French comrades and welcomed private investors while joining NATO. José Maria Aznar, although a rightist, avoided Tacherite excesses and maintained cordial relations with labor unions. José Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero upset George W. Bush with his retreat from Iraq but has maintained one of Europe's most dynamic, open and growing economies by accepting Aznar's

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Zapatero has regularized 700,000 illegal workers and, unlike France and Italy, opened the labor market to workers from Eastern Europe. And he has legalized gay marriage. No wonder Prodi refused to be photographed with Zapatero on a recent trip to Madrid. Italy's new leader feared that Roman Catholic voters at home would take offense at the style of the Spanish leader. In France, both President Chirac's conservatives and the opposition socialists are united in depising anything that smacksof Tony Blair and his "Anglo-Saxon model."

Spain today is outperforming both France and Italy on growth, job creation and the most vital quality for a modern nation - a sense of vitality, confiança and optimism. As Prodi and those jostling to succeed Chirac wonder how to get their countries moving again, they would do well to learn a little Spanish.

(Adapted from NEWSWEEK - April 24, 2006)


1. Which alternative best explains the title 'Latin Lessons'?

a) People in France and Italy should learn some Spanish.b) Spain is teaching a lesson of social and economical development in the modern world. c) The question 'Se abla español?' has been answered by American cities.d) Italian, French and Spanish are languages of Latin origin.e) The French and Italian are planning to have Latin Lessons.

2. According to the author Spain is 'almost alone in Europe' because ________________ .

a) Europeans hardly know it existsb) it is the only European country where Spanish is spokenc) it has adopted the globalization and avoided to be stuck by the right-left contradictions d) it has legalized gay marriagee) the other European countries refuse to recognize it as a nation

3. According to the text it is correct to say that:

I) The successive administrations in Spain, which were not diverse, took the best of one another.II) Prodi refused to be photographed with Zapatero because his behavior is offensive.III) France and Italy have also opened the labor market to Eastern Europeans.IV) Both French conservatives and socialists disdain the English model.

a) F - F - F - T b) T - T - F - Tc) F - T - F - F

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d) T - F - F - Te) T - T - T - F

4.The author ________ Prodi's refusal to be photographed with Zapatero.

a) was not surprised by b) considered unpredictablec) agrees withd) disapprovese) considered positive

5.The best meaning for the word 'outperforming' in the last paragraph is _____.

a) performing on the outsideb) growing out ofc) showing the performance tod) demonstratinge) doing better than

A place for the power nap

By Francine Russo

Cynthia McKay, CEO of Le Gourmet Gift Basket, believes that good sleep means good business, and she has made it part of her company's workplace culture. In one of two designated sleep areas in Le Gourmet's offices, employees can nap for 15 or 30 minutes on a foldout couch. McKay will make sure they're getting the short naps which she thinks will do the most for productivity.

McKay is part of a small but growing movement in corporate America to address the consequences of a nation of sleep-deprived workers. Longer commutes, midnight e-mails and a global economy that requires work over many time zones have made a solid eight hours of sleep rare. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation costs U.S. business more than $100 billion a year in lost productivity and damage to workers' health and safety.

Sleep experts say that more and more employers, aware of the risks they take to health, safety and productivity because of sleep deficits, are taking action. ComPsych, the nation's largest provider of employee assistance programs, reports that requests for its stress-reduction and sleep-improvement training series, which includes stretching, breathing exercises and developing restful presleep routines, jumped 89% from 2004 to 2005.

Napping has had the hardest time gaining traction, despite the scientific evidence in its favor. A study by NASA found, for example, that a 26-minute nap increased pilots' performance 34%. "What other management strategy will improve people's performance 34% in 26 minutes?" asks Mark Rosekind, a former NASA scientist who conducted the research.

CEO Jeff Kaye says he installed a new relaxation room primarily as a fun

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reward for his employees, but he also sees the benefits for productivity. Hannah Roberts, a communications manager at Arc, heads for the sleep pods behind the reception desk whenever she gets hit by a bout of afternoon lethargy and creative block. If she is lucky enough to find one empty, "I would use them every day, but I have to share them with 450 other people," she says.

(Adapted from TIME - July 10, 2006)


1.It is NOT correct to say that Cynthia McKay _________________.

a) believes that rested up employees work betterb) has adopted employees napping as her company's routinec) thinks naps can improve employees' productivityd) allows her employees to nap for some hours in the company offices e) is worried with the consequences of sleep deprivation

2.Mr. Rosekind ___________.

a) is trying to find ways of improving people's performanceb) thinks napping is the only strategy that can improve people's performance 34% in 26 minutes c) is a NASA scientistd) was interviewed for the researche) used to have a 26-minute nap to improve his performance when he worked as a pilot

3.Are the statements below true (T) or false (F)?

I) The consequences of lack of sleep can be expensive to business.II) There is no scientific evidence in favor of napping.III) The global economy and its routines are also responsible for sleep deprivation.IV) Low productivity is one of the consequences of sleep deprivation.

a) F - T - F - Tb) T - F - T - Fc) T - T - F - Fd) T - T - T - Fe) T - F - T - T

4. Hannah Roberts _____.

a) would like to use the sleep pods every day b) gets constantly lethargy and creative blockc) thinks of herself as a lucky womand) is hardly ever behind the reception deske) has to manage 450 people

The Emperor`s New Clothes

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In Hans Christian Andersen`s classic tale of The Emperor`s New Clothes, two charlatans come to the Emperor`s city, posing as weavers of such fine fabrics that only the truly intelligent can see them. The charlatans are hired by the Emperor, and in exchange they will receive gold and silk to weave the fabric. The ruse is simple enough: appeal to the intellectual vanity of the Emperor and his court. Each member of the Emperor`s court in turn is sent to the charlatans`room to check on the progress of the fabric. Each returns to the Emperor "bedazzled" by the beauty of the fabric. No one in the Emperor`s court wants to appear dim-witted and admit that there is no fabric to be seen. The ruse is complete on the day the Emperor is to show off his new clothes. There in the dressing room stands the naked Emperor, with his court and the charlatans, each gushing over the beautiful colors and textures of the nonexistent fabric. Although the Emperor can see that he is entirely naked, he too refuses to admit that there is no fabric to be seen. It takes the clear-minded honesty of a child to point out the nakedness of the Emperor.


1.Consider the following items:

1. The name of the author who wrote The Emperor`s New Clothes.2. The number of charlatans hired by the Emperor.3. The kind of payment the charlatans will get for the job.4. The city the charlatans come from.5. The kind of fabric the charlatans say they will use to weave the Emperor`s new clothes.

What information is in the text?

a) Only 1, 2 and 4 are in the text.b) Only 1, 4 and 5 are in the text.c) Only 2, 3 and 5 are in the text.d) Only 3, 4 and 5 are in the text.e) Only 1, 2 and 3 are in the text.

2. According to the text:

a) the charlatans are very qualified weavers.b) the Emperor and his court are fooled by the charlatans.c) the charlatans are well-known by the Emperor and his court.d) the charlatans bring some fine fabrics to the city.e) the colors and textures of the fabrics are beautiful.

3. While the Emperor is in the dressing-room:

a) he does not want anybody to see he has no clothes on.b) everybody pretends to be impressed by the beauty of his clothes.c) no one praises his clothes.d) his court is ashamed to see that he is naked.

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e) no one realizes that he is naked.

4. Consider the following statements:

1. The Emperor`s court is afraid to be considered stupid if it admits that there are no new clothes to be seen.2. The Emperor tries to impress his court by showing it his fine clothes.3. The Emperor`s attendants make fun of him when they notice he is unclothed.4. A child is the only one to call everybody`s attention to the fact that the Emperor is actually naked.

The correct affirmatives are:

a) only 2 and 4.b) only 2, 3 and 4.c) only 1 and 4.d) only 1, 3 and 4.e) only 1 and 3.

5. The intention of the tale is to:

a) make fun of adult vanity.b) praise the honesty of the Emperor`s court.c) ridicule the charlatans` weaving qualities.d) show dim-witted people.e) demonstrate how difficult it is to bring up a child.

Heat cramps

Heat cramps are painful, involuntary muscle spasms that usually occur during heavy exercise in hot environments. Inadequate fluid intake often contributes to heat cramps. The spasms may be more intense and more prolonged than typical nighttime leg cramps. Muscles most often affected include those in calves, arms, abdomen and back, although heat cramps may involve any muscle group involved in the exercise.


1. Consider the following items:

1. A definition of heat cramps.2. The season of the year when heat cramps occur.3. The period of the day when heat cramps affect people.4. The type of environment where heat cramps may occur.5. The names of the muscles affected during exercise.

Which information is in the text?

a) Only 1, 3 and 5 are in the text.b) Only 1 and 4 are in the text.

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (17)

c) Only 2, 4 and 5 are in the text.d) Only 3 and 4 are in the text.e) Only 1, 2 and 3 are in the text.

7. Consider the following ideas:

1. High density exercises may trigger heat cramps.2. Drinking enough quantity of liquids may prevent heat cramps.3. The ingestion of food before exercising may prolong muscle spams.4. Reducing fluid intake during heavy exercise may lead to dehydration.

The ideas present in the text are:

a) only 1 and 2.b) only 2 and 3.c) only 3 and 4.d) only 1 and 4.e) only 1 and 3.

8. According to the text, nighttime leg cramps:

a) are usually more painful than heat cramps.b) are associated with people who exercise a lot.c) do not involve any of the muscles which affect heat cramps.d) affect people during bedtime.e) may last longer than heat cramps.

Air to "guard Michelangelo David"

Michelangelo's famous statue of David could soon be enveloped in invisible jets of air to protect it from dust and corrosion, museum officials say.

More than a million tourists are said to visit the statue every year in the Italian city of Florence.

The "wall of air" is one of several steps the museum is considering that could protect the statue from dirt particles without encasing it in glass.

A controversial renovation of the statue was completed last May.

Some critics of the renovation alleged the process had gone too far, affecting the statue's artistic value.

After the restorers removed the layers of grey grime from the statue, museum officials soon noticed fresh particles of dirt, brought in by visitors, were once again disfiguring the statue, Italian news agency Ansa reports.

The Accademia gallery, home to the Renaissance-era statue, is

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also considering installing special carpets and a ventilated corridor that will remove dust from the shoes and clothes of visitors before they see the statue.

A top museum official from Florence said the new measures should be put in place within a year.

Michelangelo's statue commemorating David, the biblical shepherd who defeated the giant Goliath and became king of Israel, was left in the open air from 1504 to 1873.

Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2005/01/03 23:16:36 GMT (Disponível em : Acesso em 05 jan.


1. Michelangelo's statue of David is _______.

a) visited by a few tourists every yearb) not in Florencec) not in the Accademia galleryd) encased in glasse) not in the open air

2. What are they considering doing to protect the statue of David from dust and corrosion?

I) They are considering enveloping it in invisible jets of air.II) They are considering installing special carpets.III) They are considering installing a ventilated corridor.IV) They are considering leaving it in the open air.V) They are considering putting it in a glass case.

a) Only number I answers the question correctly.b) Only number V answers the question correctly.c) Numbers I, II and III answer the question correctly. d) Numbers II and III answer the question correctly.e) Numbers IV and V answer the question correctly.

3.Which of the sentences below is FALSE, according to the text?

a) David was a shepherd.b) David defeated Goliath.c) David became king of Israel.d) David was Michelangelo's friend. e) The statue of David was in the open air in 1505.

4. What CANNOT be said about the renovation of the statue of David?

a) It removed the layers of grey grime.b) It definitely disfigured the statue. c) It caused a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement.d) It is said to have affected the statue's artistic value.e) It was finished in May 2004.

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5. What is again causing the disfigurement of the statue of David, according to museum officials?

a) The "wall of air" is.b) New particles of dirt are. c) The renovation process is.d) The clothes are.e) The shoes are.

Bette Nesmith Graham (1924-1980)Liquid Paper

Liquid Paper was the brainchild of a quick-thinking woman with poor typing skills. Bette Nesmith Graham, in an efforts to cover her typing mistakes, decided to do what painters did when they made mistakes. She painted over them. With a bottle of white paint and a watercolor brush, Graham started on the road to fame and fortune as the inventor of Liquid Paper.

At age 17, Graham got a secretarial job. She worked her way up from the typing pool to executive secretary, but found a large hurdle along the way: electric typewriters.

These new inventions (and her typing errors) caused her all sorts of problems. The carbon-film ribbons in the new machines made a mess when Graham tried to fix her mistakes with a pencil eraser.

The inspiration to solve her predicament came from holiday window painters who simply brushed over smudges and flaws in their work. She decided the trick would work for her and covered her mistakes with a white, water-based paint.

In 1956, Graham's invention was so popular that she was making batches of "Mistake Out" in her kitchen and garage. When demand skyrocketed, she changed the name to "Liquid Paper" and applied for a patent and a trademark.

By 1975, the company employed 200 people, made 25 million bottles of Liquid Paper and distributed the product to 31 countries. Graham sold the company four years later to Gillette Corporation for $47.5 million.[Nov. 1996]

(Disponível em: Acesso em 05jan.


6. Bette Nesmith Graham __________ .

a) became rich and famous b) was a secretary who typed very wellc) did not invent Liquid Paperd) started working as a secretary in 1956

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e) sold her company in 1975

7. Which of the sentences below is FALSE, according to the text?

a) "Mistake Out" was the first name given to Graham's invention.b) Liquid Paper was invented before 1960.c) In 1956 Graham's company employed 200 people.d) Gillette Corporation bought Graham's company in 1979.e) Gillette Corporation paid Graham $47.5 million for her company.

8. What made Bette Graham invent Liquid Paper?

I) The invention of electric typewriters.II) Her typing errors.III) A bottle of white paint.

a) Numbers I and II answer the question correctly.b) Only number II answers the question correctly.c) Only number III answers the question correctly.d) Only number I answers the question correctly.e) Numbers I, II and III answer the question correctly.

$27 Million Lottery Winner Rushes Back to WorkFri Mar 18, 2005 08:12 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's biggest individual lottery winner had no time to celebrate after becoming 20.4 million euros ($27 million) richer, because he was too worried about being late for work.

When the salesman, who was not identified by WestLotto, arrived Thursday to buy his weekly lottery ticket at a shop in the industrial Ruhr area he was told last week's 12-euro ticket that he hadn't bothered to check had won the jackpot.

The man's reaction left the lottery operator dumbfounded.

"After he was told he had won the jackpot, he said he didn't have time to chat because he would get into trouble with his boss," a lottery spokesman in the western city of Muenster said. Instead, he rushed off to catch a bus to work.

There were few details about the lucky man, a pigeon-lover in his 30s, except that he planned to trade in his rented apartment for something a little bigger in the country. It was not known if he would stay on in his job as a salesman.

(Disponível em:;jsessionid=ZB0UURVCY

0S5WCRBAELCFFA?type=topNews&storyID=7944710 Acesso em 19 mar.


9. Which of the statements below about Germany's lottery winner is NOT true?

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a) He is a salesman.b) He loves pigeons.c) He is between the ages of 30 and 39.d) He buys a lottery ticket every week.e) He is unemployed.

10. Why was the lottery operator speechless?

a) Because the winner planned to get a bigger apartment in the country.b) Because the winner hadn't checked his lottery ticket.c) Because the winner had spent 12 euros on a ticket and won 20.4 million euros.d) Because the winner didn't celebrate and rushed back to work by bus. e) Because the winner was going to lose his job.

PUC - Winter - 2006

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Jane Austen

Jane Austen is one of Britain's best-loved authors. Her six novels have been continuously in print since they first appeared. Pride and Prejudice, originally published in 1813, is a favourite with Austen fans.

Jane Austen wrote the first draft of the novel, originally called "First Impressions" in the 1790s, while living at home with her family at Steventon Rectory in Hampshire.

In 1811 Sense and Sensibility became the first Jane Austen nove to be published. This was followed by Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Mansfield Park in 1814 and Emma in 1815. All four were published anonymously as "By a lady". Two further novels were published posthumously: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both in 1818.

Source: Speak up, number 227, April 2006

1. Jane Austen is:

a) A british actress.b) A british fan.c) A british novel.d) A british writer.e) A british director.

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2. Jane Austen's fans enjoy reading specially her novel entitled:

a) Hampshire.b) Pride and Prejudice.c) Steventon Rectory.d) Britain's best-loved.e) Persuasion.

3. The novels Northranger Abbey and Persuasion were published:

a) Before Austen's death.b) First.c) By a lady.d) Between 1813 and 1815.e) After Austen's death.

The Diary News


Lae, New Guinnea, July 2, 1937. Amelia Earhart's plane left the island of Lae at exactly 12:00 midnight. She was not alone on the flight, but she and Fred Noonan, her navigator, were very tired. She reported her last position at 8:14 PM. After that she did not make radio contact again. Why did they disappear? Were they exhausted? Did they ran out of gas? The U.S. Coast Guard started

his search for the answer at 10:15 AM.

Source: FUCHS, M. BONNER, M. Grammar Express. New York: Addison Wesley

Zongman, 2002

4. The information about Amelia Earhart is probably part of:

a) A novel.b) A newspaper article.c) A scientific article.d) A short story.e) A letter.

5. Amelia Earhart was not alone on the flight. That means:

a) She had no companion.b) She was by herself.c) She had a companion.d) She was tired.

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e) She was lonely.

6. Based on the text, one might conclude that:

a) Earhart's navigator caused a plane crash.b) Amelia Earhart didn't know how to fly a plane.c) The Coast Guard found Earhart at 10:15 p.m.d) There aren't any questions about Earhart's disappearance.e) There are more questions than answers about Earhart's disappearance.

Source: FUCHS, M. BONNER, M. Grammar Express. New York: Addison Wesley

Zongman, 2002.

Diálogos da ilustração

Quadro 1

Roller coaster rides are a lot like life. You just have to relax and enjoy yourself.

Quadro 2

So how are you enjoying the ride?

7. For the girl, roller coasters are:

a) Similar to life.b) Different from life.c) Not compared to life.d) Unlike life.e) Better than life itself.

8. To enjoy the ride means:

a) To appreciate it.b) To hate it.c) To fear it.d) To apprehend it.e) To avoid it.FIC - Winter - 2006

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Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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The diminishing of Brazil

May 11th 2006 / BRASÍLIAFrom The Economist

Brazil's Lula da Silva has been humiliated by Venezuela's Hugo Chávez. Many Brazilians complain that their president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is being turned into an irrelevant bystander in his own backyard by Hugo Chávez, Venezuela's oil-rich populist leader. The immediate uproar was prompted on May 1st by the decision by Evo Morales, Bolivia's socialist president, to order the nationalisation of his country's oil and gas industry. He was fulfilling a campaign promise. But he was advised, and apparently inspired, by Mr. Chávez. The chief victim of his decision was Brazil. Petrobras was the largest investor there. Brazil may now have to pay up to 60% more for the gas.

Lula's response looked feeble. Instead of asserting Brazil's contractual rights, he held a meeting not just with the Bolivian leader and Argentina's president, Néstor Kirchner, but also with Mr. Chávez on May 4th. Lula said that Bolivia was acting within its rights. To critics of the Lula government, Brazil's meekness unmasked the confusion at the heart of its foreign policy. In making alliances, they claim, it has put presumed ideological affinity above national interest. […] Not so long ago in Brazil, its leaders had a vision of regional integration based on the outspoken defence of democracy, respect for treaties and on linking Mercosur to the world through, for example, a free-trade pact with the EU. It is hard not to conclude that this vision is being sacrificed to a puerile impulse to embrace those who peddle the populist rhetoric of "antiimperialism". For that, Brazilians may soon pay a price.

1. Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( V ) According to the article, the president of Brazil has been affronted by Hugo Chávez.b. ( F ) Many Brazilians think that Lula took the right decision: he did not allow Hugo Chávez to interfere in matters that can affect Brazil.c. ( V ) Before he was elected, Evo Morales promised to nationalize Bolivia's oil and gas industry.d. ( V ) Most probably Evo Morales followed Hugo Chávez's advice.e. ( F ) As a consequence of Evo Morales's decision, Brazil will not have to invest so much for the gas it consumes.

2. Continue analysing the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( V ) Even though Brazil had contractual rights, Mr. Lula was too weak to defend our country; hesaid that Bolivia was acting within its prerogatives.b. ( V ) The submission of the Lula government reveals that its foreign policy is not clear.c. ( V ) According to critics, ideological affinity has prevailed over national interest.

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d. ( V ) It seems that defense of democracy and respect for agreements have been neglected.e. ( F ) Brazil will never regret for defending the populist discourse of "anti-imperialism".

3. Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a. ( F ) "Lula da Silva has been humiliated by Hugo Chávez". The future tense of this sentence is"Lula da Silva will has been humiliated by Hugo Chávez".b. ( F ) "Brazil may now have to pay up to 60% more for the gas." The use of may indicates certainty.c. ( F ) "Lula's response looked feeble." We could also say "The reply of Lula's didn't seem to be ineffective".d. ( V ) "It has put presumed ideological affinity above national interest." The passive voice of thissentence is "Presumed ideological affinity has been put above national interest."e. ( V ) "Not so long ago in Brazil, its leaders had a vision of regional integration." The pronoun "its" refers to Brazil.

Danes issue travel warning list

Denmark has listed 14 countries it says Danes should not visit unless strictly necessary, amid Muslim outrage over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons. The cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad were first published in a Danish newspaper. Norway has also advised against travel to Syria. Norway has also been the focus of protests as the Danish cartoons were republished by the Norwegian press. Muslims consider any images of Muhammad offensive. One of the cartoons shows the Prophet wearing a bomb-shaped turban.

Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said he was "horrified to see the wave of violence and attacks and how this is spreading throughout the Middle East at a rapid pace". "This is clearly a matter of global concern and a matter that demands collective efforts and swift action," he said. "It is now a case which is much bigger than the issue of the drawings."

(BBC News / Published: 2nd Feb 2006)

4. Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( F ) Norwege was the first country to publish cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad.b. ( V ) Both Denmark and Norwege advised against traveling to some Middle East countries.c. ( F ) Images of Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban are considered offensive all over the western world.d. ( V ) Mr. Moeller was terrified to see how quickly the wave of violence spread all over the Middle East.e. ( V ) The Danish Foreign Minister believes something more serious than the publication of the drawings underlies the reaction against European countries.

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (26)

5. Continue analysing the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( F ) In the sentences "Denmark has listed 14 countries" and "Last week, Denmark has listed 14countries" the use of the verb tense is correct.b. ( V ) "Danes should not visit those countries unless strictly necessary" and "Danes should onlyvisit those countries if strictly necessary" have the same meaning.c. ( V ) "The cartoons were first published in a Danish newspaper". The active voice of thissentence is "A Danish newspaper first published the cartoons".d. ( F ) Mr. Moeller says, "This is clearly a matter of global concern". The reported speech of thissentence is "Mr. Moeller said those was clearly a matter of global concerned".e. ( V ) "It is a now a case which is much bigger than the issue of the drawings." The pronoun"which" can be replaced by "that".

CEFET - Winter - 2006

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Postman plagued by jealous pheasant

A Devon postman is facing a daily assault on his round - from a jealous pheasant. The bird lies in wait for the 59-year-old as he drives his van on his 12-mile daily round in Swimbridge. So far the co*ck pheasant has injured Mr Patton's hand and leg, and has tried to sneak into his postal van.The postie said: "I think it is the red colour of the van which is triggering the aggression. Pheasants have spurs on their legs, and it flies and tries to get me with them."I think it sees me as a giant pheasant which it has got to see off. It is totally obsessed by me and the van. I have been attacked by dogs in the past but never by a pheasant."Mr Patton says he now "runs the gauntlet" every day along a fifty-yard lane when he collects or delivers to a farm at one end and a cottage at the other. He says the bird sometimes changes its tactics by hiding or cutting corners to get ahead of him for a confrontation.

(Disponível em: Acesso em 05 mar. 2004.)<B

1. A pheasant is __________ .

a) a bird

b) a type of dog

c) a criminal

d) a type of fish

e) a type of red van

2. The postman __________ .

I) is 59 years old

II) collects and delivers mail in Swimbridge

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (27)

III) drives a red van

a) Only number I completes the sentence correctly.

b) Only number III completes the sentence correctly.

c) Numbers I, II and III complete the sentence correctly.

d) Numbers I, II and III do not complete the sentence correctly.

e) Numbers I and III complete the sentence correctly.

3.Mark the alternative that is NOT true according to the text.

a) The pheasant attacks the postman every day.

b) The pheasant has hurt the postman's hand and leg.

c) The pheasant has spurs on its legs.

e) The pheasant tries to get the postman with its spurs.

e) The pheasant has secretly gone into the postman's van.

4.According to the postman, why does the pheasant attack him?

a) Because it has spurs.

b) Because pheasants like confrontation.

c) Because it sees him as a rival.

d) Because it is totally obsessed by vans.

e) Because he wears a red uniform.

5."See off" in "... which it has got to see off …" can be replaced by:

a) say goodbye.

b) chase away.

c) kill.

d) injure.

e) run the gauntlet.


in full Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus


(10 BC-AD 54)

Roman emperor (41-54), the grandson of the Empress Livia, the brother of Germanicus, and the

nephew of the Emperor Tiberius. Kept in the background because of his physical disabilities, he

devoted himself to historical studies, and thus survived the vicious in-fighting of the imperial

house. Becoming emperor largely by accident in the chaos after Caligula's murder, he proved to

be an able and progressive ruler, despite his gross and sometimes ridiculous indulgence of his

wives and freedmen. Through his lavish public works and administrative reforms, he made a

lasting contribution to the government of Rome and the empire, and through the annexation of

Britain, Mauretania, and Thrace, a significant extension of its size. He died poisoned, it was

widely believed, by his fourth wife Agrippina.

(Disponível em:

0094> Acesso em 05 mar. 2004.)<B

6. Claudius was not __________ .

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (28)

a) 64 years old when he died

b) a Roman emperor

c) Germanicus' brother

d) physically disabled

e) Emperor Tiberius' son

7.Claudius __________ .

a) was not interested in History

b) killed his fourth wife

c) was not a competent and progressive emperor

d) became emperor after Caligula's death

e) participated in the violent in-fighting of the imperial house

8. Which of the alternatives below is TRUE, according to the text?

a) Claudius was certainly poisoned by Agrippina.

b) A lot of people thought Agrippina had poisoned Claudius.

c) Just a few people believed Claudius had been poisoned by Agrippina.

d) Claudius poisoned Agrippina.

e) There was not a general belief that Agrippina had poisoned Claudius.

Internet estate agent

Houses For Sale in London, Flats for Sale in London

£269,995 3 Bedroom House For Sale In Hanwell,

Greater London

Bay fronted turn of the Century mid terrace house located in quiet street off Boston Manor

Road, Hanwell. 2 reception rooms, 3 bedrooms. Gas central heating. 80 foot south west facing

garden. Potential to make additional room in loft space subject to planning permission. The

property is chain free and available for immediate occupation.

(Disponível em:

London&PropSaleRent=S> Acesso em 07 mar. 2004.)<B

9.Mark the alternative that is FALSE according to the ad.

a) The house is located in London.

b) The house costs £269,995.

c) If you buy the house you can only occupy it after some time.

d) The house has got a garden and central heating.

e) If permission is given you can make an additional room.

10. The ad does not contain any information on:

a) the location of the house.

b) the price of the house.

c) the number of bedrooms.

d) the size of the house.

e) the age of the house.

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (29)

New York experiment

In this wireless age where e-mailing has replaced talking as the preferred mode of

communication, two young Americans have shown that conversing still beats computing anyway.

Liz Barry and Bill Wetzel are two friends who have travelled the streets of N.Y. with a "Talk to Me"

sign. Surprisingly, hundreds of people of all ages, races and religions have.

(Adapted from Speak Up, n.201, p.04)

11. Liz and Bill's experiment _____.

a) showed that e-mailing is more popular than conversing

b) had an unexpected result

c) used sign language

d) discussed race and religion

e) travelled around the U.S.

12. According to the text it is NOT correct to say that:

a) only young Americans talked to Liz and Bill.

b) e-mailing is known as the favorite mode of communication of this age.

c) the 'Talk to Me' sign made people talk to Liz and Bill.

d) the two Americans proved something people did not expect.

e) a lot of people talked to Liz and Bill.

Applying for a job

Some weeks after Leo Johnson had sent his resumé to Glow Co., a big fashion company, he was invited for an interview with Mr. Glen Custer, the general manager.

Mr. Custer: Why are you applying for a job here?Leo: Because this is a good company, I believe I will be able to improve myself and be useful to the growth of the firm.Mr. Custer: Do you have any experience?Leo: Last year I worked as a trainee at a bank.Mr. Custer: Hmmm... So, you have no experience....Leo: I have no experience as an employee, sir. But I´m sure you will like my work if you give me a chance.Mr. Custer: Uh uh! How much do you expect to earn?Leo: I don´t know the company´s wage policy. Perhaps you could help me with my answer.Mr. Custer: Our policy is according to the present job market.Leo: That´s great for me.Mr. Custer: How long do you plan to work with us?Leo: As long as it is interesting for both of us. But if it depends on me it will be for a long time.Mr. Custer: Well, I liked your answers. The job is yours. Congratulations!!Leo: Thank you very much, sir.Mr. Custer: You´re welcome.


1. According to the text, Leo Johnson:

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a) didn't answer all the questions during the interview.b) answered objectively all the questions Mr. Custer asked him.c) was insecure about some questionsd) has experience in bank management.e) wants to work for Glow Corporation for some time.

2. How much will Leo Johnson earn in his new job?

a) A high salary.b) It is not mentioned in the text.c) A low salary in the beginning.d) It will depend on his qualifications.e) Mr. Custer will decide after Johnson's trial period.

3. Mr. Custer probably gave the job to Leo Johnson because he:

a) appreciated Johnson's experience at a bank.b) felt sorry for Johnson.c) appreciated the interview.d) had to think about Johnson's questions.e) considered Johnson a good young student.

4. The expressions "Hmmm" and ''Uh uh" in the text probably mean:

a) hesitation and agreement.b) disgust and indifference.c) doubt and irony.d) disatisfaction and surprise.e) disappointment and reproach.

5. The question "How much do you expect to earn?" is approximately the same as:

a) How many dollars you pretend to receive?b) How much dollars do you intend to get?c) How high is the money you plan to make?d) What salary are you expecting to get?e) Which wage you have in mind?

6. Of all the movies I have seen lately the one I saw yesterday was __________.

a) the most worstb) worsec) worstd) the worsee) the worst

7. We don't know with __________ he was talking on the phone.

a) whatb) whomc) whichd) whosee) that

8. If he loses election, he __________ from public life.

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a) will retireb) has retiredc) retiredd) retiree) going to retire

9. "The seeds will be eaten by the birds" is the passive for:

a) The birds ate the seedsb) The birds will be eaten by the seedsc) The birds will eat the seedsd) The seeds will eat the birdse) The birds are going to eat the seeds

10. Lucy hates John and John hates Lucy. Lucy and John hate __________.

a) herselfb) himselfc) themselvesd) itselfe) each other

ITA - 2006

Prova de inglês do vestibular do ITA - 2006

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Hagar the horrible

Quadro 1

- Who's the next patient nurse?- A man named Lucky Eddie.

Quadro 2

->sigh< I knew things were going too smoothly to last!- _______________

Quadro 3

- What's wrong Lucky Eddie?- Ever since I was captured by the saxons last year I've been depressed.

Quadro 4

- I was tortured deprived of sleep and given nothing to eat but bread and water.

Quadro 5

- I was dragged through the streets in front of jeering crowds and questioned by sad*stic guards.

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Quadro 6

- But finally escaped and now I'm free to do anything I want.

Quadro 7

- So why are you depressed?

Quadro 8

- I miss all the attention.

1. "A man named", no primeiro quadrinho, é equivalente a:

a) a man whose name is. b) a man that the name is. c) a man who the name is.d) a man whom the name is. e) a man that is name.

2. "I knew things were going too smoothly to last!" é semelhante em português ao ditado:

a) É melhor prevenir do que remediar.b) Tudo que é bom dura pouco.c) Quem sabe faz a hora.d) Quanto mais rezo, mais assombração me aparece.e) Antes só do que mal acompanhado.

3. No segundo quadrinho, leia as falas que antecedem o balão em branco, bem como a fala que lhe sucede, e assinale a expressão que o preencheria adequadamente.

a) Okay. Put him on. b) Okay. Let me see.c) Okay. Send him away. d) Okay. Call him back.e) Okay. Send him in.

4. A palavra "but", no quarto quadrinho, é sinônimo de:

a) nevertheless. b) except. c) not even.d) unless. e) including.

5. "I was dragged", no início do quinto quadrinho, significa:

a) Fui surpreendido. b) Fui arrastado. c) Fui capturado. d) Fui exposto. e) Fui atirado.

6. A leitura da tira permite concluir que

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a) trata-se da primeira visita de Eddie ao local.b) Eddie está contente por se encontrar em liberdade.c) Eddie adoeceu em decorrência de uma forte depressão que teve no ano anterior.d) o interlocutor de Eddie não lhe foi solidário.e) há mais de um profissional da área da saúde no espaço onde se desenrola a cena.

7. Assinale, entre os adjetivos abaixo, o que melhor qualificaria Eddie.

a) Sensível. b) Hipocondríaco. c) Maníaco. d) Revoltado. e) Carente.

Dream on, America

THE U.S. MODEL: For years, much of the world did aspire to the American way of life. But today countries. are

finding more appealing systems in their own backyards.

by Andrew Moravcsik

Not long ago, the american dream was a global fantasy. Not only Americans saw themselves as a beacon unto nations. So did much of the world.(...)

You had only to listen to George W. Bush's Inaugural Address last week (invoking "freedom" and "liberty" 49 times) to appreciate just how deeply Americans still believe in this founding myth. For many in the world, the president's rhetoric confirmed their worst fears of an imperial America relentlessly pursuing its narrow national interests. But the greater danger may be a delusional America - one that believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the American Dream lives on, that America remains a model for the world, one whose mission is to spread the word.

The gulf between how Americans view themselves and how the world views them was summed up in a poll last week by the BBC. Fully 71 percent of Americans see the United States as a source of good in the world. More than half view Bush's election as positive for global security. Other studies report that 70 percent have faith in their domestic institutions and nearly 80 percent believe "American ideas and customs" should spread globally.

Foreigners take an entirely different view: 58 percent in the BBC poll see Bush's re-election as a threat to worldpeace. Among America's traditional allies, the figure is strikingly higher: 77 percent in Germany, 64 percent in Britain and 82 percent in Turkey. Among the 1.3 billion members of the Islamic world, public support for the United States is measured in single digits. Only Poland, the Philippines and India viewed, Bush's second Inaugural positively.

Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the president's first term is giving way to a more general anti Americanism. A plurality of voters (the average is 70 percent) in each of the 21 countries surveyed by the BBC oppose sending any troops to Iraq, including those in most of the countries that have done so. Only one third,

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disproportionately in the poorest and most dictatorial countries, would like to see American values spread in their country. Says Doug Miller of GlobeScan, which conducted the BBC report: "President Bush has further isolated America from the world. Unless the administration changes its approach, it will continue to erode America's good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs."(...)

The truth is that Americans are living in a dream world. Not only do others not share America's self regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the country's social and economic achievements. The loss of faith in the American Dream goes beyond this swaggering administration and its war in Iraq. A President Kerry........................ similar disaffection, for it grows from the success of something America holds dear: the spread of democracy, free markets and international institutions - globalization, in a word.

Countries today have dozens of political, economic and social models to choose from. Anti Americanism is especially virulent in Europe and Latin America, where countries have established their own distinctive ways - none made in America. Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin, in his recent book "The European Dream", hails an emerging European Union based on generous social welfare, cultural diversity and respect for international law - a model that's caught on quickly across the former nations of Eastern Europe and the Baltics. In Asia, the rise of autocratic capitalism in China or Singapore is as much a "model" for development as America's scandal-ridden corporate culture.(...)

Many are tempted to write off the new anti-Americanism as a temporary perturbation, or mere resentment.

Blinded by its own myth, America has grown incapable of recognizing its flaws. For there is much about the American . Dream to fault. If the rest of the world has lost faith in the American model - political, economic, diplomatic - it's partly for the very good reason that it doesn't work as well anymore.

Moravcsik teaches politics and directs the European Union Program at Princeton University.

Newsweek, January 31, 2005 Páginas 17-19

8. Assinale a opção que contenha idéias correlatas em ambas as afirmações I e II.

a) I. There is much about the American Dream to fault. / II. America has grown incapable of recognizing its flaws.b) I. America remains a model for the world. / II. Americans are living in a dream world.c) I. The United States are a source of good in the world. / II. Not long ago the American Dream was a global fantasy.d) I. Bush's re-election is a threat to world peace. / II. American ideas and customs should be spread.e) I. The American Dream lives on. / II. An imperial America relentlessly pursuing its narrow national interests.

9. Considere as afirmações:

I. O texto faz referência ao discurso de posse do presidente Americano George W.

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Bush.II. No mundo islâmico em geral, a aprovação às políticas americanas não chega a 10%.III. A maioria dos americanos empenha-se para que os Estados Unidos continuem sendo um modelo para o resto do mundo.

Então, está(ão) de acordo com o texto

a) as afirmações I e II.b) as afirmações I e III.c) apenas a afirmação I.d) apenas a afirmação II.e) todas as afirmações.

10. A palavra "term" em " Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the president's first term is giving way to a more general anti Americanism." (parágrafo 5) quer dizer

a) eleição.b) termo.c) discurso.d) mandato.e) programa de governo.

11. A expressão "to give way to" em " Tellingly, the anti-Bushism of the president's first term is giving way to a more general anti Americanism ." (parágrafo 5) é equivalente a

a) to agree with.b) to prepare for.c) to avoid.d) to cooperate with.e) to make room for.

12. A frase "countries that have done so", em " including those in most of the countries that have done so." (parágrafo 5) faz referência a

a) countries that have sent troops.b) countries that have supported Bush's policy.c) countries that have been surveyed.d) countries that have opposed sending troops.e) one third of the 21 countries surveyed by BBC.

13. Leia atentamente todo o período transcrito abaixo, verifique as idéias contidas nas orações introduzidas por "unless" e "hence" e assinale a opção que, respectivamente, expressa tais idéias.

Unless the administration changes its approach, it will continue to erode America's good name, and hence its ability to effectively influence world affairs.

a) Uma causa e uma concessão.b) Uma explicação e uma adição.c) Uma condição e uma explicação.d) Uma explicação e uma conclusão.e) Uma condição e uma conclusão.

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14. A expressão to "write off", no início do último parágrafo do texto, quer dizer

a) explicar.b) descartar.c) registrar.d) encarar.e) tomar.

15. Assinale a opção que contém a idéia principal do texto.

a) O surgimento da União Européia e do capitalismo autocrático da China e de Singapura como modelos alternativos ao modelo americano.b) O rechaço ao chamado "American Dream".c) A opinião que os americanos têm de si e que só encontra eco em países pobres e ditatoriais.d) A perda da fé no modelo americano.e) A crença que os americanos mantêm no chamado "American Dream".

16. Na menção a Kerry, candidato derrotado nas últimas eleições presidenciais nos Estados Unidos, em " A President Kerry)..................... similar disaffection, for it grows from the success of something America holds dear: the spread of democracy, free markets and international institutions - globalization, in a word." há omissão do verbo. Assinale a forma verbal que preenche corretamente aquela lacuna.

a) would have to confrontb) confrontedc) had to confrontd) has to confronte) would have had to confront

17. Na sentença: "Not only do others not share America's self-regard, they no longer aspire to emulate the country's social and economic achievements." Essa opinião do autor se fundamenta

a) na percepção de um certo "anti-bushismo".b) na interferência americana no Iraque.c) na defesa americana da democracia.d) na arrogância do atual governo. .e) na prática da globalização preconIzada pelos Estados Unidos.

Meanwhile in Belarus

Female travelers in Belarus can finally breathe easy. Repeated complains about malodor__I__male passengers - particularly, those with smell ____II ____socks and pungent onion-and-vodka-scented breath - have convinced Belarusian Railroads to give single-sex compartments a chance. A trial separation is being offered on the Moscow-Minsk service, with plans to extend the practice to other trains if the experiment is a success. However, the ladies' compartments will not be especially fresh ___III__before boarding, no matter how odoriferous previous occupants may have been.

by Lillian Kennet.

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Time, April 25, 2005

18. Assinale a opção cujo(s) sufixo(s) complete(m) , respectivamente, as palavras "malodor", "smell" e "fresh". Para tanto, lembre-se que lhe poderá ser útil a identificação prévia da categoria gramatical das respectivas palavras.

19. O tema central do texto é/são

a) alguns hábitos do povo bielo-russo.b) o sistema ferroviário bielo-russo.c) a segregação da mulher na Bielo-Rússia.d) uma experiência levada a efeito numa linha de trem na Bielo-Rússia.e) a democratização nos trens da Bielo-Rússia.

20. Da leitura do texto depreende-se que na Bielo-Rússia

a) a mulher teme ser molestada dentro dos trens.b) um número significativo de homens não se preocupa muito com a higiene pessoal.c) é costumeiro os homens se embebedarem dentro dos trens.d) a cebola é amplamente utilizada na culinária local.e) os compartimentos reservados às mulheres nos trens requerem menos cuidados.

As questões 1 e 2 referem-se à manchete da capa da revista Time, abaixo reproduzida:

I II IIIa)ous ful edb)ed ous funessc)ous y enedd)fully ishness ede)ed ful y

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1.Na frase "Secrets of the New Matrix: We're the FIRST to see the movie and play the videogame! If we told you everything, they'd have to kill us", extraída da manchete da revista Time, os pronomes "we" e "you" referem-se, respectivamente, a

a) editores da Time - público que assistiu à estréia do filme.b) diretores do filme "The Matrix Reloaded" - público em geral.c) público que assistiu à estréia do filme - público em geral.d) editores da Time - leitores da revista Time.e) público que assistiu à estréia do filme - leitores da revista Time.

2.Considere as seguintes asserções:

- Em "We're" e "they'd", "'re" e "'d" são, respectivamente contrações de flexões verbais dos verbos ______I ______ e _______II________ .

- Uma outra forma de expressar a oração "If we told you everything, they'd have to kill us." é__III__.

A opção que melhor preenche as lacunas I, II e III é

I II IIIa)are would They'd kill us, unless we told you everything.

b)are had They had to kill us, unless we told you everything.

c)were would Unless we told you everything, they would have to kill us.

d)were could Unless we told you everything, they could kill us.

e)are would They wouldn't have to kill us, unless we told you everything.

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As questões de 3 a 7 referem-se ao texto abaixo:

(...) Languages have always died. As cultures have risen and fallen, so their languages have emerged and disappeared. We can get some sense of it following the appearance of written language, for we now have records (in various forms - inscriptions, clay tablets, documents) of dozens of extinct languages from classical times - Bithynian, Cilician, Pisidian, Phrygian, Paphlagonian, Etruscan, Sumerian, Elamite, Hittite... We know of some 75 extinct languages which have been spoken in Europe and Asia Minor. But the extinct languages of which we have some historical record in this part of the world must be only a fraction of those for which we have nothing. And when we extend our coverage to the whole world, where written records of ancient languages are largely absent, it is easy to see that no sensible estimate can be obtained about the rate at which languages have died in the past. We can of course make guesses at the size of the population in previous eras, and the likely size of communities, and (on the assumption that each community would have had its own language) work out possible numbers of languages.(...)

(Crystal, D. Language Death. C.U.P. 2000:68)

3.Considere as seguintes asserções:

I. Há registro de cerca de 75 línguas, hoje extintas, que já foram faladas na Europa e na Ásia Menor.II. O exame do surgimento da linguagem escrita pode nos dar pistas sobre as razões do aparecimento e desaparecimentodas línguas.III. As línguas extintas das quais temos registro hoje em dia representam a maior parte das línguas conhecidas.

Das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas I e II.b) apenas I e III.c) apenas II e III.d) todas.e) nenhuma.

4.Assinale a opção que contém os respectivos referentes dos itens abaixo relacionados:

"their" em "…so their languages have emerged…""which" em "…of those for which we have nothing…""where" em "…where written records of ancient languages…"

a) languages; historical record; ancient languages.b) cultures; extinct languages; the whole world.c) written languages; a fraction of languages; the past.d) cultures; extinct languages; the past.e) cultures; a fraction of languages; the whole world.

5.Assinale a opção que contém as respectivas melhores traduções para os verbos sublinhados nos trechos abaixo:

"But the extinct languages of which we have some historical record in this part of the world must be only a fraction of those for which…"

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"…no sensible estimate can be obtained about the rate at which…""We can of course make guesses…"

a) devem; pode; pode.b) devem; pode; podem.c) devem; pode; podemos.d) deve; podem; pode.e) deve; podem; podemos.

6.Assinale a opção que contém outra forma de expressar a frase "on the assumption that each community would have had….

a) has each community had… b) had each community had… c) if we assume that each community will have had…d) if each community has had…e) assuming each community will have…

7.Assinale a opção que contém uma conjunção que não pode substituir "for" em "for we now have…".

a) as b) due to the fact that c) sinced) becausee) so

As questões de 8 a 10 referem-se ao seguinte trecho, extraído de uma entrevista:

Hywel Rhys Thomas, 56, is an authority on Education. Holder of a PhD in Education from the University of Birmingham, he has worked as a lecturer, administrator and researcher in Europe and as a consultant in Africa and South America. Last September he took part in "Education and Science as Strategies for National Development", an international seminar held in Brasília organised by UNESCO and the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Dr. Thomas, who participated as a guest of the British Council, discussed his ideas with Link UK:

Link: ..........( I )..............

H. R. Thomas: Over the last 15 years, the United Kingdom has been a place where major reforms have been introduced into almost all parts of the education system. It has become a 'natural laboratory', where different methods have been employed. We have gone from a system with very great professional autonomy to one where there is much more direction. My presentation explored the issue of balance between autonomy and control.

Link: What is the greatest challenge for Education in a country like Brazil?

H. R. Thomas: Clearly, sufficient resources are a major challenge. It is also important to move towards more active learning. The leading economies of the 21st century will be ones where people are lifelong learners and the only way in which you become a lifelong learner is to learn how to learn. This must mean moving away from passive acquisition of knowledge to a model where there is more emphasis on analytical and critical skills.

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(adapted from Link UK. March/April/May/June, 2004)

8. Assinale a opção que contém a melhor pergunta para a lacuna (I).

a) Why is it important to look for a balance between autonomy and control?b) What was your talk about?c) Why was it important to introduce a reform in the British educational system?d) How long have you been working in this project?e) Why did you talk about autonomy and control in your presentation?

9.Cada uma das opções abaixo refere-se a um termo ou expressão extraídos da entrevista. Assinale a opção em que o termo não corresponde ao significado explicitado.

a) major - importante.b) employed - utilizados.c) issue - resultado.d) moving away - distanciar-se.e) skills - habilidades.

10.Considere as seguintes asserções:

I. Dentre outras atividades, H. R. Thomas já trabalhou como pesquisador e consultor na área da Educação.II. As reformas no sistema educacional britânico foram feitas há 15 anos.III. Durante o Seminário realizado em Brasília, H. R. Thomas falou sobre a importância do equilíbrio entre autonomia e controle na Educação.IV. Na opinião de H. R. Thomas, é essencial que a escola incentive os alunos a aprender a aprender.

Então, das afirmações acima, estão corretas

a) apenas I e III.b) apenas I, III e IV.c) apenas II e III.d) apenas II, III e IV.

As questões de 11 a 17 referem-se aos seguintes parágrafos:

The smaller boys were known by the generic title of "littluns". The decrease in size, from Ralph down, was gradual; and though there was a dubious region inhabited by Simon and Robert and Maurice, nevertheless no one had any difficulty in recognizing biguns at one end and littluns at the other. The undoubted littluns, those aged about six, led a quite distinct, and at the same time intense, life of their own. They ate most of the day, picking fruit where they could reach it and not particular about ripeness and quality. They were used now to stomach-aches and a sort of chronic diarrhoea. They suffered untold terrors in the dark and huddled together for comfort. Apart from food and sleep, they found time for play, aimless and trivial, among the white sand by the bright water. They cried for their mothers much less often than might have been expected; they were very brown, and filthily dirty. They obeyed the summons of the conch, partly because Ralph blew it, and he was big enough to be a link with the adult world of authority; and partly because they enjoyed the entertainment of the assemblies. But otherwise they seldom bothered with the biguns and their passionately emotional and corporate life was their own.

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They had built castles in the sand at the bar of the little river. These castles were about one foot high and were decorated with shells, withered flowers, and interesting stones. Round the castles was a complex of marks, tracks, walls, railway lines, that were of significance only if inspected with the eye at beach-level. The littluns played here, if not happily at least with absorbed attention; and often as many as three of them would play the same game together.

(Golding, W. Lord of the flies. 1954/1977:64-65)

11.Assinale a opção em que as orações desmembradas da sentença "The undoublet littluns, those aged about six, led a quite distinct, and at the same time intense, life of their own." , mantêm o significado original.

a) The lives of the littluns, who were six, were really distinct. They were also quite intense.b) Those aged six were called the littluns. Their lives were distinct and intense.c) The littluns' lives were distinct. At the same time, they were very intense.d) The boys aged six led a quite distinct life. They also led a very intense life.e) The undoubted littluns were the ones about six. They led a quite distinct and intense life of their own.

12.Assinale a opção que contém os respectivos significados dos termos "nevertheless" em "…nevertheless no one had…" e "otherwise" em "But otherwise…".

a) apesar disso; entretanto.b) entretanto; assim sendo.c) aliás; conseqüentemente.d) no entanto; fora isso.e) portanto; por outro lado.

13.Em "… and though there was a dubious region inhabited by Simon and Robert and Maurice,…" , uma outra forma de escrever o trecho "and though there was…" é

a) … and despite there was… .b) … and, however there was… .c) … and furthermore there being… .d) … and no matter there bein… .e) … and in spite of the fact that there was… .

14.O significado do termo "untold" em "They suffered untold terrors in the dark…" é

a) alucinantes.b) inexpressáveis.c) irreconhecíveis.d) incompreensíveis.e) lancinantes.

15.Assinale a opção que expressa uma idéia não contida no texto.

a) Os meninos grandes raramente eram incomodados pelos pequenos.b) Os meninos pequenos apanhavam as frutas onde as podiam alcançar.

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c) Os meninos pequenos sentiam muita falta de suas mães.d) Além de comer e dormir, os meninos preenchiam seu tempo brincando.e) Os meninos pequenos respondiam ao chamado de Ralph, que era um menino mais velho.

16.O pronome "they" em "They had built castles…", refere-se a

a) the biguns and the littluns.b) Simon, Roger and Maurice.c) Ralph, Simon, Roger and Maurice.*d) the littluns.e) the biguns.

17.Os termos "withered" em "withered flowers" ; "railway" em "railways lines" ; "absorbed" em "absorbed attention" e "often" em "and often as many as three of them" têm, respectivamente, as funções gramaticais de

a) adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo; advérbio.b) adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo; adjetivo.c) adjetivo; adjetivo; verbo; advérbio.d) verbo; substantivo; verbo; advérbio.e) verbo; substantivo; adjetivo; adjetivo.

A questão 18 refere-se ao texto abaixo:

North American Women Sweep Top Honors at Intel Competition

For the first time in the history of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the top three award winners were women. Each of the three high-school students won an Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award at the fair, held last May in Cleveland Ohio.

Elena Glassman from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Lisa Glukhovsky from New Milford, Connecticut, and Anila Madiraju from Montreal each won a $50000 scholarship and a personal computer.

For her project, Glukhovsky, a junior, used simultaneous images of near-Earth objects (asteroids) from two observatory sites and a computer spreadsheet she created to determine the distance from Earth to asteroids. Her results closely agreed with NASA predictions.

Glassman, a junior, designed a computer science project that used electrical signals from the brain to detect whether a person intends to make a left-handed movement. A potential application is to enable handicapped individuals to operate a computer. Madiraju, a senior, showed that a method involving the use of a type of RNA to target and kill cancerous cells is effective without the toxic side effects typically associated with anticancer drugs.

This year, students from 36 countries competed for $ 3 million in scholarships and awards. Next year's competition will be held in Portland, Oregon, in May.

(Tweed, A. Physics Today. August 2003)

18.Considere as seguintes asserções:

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I.A estudante Lisa Glukhovsky desenvolveu uma planilha que será utilizada pela NASA para determinar a distância entre a Terra e asteróides.II.O projeto de Elena Glassman poderá auxiliar deficientes no uso de computadores.III.O objetivo do projeto de Anila Madiraju é o desenvolvimento de um método para atingir e eliminar células cancerígenas que não provoca efeitos colaterais, normalmente associados a medicamentos dessa natureza.

Então, das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas a I.b) apenas a II.c) apenas I e III.d) apenas II e III.e) todas.

As questões 19 e 20 referem-se ao seguinte texto, extraído da contracapa de um livro:

The five topics discussed here are of interest both for specialists in these fields, and for anyone who would like to get an overview of the University's problems today. A circ*mstantial change in the event's order of issues showed us how strongly they are all linked together, something which will now allow the reader to go through the book according to his personal preferences.

Rather than proposing conclusive answers to all these problems, the papers and debates here gathered intend to stimulate reflections about the roles and possibilities of the University.

(Bolle, W., ed. The University of the 21st Century. 2001)

19.O principal objetivo do texto é

a) traçar um panorama sobre os problemas existentes no ambiente universitário.b) divulgar uma Universidade.c) sintetizar o conteúdo de uma coletânea de artigos publicados em um livro.d) propor/promover uma reflexão sobre o papel da Universidade na sociedade.e) propor debates sobre os problemas da Universidade.

20.O termo "here", refere-se

a) ao livro de cuja contracapa o texto foi extraído.b) à Universidade em questão.c) aos cinco tópicos mencionados no texto.d) à ligação existente entre os conteúdos dos artigos observada pelos autores.e) aos problemas analisados nos diversos artigos que compõem o livro.

ITA - 2004

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Job Interview

Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked the young Engineer fresh out of MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"

The Engineer said, "In the neighborhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefits package."

The HR Person said, "Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years - say, a red Corvette?"

The Engineer sat up straight and said, "Wow!!! Are you kidding?"

And the HR Person said, "Of course, ... but you started it."

(Texto extraído de uma mensagem recebida por e-mail)

1.Qual dos adjetivos abaixo melhor descreve a atitude inicial do engenheiro recém-formado?

a) Bem-humorada. b) Corajosa. c) Pretensiosa.d) Humilde.e) Maliciosa.

2.Considere as seguintes interpretações em relação à entrevista:

I. Dentre os benefícios oferecidos pela empresa para a vaga, estão: 5 semanas de férias anuais e um carro novo a cada 2 anos.II. O engenheiro recém formado será contratado pela empresa por um salário que supera suas expectativas.III. A pretensão salarial do candidato está aquém do que a empresa oferece.

Das afirmações acima, está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto

a) apenas a I. b) apenas a III. c) apenas I e II.d) apenas I e III.e) nenhuma.

First, let me tell you where I'm coming from. Before I saw "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", I didn't know the difference between an orc and an elf, or what Middle-earth was in the middle of. This review is coming to you from a Tolkien-freezone. I went in to Peter Jackson's movie - the first of a trilogy - with no preconceptions. I came out, three hours later, sorry I'd have to wait a year to see what happens next in Frodo Baggins's battle against the Dark Lord, Sauron, and thinking a trip to the bookstore to pick "The Two Towers" might be in order. (...)This is a violent movie - too violent for little ones - and there are moments more "Matrix" than medieval. Yet it transcends cheap thrills; we root for the survival of our heroes with a depth of feeling that may come as a surprise. The movie keeps

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drawing you in deeper. Unlike so many overcooked action movies these days, "Fellowship" doesn't entertain you into a stupor. It leaves you with your wits intact, hungry for more.

(fonte omitida para evitar indução na resposta)

3.O texto acima foi redigido originalmente como

a) uma sinopse do filme "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", dirigido por Peter Jackson.b) uma crítica ao filme "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".c) um informativo sobre o lançamento do filme "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", dirigido por Tolkien.d) uma palestra sobre a obra literária de Tolkien e os filmes de Peter Jackson.e) uma mensagem enviada por e-mail ao fã-clube de Tolkien.

4.Assinale a opção correta.

a) O autor do texto é leitor assíduo da obra de Tolkien.b) O autor do texto tinha grandes expectativas com relação ao filme antes de assisti-lo.c) O filme fez com que o autor se sentisse tentado a adquirir um livro de Tolkien.d) O autor recomenda o filme para adultos e crianças.e) O filme dirigido por Peter Jackson assemelha-se a Matrix.

5.Os termos "Yet" e "Unlike", no segundo parágrafo, significam, respectivamente,

a) Entretanto - Diferentemente.b) Portanto - Conforme.c) Assim - Diferentemente.d) Entretanto - Conforme.e) Assim - No entanto.

And Now, the Birdcast

Passing almost unnoticed in the night, billions of birds will fly over the mid-Atlantic states this spring on their annual migration northward. A new Web site will help ornithologists pinpoint critical habitat for the feathered travelers by combining weather radar data with old-fashioned fieldwork.Radar has been used to track bird migrations since around 1940, says Steve Kelling, who heads BirdSource, a bird database at Cornell University. But the potential payoff grew about 5 years ago when the government began installing Doppler radar Stations, which yield high-resolution three-dimensional data. Ornithologists are eager to use Doppler to track bird movement, but first, they need to calibrate it with data from the ground.So Cornell, Clemson University, and other groups have launched BirdCast. Every few hours from 1 April to 31 May, radar images of the Philadelphia to Washington, D. C., area - some filtered to remove weather and reveal birds - will be posted on the project's Web site ( The site will also collect observations from several hundred citizen-scientists (birdwatchers, that is), which will be combined with other data, such as chirps picked up by acoustic monitors. Kelling says the results should reveal the bird's favorite rest stops, highlighting priority areas for protection. Eventually, BirdCast hopes to go nationwide.

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SCIENCE Vol 288 7 April 2000

6.A idéia principal abordada pela notícia é

a) o lançamento do BirdCast, um radar desenvolvido pela Universidade de Cornell, que capta imagens dos movimentos migratórios de pássaros na primavera.b) o lançamento de um novo "site" na internet que tem por objetivo auxiliar ornitólogos no estudo dos movimentos migratórios de pássaros na primavera.c) a facilidade de acesso de ornitólogos e de "cidadãos-cientistas" a um banco de dados desenvolvido pela Universidade de Cornell.d) a participação de "cidadãos-cientistas" no estudo desenvolvido pela Universidade de Cornell sobre o movimento migratório de pássaros na primavera.e) a descoberta de áreas que necessitam de proteção ambiental para preservar espécies raras de pássaros.

7.Considere as seguintes asserções:

I. A intenção dos idealizadores do "BirdCast" é que ele se torne um projeto de abrangência nacional.II. Radares são utilizados em estudos de movimentos migratórios dos pássaros há mais de 60 anos.III. A implantação de estações de radar Doppler permite a coleta de dados de alta resolução em três dimensões.

Então, das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas a I.b) apenas a II.c) apenas a III.d) apenas I e III.e) todas.

8.Os termos "feathered travelers" em "critical habitat for the feathered travelers" (parágrafo 1), "it" em "they need to calibrate it with data" (parágrafo 2) e "which" em "which will be combined with other data" (parágrafo 3) referem-se, respectivamente, a

a) ornithologists, bird movement e citizen-scientists. b) birds, Doppler e citizen-scientistis. c) birds, bird movement e observations.d) birds, Doppler e observations.e) ornithologists, Doppler e observations.

9.Os termos "weather" em, em "weather radar data" , "heads", em "who heads BirdSource" ; e "rest", em "bird's favorite rest stops" têm, respectivamente, as funções gramaticais de

a) substantivo, substantivo e verbo.b) adjetivo, substantivo e adjetivo. c) adjetivo, verbo e adjetivo.d) adjetivo, verbo e verbo.e) substantivo, verbo e adjetivo.

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10.Cada uma das opções abaixo se refere a um termo extraído da notícia. Assinale a opção em que o termo não corresponde, respectivamente, ao significado e/ou à função gramatical explicitados.

a) "northward" em "annual migration northward" (parágrafo 1): rumo ao norte, advérbio. b) 'pinpoint" em "will help ornithologists pinpoint" (parágrafo 1): detectar, verbo. c) "data" em "weather radar data" (parágrafo 1): dados, substantivo.d) "yield" em "which yield high-resolution" (parágrafo 2): fornecer, verbo.e) "eventually" em "Eventually, BirdCast hopes" (parágrafo 3): casualmente, advérbio.

A New Generation: New Intellectual OpportunitiesJames Youniss

The Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., USA

These comments on the publication of the new handbook are written from the perspective of a member of the in-between generation. In-betweeners were born about the time Murchison edited the first and second handbooks in the 1930s. They spent childhood watching newreels of World War II at movie houses featuring 'cowboy' serials on Saturday afternoons. Their professional education straddled two psychological eras. It began just as the 'experimental psychology' paradigm was ending its domination and it was completed as new alternatives were coming into view. (…)Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have been part of that powerful and long-lasting generation that entered the military during World War II and filled the universities immediately after the war. This unusual cohort held leadership in the discipline of psychology in general and developmental psychology, in particular, for several decades. (…)

11.Assinale a opção que não expressa uma idéia contida no texto.

a) O autor dos comentários sobre o novo manual escreve da perspectiva de um membro da geração de psicólogos que se autodenominam "intermediários".b) Os "intermediários" passaram a infância assistindo a noticiários sobre a 2 a Guerra Mundial.c) Os "intermediários" nasceram no período entre a edição do primeiro e do segundo Manuais editados por Murchison, nos anos 30.d) A formação profissional dos "intermediários" deu-se entre dois períodos da Psicologia.e) Na época da 2a Guerra, os cinemas exibiam filmes de cowboy para as crianças nas tardes de sábado.

12.Assinale a opção que contém uma expressão equivalente a: "Had they been born", em "Had they been born just a few years earlier…" e que, portanto, poderia vir a substituí-la no texto.

a) They had been born…b) When they had been born… c) As they had been born…d) Whether they had been born…e) If they had been born…

13.Assinale a opção que contém a melhor tradução de "that powerful and long-

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lasting generation" .

a) aquela geração poderosa e duradourab) aquela geração forte e cheia de oportunidadesc) aquela geração poderosa e eficiented) aquela geração forte e aproveitadorae) aquela geração poderosa e eterna

14.O termo "cohort" em "This unusual cohort held leadership " (parágrafo 2) refere-se

a) ao grupo autodenominado intermediário.b) à geração a que pertence o autor do texto.c) à geração que participou da 2ª Guerra Mundial.d) a estudantes universitários de Psicologia.e) a profissionais do campo da Psicologia Experimental.

Men in cobalt-blue

In reality, a perfume is the liquid essence of herbs, fruit, flowers and certain woods. In dreams, it's not that way. In the ebb and flow of the imagination, a perfume always breathes. When creating his recent Polo Ralph Lauren Blue, stylist Ralph Lauren began with the freedom suggested by the color blue: seaside, cloudless sky and jeans. From this feeling arose the other elements of the new cologne. In the vocabulary of a perfumist, there are the warm tones of melon and tangerine, of basil and sage and the soft scents of amber and musk. The idea is to please an urban man who is taken by adventure, the sea and jeans. It follows the original Polo, that is now 25 years old.

ICARO August 2003 p. 14

15.Assinale a opção que não está de acordo com o texto.

a) Ao criar seu mais recente perfume, Ralph Lauren inspirou-se na liberdade sugerida pela cor azul.b) O novo perfume de Ralph Lauren foi criado após 25 anos de existência do Polo original.c) Um perfume é uma essência líquida de ervas, frutas, flores e certas madeiras.d) Para Ralph Lauren, o homem urbano, que gosta de aventuras, sempre vai usar um Polo original.e) O nome do novo perfume de Ralph Lauren é Polo Ralph Lauren Blue.

16.Os adjetivos "warm" e "soft" em "warm tones" e "soft scents" significam, respectivamente,

a) quentes e aconchegantes. b) cálidos e suaves.c) sutis e refrescantes.d) leves e macios.e) fortes e leves.

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17.Qual das opções abaixo melhor preenche a lacuna no cartoon?

a) you're replacedb) you're being replacedc) you were replacedd) you replacede) you've replaced

In the pipeline

The sewer systems of Europe could soon provide a conduit for more than water and waste. A machine vision sewer inspection project has sparked interest in using the pipes to lay cables for telecommunications traffic. The project, named Inspecting Sewage Systems and Image Analysis by Computer, or Isaac, is part of a larger European Commission-backed initiative to promote use of vision technology. Project coordinator Mark Sawyer explained that the inspection system employs a tractor-mounted CCD matrix camera and curved mirrors for imaging inside the pipes, and proprietary software to convert the data into a perspective that humans can interpret. It will enable rapid detection of defects in pipe walls and could be in operation within 18 months. "The prospect of using the sewers for telecommunications is still evolving", he said. Commercial relationships between cable companies and sewer landlords must be negotiated, and the technology to install cables has yet to be developed. "However", he added, "an accurate survey of the sewer system brings it closer." It's a concept that could well "go down the tubes".

PHOTONICS SPECTRA March 2003 p. 176

18.A idéia principal abordada pelo texto é

a) a busca de formas alternativas para tratamento de água e esgoto na Europa.b) a implementação imediata de novas tecnologias no campo das telecomunicações.c) o uso de tecnologia avançada na detecção de defeitos em cabos utilizados para telecomunicações.d) a possibilidade de utilização dos encanamentos de água e esgoto também para instalação de cabos de telecomunicações.e) o aprimoramento das relações comerciais entre empresas dos setores de tratamento de água e de telecomunicações.

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19.Considere as seguintes asserções:

I. O projeto Isaac entrará em funcionamento dentro de um ano e meio.II. O software utilizado no projeto Isaac e um dos componentes essenciais para auxiliar na detecção de defeitos em encanamentos de água e esgoto.III. O projeto Isaac também é responsável por uma iniciativa mais ampla de uma Comissão Européia responsável por pesquisas no campo tecnológico.

Então, das afirmações acima, está(ão) correta(s).

a) apenas a I.b) apenas a II.c) apenas a III.d) apenas II e III.e) apenas I e II.

20.Assinale a opção que não condiz com o texto:

a) 'sparked', em "has sparked interest", tem significado semelhante a 'stimulated'.b) 'lay' , em "lay cables", é o mesmo que 'install'.c) 'enable', em "will enable rapid detection", significa o mesmo que "allow".d) 'evolving', em "is still evolving", é o mesmo que 'in progress'.e) 'go down the tubes' é usado com significado semelhante a 'fail'.

ITA - 2003

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As questões de 1 a 4 referem-se às tirasabaixo:

Quadrinho 1

- Wally, our auditors found 40 gigabits of bikini pictures on your PC.

Quadrinho 2

- That is grounds for dismissal. How do you plead?

Quadrinho 3

- Innocent- Technically they didn't find any pictures.

Quadrinho 4

- What they found were zeros and ones resting harmlessly on magnetic media.

Quadrinho 5

- It was the auditors themselves who activated those harmless bits to form pictures on the screen!

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Quadrinho 6

- I demand that those godless auditors be fired.

Quadrinho 7

- And if it's not too much trouble, I'd like my zeros and ones back.

Quadrinho 8

- Was justice served?- It's a gray area.

Star Tribune - Comics - SCOTT ADAMS

Sunday, June 4, 2000

1.A palavra "grounds" (2º quadrinho) quer dizer:

a) chão. b) possibilidade.c) motivo. d) terra.e) necessidade.

2.A palavra "fired", (6º quadrinho) no contexto em questão:

a) significa "alvejado" (por arma de fogo).b) tem o significado de "interrogados".c) pode ser traduzida pelo particípio "presos".d) é sinônimo de "dismissed".e) é particípio passado do verbo queimar.

3.Das considerações abaixo:

I. Wally fazia uso indevido do computador.II. Wally era inocente da acusação dos auditores.III. Os argumentos de defesa de Wally foram, provavelmente, acatados pela justiça.IV. A atitude de Wally pode ser expressa pelo provérbio "a justiça tarda mas não falha".

estão corretas:

a) apenas as I e II.b) apenas as I, III e IV.c) apenas as I e III.d) apenas as II, III e IV.e) todas.

4.Assinale a opção cujo adjetivo melhor descreve a atitude de Wally no referido contexto:

a) intempestiva. *b) dissimulada.c) corajosa. d) recatada.e) precipitada.

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About MenCard Sharks

By Erick Lundegaard

If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I ____I____guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation - for the credit card companies___II___ me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most.

The absurdity in my case is the puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. That's roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations. Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesn't matter - American Express, People's Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me I'll have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titilated with each newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth.(...)

At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of America's best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door?(...)

In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to outwit the authorities. Now it seems there's no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer generated name. It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age.

Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a paltry income can't keep them away, what will?

Death? Probably not even death.

I'll be six feet under and still receiving mail. "Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer."

A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate

5.Assinale a opção que poderia preencher respectiva e corretamente as lacunas I e II do texto:

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a) would still be / would still wantb) will still be / will still wantc) would still have been / would still have wantedd) still am / still wante) may still be / may still want

6.O significado da palavra "hot", (parágrafo 1), é semelhante, em português, a:

a) insistentes. b) quentes.c) ávidos. d) ousados.e) competitivos.

7.A palavra "for", (parágrafo 1), poderia ser substituída por:

a) yet. b) why.c) still. d) but.e) because.

8.Cada uma das opções abaixo é iniciada com uma palavra extraída do texto, devendo ser seguida de outras duas palavras que lhe sejam sinônimas. Assinale a opção em que isso não ocorre:

a) puny (parágrafo 2) > small, limited.b) spree (parágrafo 3) > bank, institution.c) outwit (parágrafo 4) > trick, cheat.d) paltry (parágrafo 5) > insignificant, unimportant.e) stringent (parágrafo 6) > severe, restrictive.

9.O pronome "it", (parágrafo 4) do texto, refere-se a:

a) hiding place.*b) improperly spelled, computer-generated name.c) bureaucratic age.d) ultimate camouflage.e) the authorities.

10.Das afirmações abaixo:

I. The puny sum being sought, (parágrafo 2), equivale, na voz ativa, a "the puny sum they seek".II. Yet, (parágrafo 2), tem função de conjunção.III. Os comparativos newer e lower, (parágrafo 2), referem-se às administradoras de cartão de crédito que entram no mercado a cada ano.IV. Em he has already been preapproved,(parágrafo 3), o autor faz uso do Present Perfect Tense porque se refere a uma ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.

estão corretas:

a) todas.

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b) apenas as I, II e IV.c) apenas as II e III. d) apenas as III e IV.e) apenas as I e II.

11.Das afirmações abaixo:

I. Determinadas práticas das administradoras de cartão de crédito mencionadas pelo autor parecem fazê-lo sentir-se reduzido a uma cifra.II. Erick Lundegaard vislumbrou a possibilidade de "calote" em administradoras de cartão de crédito.III. O autor do texto é usuário contumaz de cartão de crédito.

está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas as I e II. b) apenas as II e III.c) apenas as I e III. d) nenhuma.e) todas.

12.De acordo com o texto:

I. Só a morte do destinatário pode interromper o envio frenético de correspondência feito pelas administradoras de cartões de crédito.II. A correspondência gerada pelas administradoras de cartão de crédito atenua a sensação de abandono de um número considerável de pessoas.III. Erick acredita que a avalanche de correspondência enviada pelas administradoras de cartão de crédito tem o mérito de manter os usuários de seus serviços informados sobre as taxas por elas praticadas.

está(ão) correta(s):

a) apenas as I e II. b) apenas as II e III.c) apenas a III. d) nenhuma.e) todas.

13.Assinale, entre as considerações abaixo, a que não pode ser depreendida da leitura do texto:

a) As administradoras de cartão de crédito não se interessam por aqueles indivíduos que mais necessitam delas.b) A vida de Lundegaard é marcada por constantes mudanças.c) O autor considera seu trabalho bastante interessante.d) Operadoras de cartão de crédito oferecem isenção de taxa a seus clientes.e) Inovações tecnológicas podem influir para a mudança de comportamentos criminosos.

I want to be six again

A man asked his wife what she'd like for her birthday. "I'd love to be six again," she replied.

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On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear - everything there was!

Wow! Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right to a McDonald's they went, where her husband ordered a Big Mac for her along with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie - the latest Star Wars epic, and hot dogs, popcorn, Pepsi Cola and M&Ms. What a fabulous adventure!

Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed.

He leaned over and lovingly asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being six again?"

One eye opened. "You idiot, I meant my dress size."

The moral of this story is: if a woman speaks and a man is there to hear her, he will get it wrong anyway.

14.Segundo o texto:

a) O marido em questão tem por costume proporcionar à esposa experiências que a fazem sentir jovem e feliz.b) Voltar a ser criança era o desejo da referida esposa no dia de seu aniversário.c) A esposa em questão é do tipo de pessoa que come compulsivamente.d) Não é aconselhável tentar repetir, na idade adulta, o padrão de atividade física exercido na infância.e) Os homens nunca entendem o que as mulheres pretendem comunicar-lhes.

15.O texto revela uma mulher:

a) imatura.b) jovial.c) rancorosa.d) "de mal com a vida".e) preocupada com a forma física.

16.A frase: "My father once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition there" é atribuída a Indira Gandhi. A intenção do pai de Indira, em relação à filha, era provavelmente

a) fazê-la saber da existência de conflitos em ambiente de trabalho.b) transmitir-lhe valores relativos à atitude diante do trabalho.c) preveni-la contra a competição no mercado de trabalho.d) apontar-lhe um caminho curto para a obtenção do sucesso profissional.e) prepará-la para a crescente competição no mercado de trabalho.

What is life?

What is life? To the physicist the two distinguishing features of living systems are complexity and organization. Even a simple singl-celled organism, primitive

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as it is, displays an intricacy and fidelity unmatched by any product of human ingenuity. Consider, for example, a lowly bacterium. Close inspection reveals a complex network of function and form. The bacterium may interact with its environment in a variety of ways, propelling itself, attacking enemies, moving towards or away from external stimuli, exchanging material in a controlled fashion. Its internal workings resemble a vast city in organization. Much of the control rests with the cell nucleus, wherein is also contained the genetic 'code', the chemical blue print that enables the bacterium to replicate. The chemical structures that control and direct all this activity may involve molecules with as many as a million atoms strung together in a complicated yet highly specific way. (...)

It is important to appreciate that a biological organism is made from perfectly ordinary atoms.(...) An atom of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, or phosphorus inside a living cell is no different from a similar atom outside, and there is a steady stream of such atoms passing into and out of all biological organisms. Clearly, then, life cannot be reduced to a property of an organism's constituent parts. Life is not a cumulative phenomenon like, for example, weight. For though we may not doubt that a cat or a geranium is living, we would search in vain for any sign that an individual cat-atom or geranium-atom is living. Sometimes this appears paradoxical. How can a collection of inanimate atoms be animate? Some people have argued that it is impossible to build life out of non-life, so there must be an additional, non-material, ingredient within all living things - a life-force - or spiritual essence which owes its origin, ultimately, to God. This is the ancient doctrine of vitalism.

An argument frequently used in support of vitalism concerns behaviour. A characteristic feature of living things is that they appear to behave in a purposive way, as though towards a specific end.

PAUL DAVIES. God and the New Physics.

N. Y. - Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1984.

17.Assinale a opção cuja afirmação contenha a informação correta:

a) living, (parágrafo 1), tem a função de verbo.b) single-celled, (parágrafo 1), é adjetivo.c) lowly, (parágrafo 1), é advérbio.d) close, (parágrafo 1), significa "fechada".e) stimuli, (parágrafo 1), está no singular.

18.Qual das palavras abaixo constitui um falso cognato?

a) physicist .b) fidelity .c) ingenuity.d) reveals .e) external.

19.A expressão "rests with", parágrafo 1 , quer dizer:

a) resta ao.b) é responsabilidade do.c) responde pelo.d) interage com.

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e) descansa no.

20.De acordo com o texto:

a) as formas superiores de vida caracterizam- se pela complexidade e organização.b) o comportamento dos organismos biológicos é definido pela forma com que os átomos se organizam no interior das células.c) a vida resulta pura e simplesmente de uma combinação química.d) é possível obter vida a partir de átomos inanimados.e) o comportamento das coisas vivas parece corroborar a doutrina do vitalismo.

UFSC - 2006

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Internet chatting

1. Seeing friends, playing sports, or watching movies - that's what college students used to name as favorite activities for their leisure, or free time. Today chatting is often on the list. Until recently chatting meant talking informally with friends about anything at all. It meant talking face-to-face, for pleasure, usually for a short time. Nowadays, technology allows chatting between groups of people sitting at their computers, sending messages to each other over the Internet. Two or more people can be in a "chat room", exchanging information about a specific topic or about themselves. People of all ages are typing and reading messages to discuss things with people all over the world.

2. Internet chatting is popular because it's an easy way to have a social life. People can talk about a variety of topics on chat sites - from sports, to art and music, to business, science, and health. With Internet chat, making friends has become much easier. Typing on a computer takes away the shy or uncomfortable feelings that often go along with meeting new people in person. On-line, people often feel freer to talk.

3. Using chat rooms can be interesting and fun, but sharing information with strangers requires that chatters take precautions. One website publishes safety tips for people meeting on-line and off. The site advises chatters to stay anonymous by not giving their real names or information about where they live and work. When chatters meet in person, they should be careful to meet in a public place and bring friends along. Following these basic rules helps keep people safe.

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HOWARD, L. & ADELSO-GOLDSTEIN, J. Read and Reflect. Oxford: OUP, 2004,

p. 61, 62. (Adapted)

1.Select the CORRECT ending(s) for the following sentence, according to the text above.

Not very long ago, chatting meant…

*01. having a casual conversation with friends about any subject.*02. talking personally to people when you met them.04. taking part in favorite sports activities with friends.*08. getting involved in an unnecessary conversation.16. spending time talking to people you didn't know well.32. being engaged in a quick conversation.

2.What does the text above say about Internet chatting?

Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. It's an activity that developed as a result of modern technology.02. Some specific topics can only be discussed through it.04. Everywhere, young and older people are using it to communicate with each other.08. Its popularity is related to the fact that it helps people socialize.16. Some people use it because they find it easier to talk to other people on-line.32. Many people feel shy and uncomfortable when they use it.

3. Select the CORRECT statement(s) about text 1.

01. A new activity has been added to the list of college students' favorite pastimes.02. Nowadays, people communicate more on-line than in person.04. On chat sites people can find information about many different subjects.08. All over the world, homes have "chat rooms" with computers in them.16. Internet chatting is an enjoyable activity; however, there can be dangers related to it.32. Before using the Internet, people must learn its specific regulations.

4. According to paragraph 3, select the CORRECT answer(s) to the following question:

What tips should chatters follow in order to be safe on-line and off?

01. Never share any information with strangers.02. Judgments about people met on-line should be avoided.04. True identities must not be revealed.

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08. Personal information should not be given.16. Be careful not to involve friends in dangerous situations.32. Don't be alone when meeting another chatter in person.

This is the last paragraph of the text "Internet chatting".

5. Select the CORRECT proposition(s) to fill in the gaps.

Psychologists today ______ note that people have a great ______ to connect with others, and in the ______ world this is not always easy. Chat rooms ______ new opportunities for connection. They ______ communities of people with ______ interests, and sometimes, with long-lasting results.

01. always - importance - popular - imagine - enjoy - public02. often - necessity - fast-paced - give - create - shared04. usually - difference - future - change - realize - empty 08. seldom - definition - dangerous - take - watch - interior16. frequently - need - modern - provide - unite - common

Researchers worry as teens grow up on-line

1. Teens don't understand the big fuss. As the first generation to grow up in a wired world, they hardly know a time when computers weren't around and they leap at the chance to spend hours on-line, chatting with friends. So what?

2. But researchers are increasingly concerned that, as cyberspace replaces the pizza parlor as the local hangout, adolescents are becoming more isolated, less skillful at interpersonal relationships, and perhaps numb to the small - and big - deceptions that are so much a part of the e-mail world. Researchers are asking just how the future of teenagers is changed when so many of them are spending an hour or two on the Internet each day, replacing face-to-face contact with computer contact.

3. "We're not only looking at what the computer can do for us, but what it is doing to us," said sociologist Sherry Turkle. "It's on so many people's minds." She wants to know how a teen's sense of self and values may be altered in a world where personal connections and the creation of new identities can be limitless.

4. Social psychologist Robert Kraut said he's concerned about the "opportunity costs" of so much on-line time for youths. He found that teens who used computers, even just a few hours a week, showed increased signs of loneliness and social isolation. In his study of 100 families that use the Internet, Kraut said these teens reported having fewer friends to hang around with, possibly because their computer time replaced hours they would have spent with others. "Chatting on-line may be better than watching television, but it's worse than hanging out with real friends," he

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5. Many teens acknowledge there's an unreal quality to their cyberspace communication, including their odd shorhand terms such as POS (parent over shoulder) or LOL (laughing out loud). Psychologists see this code as part of the exclusive shared language that teenagers love.

6. When it comes to e-mail exchanges, teens also show a remarkable tolerance for each other's deceptions. Nor are they surprised when a mere acquaintance unloads a personal secret through e-mail. Nobody seems to expect the on-line world to be the same as the real world.

7. Teens say they also appreciate the ability to edit what they say on-line, or take the time to think about a response. As cowardly as it may seem, some teens admit that asking someone for a date, or breaking up, can be easier in message form. But they insist there's no harm intended, and cyberspace has become just another medium - like the telephone - in the world of adolescence.

Adapted from The Boston Globe.

RICHARDS, J. C. & ECKSTUT-DIDIER, S. Strategic Reading 3. Cambridge: CUP,

2003, p. 38. (Adapted)

6. What are teens' opinions about their on-line activities?

Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

01. The use of shorthand terms is a sign of tolerance for each other's lies.02. The Internet provides a way to keep in touch with friends.04. There is nothing wrong with using the Internet to chat with friends.08. The Internet can sometimes make communication easier.16. The use of the Internet for long hours results in social isolation. 32. The cyberspace is just another means of communication.

7. Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in the text:

01. he (Paragraph 4) > Robert Kraut02. it (Paragraph 3) > the computer04. them (Paragraph 2) ? researchers 08. their (Paragraph 5) > psychologists16. each other's (Paragraph 6) > teens32. they (Paragraph 7) > teens

8. Choose the proposition(s) in which the definitions of the words / expressions below CORRESPOND to the meaning used in the

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01. wired (Paragraph 1) > equipped with wires02. numb (Paragraph 2) > sensitive04. skillful (Paragraph 2) ? good at 08. social isolation (Paragraph 4) > separation and detachment from others 16. shorthand (Paragraph 5) > written with abbreviations and symbols 32. unloads (Paragraph 6) > tells someone about

9. In which paragraphs can you find the following information?

Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

01. The effect of the Internet on teens' identity, principles and beliefs: paragraph 3.02. The association of the Internet with other means of communication: paragraph 2.04. The explanation for some codified language used by adolescents: paragraph 1.08. Some problems that result from teens' spending long hours on-line: paragraph 4.16. The comparison between cyberspace communication and family communication: paragraph 5.32. The view that certain things are more easily said by e-mail: paragraph 7.

10. Which of the following questions CAN BE ANSWERED according to the information in the text ?

01. Why don't teens understand the confusion around the use of computers? 02. How do teens react when a personal secret is revealed through e-mail?04. How does chatting on-line compare with watching television? 08. What is inconvenient about pizza parlors as teens' usual meeting places?16. When do teens become better editors of the texts they write on-line?32. How much time spent on-line do teens believe is harmful to them?

UFSC - 2005

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1. It's hard to make friends if you stay home all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. Join a club or play a sport. Attend meetings of neighborhood associations or other groups. It's easier to make friends when you have similar interests.

2. Learn from people at school or work who seem to have lots of friends. Observe how they make and keep friends. Don't imitate all the things they do. But try to notice what they do. Then try some of those things yourself.

3. Don't be afraid to show people what you're really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Don't hide your strong points. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.

4. Plan things to talk about with people. Find out what's in the newspaper headlines, listen to the top CDs, learn about what's new with your favorite TV or movie star. The more you have to say, the more people will be interested in having a conversation with you.

5. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about "me, me, me." Ask lots of questions. Show an interest in their answers. This alone will make people want to be your friend.

6. Once you start to get to know someone, don't be friendly one day and then too shy to talk the next day. Be consistent. Consistency is something people look for in friends.

7. Have confidence in yourself. Don't be self-critical all the time. This will only make the process more difficult. Think of your good qualities. People are attracted to those with self-confidence.

8. Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect, and admire - not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of people.

From: RICHARDS, J. C. & ECKSTUT-DIDIER, S. Strategic Reading 1. CUP, 2003. (Adapted UFSC)

1.Select the CORRECT statement(s) about the text.

01. An important quality of friendship is consistency.02. People who have many friends are more traditional.04. It's better to have a few good friends than to have many friends.08. Friends can be important when we are shy.16. It will be more difficult to make friends if you judge yourself too hard.

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32. Paying attention to what people say is a good way to start a friendship.

2.According to the text, what advice can help these people?

Select the proposition(s) in which the advice is CORRECTLY indicated.

01. Tony is never sure what to talk about when he meets people. > Advice 402. Abby doesn't always say nice things about her new friend James. > Advice 104. Rose wants to know why her classmate, Cindy, is so good at making friends. > Advice 208. Benson is a terrific dancer, but he never tells anyone about it. > Advice 316. Max talks to a girl in his history class on Monday, but on Tuesday he's afraid to say "Hi". > Advice 632. Jill always talks about herself. > Advice 7

3.According to the text, what are some things you can do to make friends?

Select the CORRECT proposition(s).

01. Do exactly what people tell you to do, never disagree with them.*02. Read newspapers, watch TV and listen to music in order to be well-informed.*04. Be sociable, get involved in activities in the company of other persons.08. Look for the most popular people in your group and try to become their friend.16. Talk mostly about yourself, your problems and what is happening in your life.*32. Let people know the good things about you.

4.Considering the text, compare the meanings of each pair of sentences and select the proposition(s) in which the meanings of sentences A and B are similar.

*01. A. People are attracted to those with self-confidence. B. If you believe in yourself, you'll have more people near you.

02. A. A good idea is to imitate people who seem to have lots of friends.B. Maybe you can copy the behavior of people who seem to have lots of friends.

04. A. Do things that will put you in touch with other people.B. Choose activities that will help other people.

*08. A. You can learn the last facts about your favorite TV star.B. One possibility is to find out the news about your favorite TV star.

16. A. This alone will make people want to be your friend.B. When you are lonely, people will see that you need a friend.

5.Select the proposition(s) that can CORRECTLY go at the end of advice number 8.

01. For some people, friends have become more important than their family.

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02. There are many things you can ask a friend to do for you.04. That way, you'll have a bigger group of people to choose your friends from.08. Good friends do not always have to tell each other the truth.16. Your chances of making friends will, therefore, be greater.


1. Men and women share the exact same view of a best friend - a person who is always there for you. Your best friend is someone you can depend on to share your hapiness, suffer through your worries, or lessen your sorrow.

2. A great variety of factors play into the birth of a best friendship - the age and circ*mstances under which people meet, what first attracts them, why they remain close, and how they fill each other's needs. Yet I found the dominant themes that define a best friend were remarkably similar across the broadest range of experiences.

3. Safety was a word I heard over and over. A best friend is a safe harbor, a guaranteed comfort zone. You never have to explain yourself to best friends because they really, really know who you are. With best friends, you can be who you are. You can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never worry what they'll think of you because best friends are nonjudgmental. They will give you advice if you want it and a kick in the pants if you need it, but best friends will not judge you or make you ashamed of your behavior. A best friend gives you what you expect from a parent and don't always get: unconditional love.

4. Best friends are loyal and trustworthy. A best friend is a person to whom you can tell your most embarrassing, revealing, and damaging personal secrets with the full confidence they will never be repeated. Best friends can deliver brutally honest answers in the most gentle fashion.

5. Finally, best friends are the family you choose. They love you because they want to, not because they have to. And for many people, a best friend becomes the brother or sister they'd always wanted, but never had.

From: RICHARDS, J. C. & ECKSTUT-DIDIER, S. Strategic Reading 1. CUP, 2003. (Adapted)

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6.Identify the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

01. When your personal secrets are told to a best friend you can be sure he or she will not reveal them to anyone else.02. People always call a good friend when they have a doubt.04. To have best friends means to have people you can trust and by whom you can be advised.08. Men and women depend on each other to solve their problems.16. Friends, even best friends, can never replace your family.32. Age is one of the aspects that influence the development of a friendship.

7.According to the text, select the CORRECT answer(s) for the question below.

How can a best friend be described?

01. As a place where you are not in danger.02. Someone who is usually embarrassing. 04. A best friend follows the fashion most of the time.08. He or she never tells you the truth.16. A best friend doesn't ask you for explanations.32. As a person who is always there to judge you.

8.Choose the proposition(s) in which the definitions of the words below correspond to the meaning used in the text.

01. lessen (Paragraph 1) > if something lessens or is lessened, it becomes less strong.02. sorrow (Paragraph 1) > a feeling of deep sadness or regret.04. range (Paragraph 2) > a group of hills or mountains.08. advice (Paragraph 3) > an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do in a particular situation.16. kick (Paragraph 3) > a new interest, especially one that does not last long.32. ashamed (Paragraph 3) > to feel embarrassed or guilty because of something that you have done.64. fashion (Paragraph 4) > a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.

9.Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT answers to the following questions, according to the text.

01. What does a best friend do for you?Among many things, he or she shares our feelings.

02. Why does a best friend become the brother or sister you had always wanted, but never had?Because it is easier to help a friend.

04. How many times did the author of this text hear the word "safety"?A lot of times.

08. When do you have to give an explanation to a best friend?

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It becomes necessary when we are misunderstood.

16. What kind of judgment does a best friend make on your behavior?A best friend doesn't judge us.

32. Where can a best friend be found?In secret places.

10.Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in the text.

01. who (Paragraph 1) > men02. them (Paragraph 2) > people 04. which (Paragraph 2) > a best friendship08. it (Paragraph 3) > a kick in the pants16. whom (Paragraph 4) > you32. they (Paragraph 4) > personal secrets

UFSC - 2004

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If you try to catch a train, a bus or an airplane on December 24th, you may have difficulty in finding a seat. This is the day when many people are traveling home to be with their families on Christmas Day, December 25th. For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year, it combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter.

On Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol service where special hymns are sung. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. Most families decorate their houses with brightly-colored paper, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored lights and decorations.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas, but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Small children believe that their gifts come from Santa Claus. Their parents tell them that Santa Claus lives in the North Pole and, on the night before Christmas, he travels the world in a sled pulled by reindeer. He goes down the chimneys of houses to leave gifts only for children who have been good. At some time on Christmas Day, the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by desserts specially prepared for the occasion.

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4 Later in the afternoon, they may watch the Queen on television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake. December 26th is also a public holiday, and this is the time to visit friends and relatives or be a spectator at one of the many sporting events.


Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1995, p.13. (Adapted)

1.Select the proposition(s) in which both statements are true for each paragraph, according to the text.

01. Paragraph 1" Christmas is a time when people enjoy being together with their relatives." This festival marks the birth of Christ in the Christian religion.

02. Paragraph 2" The singing of hymns is part of the Christmas celebrations." The money collected for charity is used to buy Christmas trees and decorations.

04. Paragraph 3" Exchanging gifts has become the only important tradition connected with Christmas." Parents shouldn't lie to their children about Santa Claus.

08. Paragraph 4" Christmas celebrations may last the whole day, with families doing things together." In Britain, the day after Christmas is a time to have fun and relax.

2.Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct answers for the following questions, according to the text.

01. Are there religious activities related to Christmas?Yes, there are.

02. Do the families use ornaments to make their homes look prettier?No, they don't.

04. Is it easy to travel when it's Christmas time?Yes, it is.

08. Is special food one of Christmas traditions?No, it isn't.

16. Does Santa Claus leave gifts for any child?No, he doesn't.

3.Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct translations for the underlined words.

01. If you try to catch a train (...) you may have difficulty in finding a seat.... para reservar um horário.

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02. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake.Se eles tiverem espaço ...

04. (...) they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with colored

lights and decorations.... brilhando com luzes coloridas...

08. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning.... para serem encontrados na manhã de Natal.

16. Sometimes carol-singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity.... uma vez que eles colecionam dinheiro ...

4.Choose the correct proposition(s) to complete the following paragraph.

Children ______ a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas Eve, December 24th, ______ that Santa Claus will come down the chimney ______ night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually not ______!

01. hang - looking - before the - disapproved

02. leave - hoping - during the - disappointed

04. hide - thinking - on - motivated

08. put - expecting - at - frustrated

16. place - wishing - in - explained

32. have - feeling - after the - disagreed


In 1620 one of the first British settlements in America was established in Massachusetts. These settlers, known as Pilgrims, had come to America to freely practise their religion. They arrived in November, when it was too late to plant crops. Although many people died, the Pilgrim settlement survived the winter because of help from Indians who lived nearby. The Indians taught the Pilgrims about corn and showed them where to fish. The next November, after the crops were harvested, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God at a feast to which they invited the Indians.Every year, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Families and friends get together for a big feast. The meal usually includes roast turkey with stuffing and gravy, a sweet sauce made from cranberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. What a meal! It's not surprising that a recent Thanksgiving tradition is to sit after dinner in front of the TV watching a professional football game.

From: FALK, R. Spotlight on the USA. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993,

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p. 14.

5.Select the correct proposition(s) according to the text.

01. All the Pilgrims died because of cold weather when they came to America.

02. Americans have turkey and other special dishes on Thanksgiving.

04. Massachusetts was one of the places where the Pilgrims first established themselves.

08. British and American people love watching games on TV after celebrating Thanksgiving.

16. The Indians that the Pilgrims met in America were friendly and helpful.

6.According to the text, the Pilgrims...

01. learned how to plant corn with the Indians.

02. watched TV after having dinner.

04. reached America at the right time to grow crops.

08. and the Indians took part in a feast that was prepared after the Pilgrims had harvestedtheir crops.

16. and their religion were of great importance to the Indians since they had no god.

7.Which question(s) CAN be answered according to the text?

01. Which drinks are part of the Thanksgiving traditions?

02. What was the Pilgrims' religion?

04. How many Pilgrims arrived in America?

08. How did the Indians help the Pilgrims?

16. What kind of food do people prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving?

32. Who were the Pilgrims?


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Halloween means "holy evening", and takes place on October 31st. Although it is a much more important festival in the United States than Britain, it is celebrated by many people in the UK. It is particularly connected with witches and ghosts.At parties people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They cut horrible faces in pumpkins and other vegetables and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes. People may play difficult games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water without using their hands.In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at Halloween and ask if you would like a "trick" or "treat". If you give them something nice, a "treat", they go away. However, if you don't, they play a "trick" on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!


Spotlight on Britain. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1995, p. 12. (Adapted)

8.Select the correct proposition(s) to complete the following sentence, according to the text.

The text informs us that...

01. children dressed in frightening costumes visit different houses asking for something good.

02. nowadays "trick or treat" is discouraged by many parents because they consider it extremely dangerous.

04. people make lanterns using different types of vegetables.

08. a Strawberry Party is annually held on Halloween in the United States and Britain.

16. most children love playing word games during this festival, when they don't receive any sweets from their neighbors.

9.The statements in italics below were extracted or adapted from the text. They are all correct. Select the proposition(s) in which the statement in letter b) contradicts the statement in letter a).

01. a) Halloween is particularly connected withwitches and ghosts.b) Witches and ghosts have a lot to do with Halloween.

02. a) Halloween is celebrated by many people in the UK.

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b) Few people commemorate Halloween in the UK.

04. a) At parties people dress up in strange costumes.b) Normal clothes are worn by people at parties.

08. a) People pretend they are witches during this festival.b) On Halloween people behave like witches.

10.Select the proposition(s) in which both sentences (a) and (b) can meaningfully complete the text.

Although Halloween, on October 31st, is not an official holiday, it is a very special day. (a)__________________________________________. The windows of many houses have Halloween decorations and lanterns made of pumpkins. In the evening, the children go from house to house, knocking on doors and saying "trick or treat".(b)___________________________________________. If they don't, the children might play a small trick on them!

01. a) On Halloween, children dress in costumes as all kinds of things - as witches, ghosts, monsters and pirates.b) The people in the houses give the children candy or some other treat.

02. a) If people have no time for it, they put gifts in boxes and deliver them to their homes.b) A friend is always there to help them to buy what they want.

04. a) Good books on this subject are sold everywhere during this festival.b) Before leaving home, they tell their parents about their failures.

08. a) It's common to meet people dressed up as strange characters on this day.b) Almost all the people give them something.

UFSC - 2003

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Charlie Chaplin - A comic genius

One of the most important and influential figures in the history of motion pictures, Charlie Chaplin was perhaps the

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greatest comedian to have ever lived. He made his reputation in 1914 when, in his second film, Kid Auto Races at Venice, he introduced the world to the helpless "little tramp." With his smudge moustache, baggy trousers and bowler hat, and twirling his cane, the tramp soon had cinema audiences entranced. It was a fantastic creation, stirring up emotions, both happy and sad, and Chaplin played that classic role in more than 70 films during his career, earning him both a fortune and international fame.

Chaplin's beginnings never promised such success. Though born into a wealthy London family, the good times quickly disappeared. His father deserted when Charlie was an infant (and later died of alcoholism) and his mother, a successful music hall star, had a nervous breakdown and was sent to an asylum. Charlie thus found himself in an orphanage. It was the theatre that gave Chaplin his first release from the pressures of troubled life. He made his debut in 1894, appearing on stage with his mother. Later he became part of Fred Karno's music hall troupe and went with them on their American tour of 1912. It was while the company was in the United States that the young Chaplin was spotted by the film director Mack Sennett and signed to Keystone Films at 150 dollars a week. Over the next few months Chaplin made dozens of films for Keystone many of which featured his newly created "little tramp" character.

From: Speak Up. Agosto 1999 - no 147 (adapted).

1.Read the summaries below. Which one (s) contains (contain) the same information found in the text?

01. According to the text, Chaplin stands as one of the greatest comedians ever, being also a relevant and powerful person in the history of the movie industry. His success is due to a character he created, known as the "little tramp". First introduced to the world in Kid Auto Races at Venice, the "little tramp" appeared in all Chaplin's movies and earned money and fame. Chaplin was meant to be successful since the beginning of his career. Born into a rich family, Chaplin was sent to an orphanage when his father and mother died. In 1912 he went on a tour with Karno's music hall troupe, but his first performance on stage was in 1894. When touring with Karno's group, Chaplin was invited to film Keystone for 150 dollars a week.

*02. In the text it is said that Chaplin gained one of the highest positions as a comedian in the cinema world. The text also describes the character that brought Chaplin fame and fortune and shows when his career blossomed. Besides that, we are told about who was responsible for his recognition and the number of times Chaplin performed his "little tramp" character in the films he took part in during those years. On the other hand, we learn how difficult Chaplin's life was when he was very young.

*04. The text refers to Charlie Chaplin as one of the greatest comic actors in the whole history of motion pictures. It also tells how Chaplin gained success through the creation of his famous character - the "little tramp" - and presents a brief description of him. Besides that, the reader is informed about the hard times Chaplin had to overcome still as a child, since his father left and his mother became seriously ill. The text also mentions when Chaplin's talent was recognized and who took part in this process. Finally, the last lines of the text show us that Chaplin played the role of his new character in many films he

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made at that time.

08. Chaplin, the greatest comedian in the history of motion pictures, started his career in 1914, with Kid Auto Races at Venice. After having lived in an orphanage, he made his first public appearance in 1894, with his mother. Chaplin was invited to work for Keystone Films by Mack Sennet, who brought him fame and fortune.

2.Choose the proposition(s) in which the definitions of the underlined words correspond to the meaning used in the text.

01. figures - numbered drawings or diagrams in a book.02. cane - to punish someone, especially a child, by hitting them with a long thin stick.*04. role - the character played by an actor in a play or film.*08. stage - the raised floor in a theater on which plays are performed.*16. dozens of - a lot of.*32. featured - showed.

3.Select the proposition (s) in which the beginning of the sentence can be CORRECTLY matched with both alternatives, according to the text.

*01. With his "little tramp" character Chaplina) received a large amount of money.b) became famous all over the world.

*02. Charlie Chaplin's beginnings were not easy becausea) his family had serious problems.b) his father abandoned him and his mother got a mental illness when he was just a little boy.

*04. As a "little tramp" Chaplin used to wear a) loose trousers.b) a hat with a round hard top.

08. In 1912 Chaplina) traveled with a music hall company around the United States.b) made a show with his mother.

16. Every month Chaplina) received almost two hundred dollars.b) was invited to make a new film.

Charlie Chaplin: The later years

Chaplin's subsequent films, like The Tramp and Shanghaied, firmly established his reputation and, as his fame rose, so too did his salary and his power. By 1917 Chaplin was able to demand a million dollars for eight pictures. By now Chaplin was taking an increasing amount of control over his work: writing, directing, producing and even composing the music for many of the films in which he starred. In 1919 that control became complete with Chaplin, along with Mary Pickford, Douglas

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Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, forming United Artists as an independent company to distribute their films.

The introduction of sound to the cinema, however, brought an end to Chaplin's greatness. His style of performance, derived from the circus clown and from mime, no longer seemed to work its magic. He avoided using the new technology for his films City Lights and Modern Times but embraced it in his 1936 movie, The Great Dictator. Though Chaplin continued to make the occasional film, and also wrote two books, his glory days were over. His leftist politics brought him in for a good deal of criticism (as did an affair with a young woman) and investigation by the Un-American Affairs Commission. As a result, Chaplin left the U.S. in 1952 and, having been refused re-entry, made his home in Switzerland. In 1972 he returned to the United States to receive several tributes, among them a special Academy Award for his contributions to the film industry. Three years later he was knighted. Chaplin died on December 25th 1977. Among his obituaries was a quote from the actor in 1960: "I remain one thing and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician."

From: Speak Up. Agosto 1999 - no 147 (adapted)

4.The statements in italics below were extracted or adapted from the text. They are all correct.

Choose the proposition(s) in which the statement in letter a) is CORRECTLY explained or interpreted in letter b), according to the text.

01. a) Chaplin avoided using the new technology for some of his films but embraced it in his The Great Dictator.b) Chaplin decided to introduce sound to many films but didn't accept to use it in The Great Dictator.

*02. a) The introduction of sound to the cinema brought an end to Chaplin's greatness.b) When silent films disappeared fame deserted Chaplin.

*04. a) Chaplin's glory days were over.b) Chaplin's fame was gone.

08. a) "It places me on a far higher plane than any politician."b) The artist compares himself to a politician, and as a clown he feels less important.

16. a) Chaplin left the U.S. and, having been refused re-entry, made his home in Switzerland.b) Chaplin decided to live in Switzerland because the American people finally accepted his bad manners.

*32. a) Chaplin's leftist politics brought him in for a good deal of criticism.

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b) Chaplin's political ideals provoked a lot of criticism against him.

5.Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in the text.

*01. which (paragraph 1): the films *02. their (paragraph 1): Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, D.W. Griffith, and Chaplin04. its (paragraph 2): the circus clown*08. it (paragraph 2): the new technology*16. them (paragraph 2): several tributes*32. the actor (paragraph 2): Chaplin64. that (paragraph 2): the actor

6.Identify the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

*01. As Chaplin's reputation increased, so did his salary and power. *02. Chaplin could ask for a large amount of money for his movies after becoming famous. 04. For many of the films he saw, Chaplin composed the music. *08. Chaplin's style of performance was taken from the circus clown and mime. *16. After sound was introduced to the cinema, Chaplin's performance did not work its magic anymore.*32. Chaplin tried to re-enter the United States, but was not allowed. So he established himself in Europe.

Rewards for talents

Awards and medals are usually given throughout the world to outstanding people in several areas of knowledge. One of the most famous awards is the Nobel Prize. There are other well-known premiums in the United States.

PULITZER PRIZES - they were endowed by Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), publisher of the New York World, in a bequest to Columbia University. They are awarded annually since 1917 for work done during the preceding year. All prizes are $3,000 in each category (Journalism, Literature and Music), except Meritorious Public Service for which a gold medal is given.

OSCAR - a gold-plated statuette awarded by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for outstanding contributions to motion-picture industry since 1928. The first movie to get an Oscar was Wings and the first director was Frank Borzage with Seventh Heaven. There are many versions about the origin of the name "Oscar", which has been used since 1931. The most common one is that the statuette was named after Oscar Pierce, the uncle of Margaret Herrick, a librarian of the Academy.

GRAMMY - A statuette awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in almost 70 categories in the recording industry. The first Grammy was delivered in 1958 to Domenico Modugno for his song Volare. The word Grammy comes from GRAM (ophone).

From: LIBERATO, Wilson Antônio. Compact English

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Book. FTD, 1998.

7. Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

01. Among the many well-known awards given in the United States, the Nobel Prize is the most famous one. 02. The first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded by Joseph Pulitzer, a publisher of the New York World.*04. Music is one of the categories awarded by both the Pulitzer Prizes and the Grammy.08. The prizes mentioned in the text were all named after outstanding people.*16. The name Oscar was probably a tribute to Margaret Herrick's uncle.

8.In which paragraphs can you find the following information? Select the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.

*01. the probable origin of the name of a premium given to important contributions to the film industry: paragraph 3*02. the approximate amount of categories that receive a statuette in the world of the recording industry: paragraph 4*04. the name of a country where famous rewards are delivered: paragraph 108. the name of a prize that is awarded monthly since the beginning of the century: paragraph 2*16. the year in which the name "Oscar" was first used to name a gold-plated statuette: paragraph 3*32. how long the person who endowed the Pulitzer Prizes lived: paragraph 264. the price of the gold medal that is delivered as a Pulitzer Prize: paragraph 2

9.Which of the following questions can be answered according to the information contained in the text?

01. How much do Americans spend on awards and medals given to famous people around the world every month?02. What is the name of the artist who received a Pulitzer Prize last year?*04. What was the first song to receive a Grammy?*08. What do people win a Pulitzer Prize for?16. Who won an Oscar for Best Director this year?*32. How many premiums are mentioned in the text?

Movies and photographs

If we want to learn about other societies, it is not always necessary to travel. We can discover what happens in other parts of the world by watching movies. It is difficult to imagine an easier method of learning about other countries. Nowadays movies not only tell stories or record important historical happenings. They also record for us the actions and habits of ordinary people. Much of our present knowledge of living forms and of objects in distant space, too, is obtained from movies and photographs.

From: TOTIS, Verônica. Língua Inglesa: Leitura.

Cortez, 1991.

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10.The following is the last paragraph of the text. Select the proposition(s) that presents(present) the CORRECT punctuation.

01. Camera eyes are generally more accurate, than the eyes of men and women when a man looks at the world. He sees only what he chooses to see. He often finds it more convenient not to notice certain things. But, a camera represents every object completely and truthfully. Without this instrument many scientific discoveries. Would be impossible and we would be less sure of many historical facts.

02. Camera eyes are, generally, more accurate than the eyes of men and women. When a man looks at the world, he sees only what he chooses to see. He often finds it more convenient not to notice certain things. But a camera represents every object completely and truthfully without this instrument. Many scientific discoveries. Would be impossible and we would be less sure of many historical facts?

04. Camera eyes are generally more accurate than the eyes of men and women. When a man looks at the world, he sees only what he chooses to see? He often finds it more convenient not to notice certain things; but a camera represents every object completely and truthfully. Without, this instrument many scientific discoveries would be impossible! And we would be less sure of many historical facts.

*08. Camera eyes are generally more accurate than the eyes of men and women. When a man looks at the world, he sees only what he chooses to see. He often finds it more convenient not to notice certain things. But a camera represents every object completely and truthfully. Without this instrument, many scientific discoveries would be impossible and we would be less sure of many historical facts.

16. Camera eyes are generally more accurate than the eyes of men and women. When a man looks at the world he sees only. What he chooses to see? He often finds it more convenient not to notice certain things. But a camera represents every object completely and truthfully. Without this instrument, many scientific discoveries would be impossible and we would be less sure of many historical facts!

11.Select the CORRECT proposition(s) to complete the following sentence:

The text makes reference to …

01. travels around the Americas.*02. the contribution of movies and photographs to our knowledge of the world.*04. the fact that movies and photographs can help us learn.08. the stories of famous people.16. the habits of rich people.32. historical American events.*64. an easy way to learn about other countries.

12.Which proposition(s) shows(show) the MAIN IDEA of all the texts, according to their sequence?

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*01. Text 1 - Chaplin's beginnings and how he achieved success.Text 2 - Chaplin's glory, how he lost his fame and what happened in his life until he died.Text 3 - Awards and medals that people receive all over the world.Text 4 - The importance of movies and photographs.

02. Text 1 - Chaplin's life.Text 2 - The decline of silent films and Chaplin's death.Text 3 - The Nobel Prize - one of the most important awards.Text 4 - The importance of photographs in representing knowledge.

04. Text 1 - The positive responses of cinema audiences to Chaplin's new character.Text 2 - The tributes received by Chaplin close to the end of his life.Text 3 - People's opinion about the different rewards for talents.Text 4 - The facility of learning about other countries.

*08. Text 1 - An account of Chaplin's career and some other biographical notes about him.Text 2 - Chaplin's fame and decline and what happened to him up to his death.Text 3 - Premiums given to people in different fields of activity.Text 4 - Movies and photographs in our lives.

16. Text 1 - A description of Chaplin's most important character.Text 2 - Chaplin's death.Text 3 - The origin of some of the very well-known statuettes awarded every year.Text 4 - The autonomy man has in choosing what he wants to see.

UEM - Winter - 2005

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Feudalism and Medieval Life

Feudalism. The social structure of the Middle Ages was organized round the system of Feudalism. Feudalism in practice meant that the country was not governed by the king but by individual lords, or barons, who administered their own estates, dispensed their own justice, minted their own money, levied taxes and tolls, and demanded military service from vassals. Usually the lords could field greater armies than the king. In theory the king was the chief feudal lord, but in reality the individual lords were supreme in their own territory.

Feudal Ties. Feudalism was built upon a relationship of obligation and mutual service between vassals and lords. A vassal held his land, or fief, as a grant from a

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lord. When a vassal died, his heir was required to publicly renew his oath of faithfulness (fealty) to his lord (suzerain). This public oath was called "homage".

A Vassal's Obligations. The vassal was required to attend the lord at his court, help administer justice, and contribute money if needed. He must answer a summons to battle, bringing an agreed upon number of fighting men. As well, he must feed and house the lord and his company when they travelled across his land.

This last obligation could be an onerous one. William the Conqueror travelled with a very large household, and if they extended their stay it could nearly bankrupt the lord hosting them. In a few days of Christmas feasting one year William and his retinue consumed 6,000 chickens, 1,000 rabbits, 90 boars, 50 peaco*cks, 200 geese, 10,000 eels, thousands of eggs and loaves of bread, and hundreds of casks of wine and cider.

(Extract from Britain Express, 2001 - acesso em 12/04/05)

1.De acordo com o texto, cabia ao vassalo

a) pagar regularmente pelo aluguel das terras.b) fazer um testamento público.c) prover sua própria comida quando viajava com o lorde.d) oferecer abrigo e alimento ao senhor feudal e à comitiva.e) contribuir com dinheiro para o cumprimento da justiça.

2.Assinale a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto.

a) Suprir as necessidades de casa e alimento para um lorde era honroso.b) William the Conqueror exigia grandes casas para sua estada em viagens.c) A comitiva de William organizava suntuosas festas para a população.d) As festas de Natal duravam dias, mas o consumo de carnes e de bebidas era limitado.e) As despesas com manutenção de um lorde poderiam levar o vassalo à falência.

3.Pela leitura do texto, é possível afirmar que, no feudalismo,

a) muitos reis eram as figuras que centralizavam o poder.b) havia um compromisso mútuo entre lorde e vassalo.c) o vassalo podia adquirir as terras nas quais trabalhasse.d) quando o lorde falecia, havia uma homenagem para ele.e) os lordes doavam parte de suas terras aos vassalos fiéis.

4.De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa correta.

a) O feudalismo era o centro da estrutura social na Idade Média.b) Os barões e os Lordes administravam os Estados para o rei.c) Os senhores feudais estabeleciam acordos com o soberano.d) Ao soberano cabia determinar as funções dos senhores feudais.e) O serviço militar se tornou obrigatório a partir de então.

5.Pela análise das informações contidas no texto, é incorreto afirmar que

a) outros detentores de poder, que não o rei, governavam o país.b) os lordes atribuíam impostos e cunhavam sua própria moeda.

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c) tanto os monarcas quanto os lordes exerciam igual autoridade.d) os nobres conseguiam aliciar grandes exércitos entre os vassalos.e) a justiça era aplicada pelo proprietário das terras.

The Black Death in England

The Black Death reaches England. The summer of 1348 was abnormally wet. Grain lay rotting in the fields due to the nearly constant rains. With the harvest so adversely affected it seemed certain that there would be food shortages. But a far worse enemy was set to appear.

It isn't clear exactly when or where the Black Death reached England. Some reports at the time pointed to Bristol, others to Dorset. The disease may have appeared as early as late June or as late as August 4. We do know that in mid-summer the Channel Islands were reeling under an outbreak of the plague. From this simple beginning the disease spread throughout England with dizzying speed and fatal consequences.

(Extract from Britain Express, acesso em 12/04/2005)

6.De acordo com o texto , a data mais provável em que a Peste Negra atingiu a Inglaterra foi

a) no inverno tipicamente gelado da Grã-Bretanha.b) em meados do ano de 1348.c) antes do início de junho ou depois de agosto.d) durante o período das chuvas em Bristol.e) na época da colheita do trigo.

7.Com base nas informações contidas no texto , pode-se afirmar que a Peste Negra

a) dizimou mais crianças que adultos.b) foi mais séria do que os médicos da época previam.c) afetou a Inglaterra de maneira drástica.d) foi disseminada pela chuva.e) durou dois meses no verão.

8.Assinale a alternativa em que a(s) palavra(s) apresentada(s) não esteja(m) relacionada(s) à Peste Negra.

a) rotting b) worse enemyc) diseased) plaguee) fatal consequences

UEM - Summer - 2005

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Texto 1

The owner of the cow appeared an hour or so later, as the storm began to subside and the rain stopped for a moment. He was barefoot, clad in faded denim shorts and a threadbare Chicago Bulls tee shirt. Marco was his name, and Marco was not filled with holiday cheer.

He sent the boy away, then began a heated discussion with Jevy and Milton about the value of the cow. Milton was more concerned about his airplane, Jevy with his swollen wrist. Nate stood by the window and wondered exactly how it came to be that he was presently in the middle of the Brazilian outback on Christmas Eve in a smelly manger, sore and bruised, covered with the blood of a cow, listening to three men argue in a foreign tongue, and lucky to be alive. There were no clear answers.

Judging by the other cows grazing nearby, they couldn't be worth much. "I'll pay for the damned thing", Nate said to Jevy.Jevy asked the man how much, then said, "A hundred reais."

"Does he take American Express?" Nate asked, but the humor missed its mark. "I'll pay it." A hundred bucks. He'd pay that much just for Marco to stop griping.

The deal was sealed, and the man became their host. He led them to his house, where lunch was being prepared by a short barefoot woman who smiled and welcomed them profusely.

For obvious reasons, guests were unheard of in the Pantanal, and when they realized Nate was from the States they sent for the kids. The boy with the stick had two brothers, and their mother told them to examine Nate because he was an American.

She took the men's shirts and soaked them in a basin filled with soap and rainwater. They ate rice and black beans around a small table, bare-chested and unconcerned about it. Nate was proud of his toned biceps and flat stomach. Jevy had the cut look of a serious weight-lifter. Poor Milton showed the signs of rapidly approaching middle age, but clearly didn't care.

The three said little over lunch. The horror of the crash was still fresh. The children sat on the floor beside the table, eating flat bread and rice, watching every move Nate made.

There was a small river a quarter of a mile down the trail, and Marco had a boat with a motor. The Paraguay River was five hours away. Maybe he had enough gasoline, maybe he didn't. But it would be impossible with all three men in the boat.

(Extract from "The Testament" by John Grisham, 2000.)

1.A leitura do texto permite afirmar que

01.Nate usava roupas casuais e surradas.02.Marco estava imbuído do espírito natalino.04.três dos homens estavam no Pantanal para comprar gado.

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08.Marco se recusava a vender o gado.16. três dos homens se envolveram em uma discussão.32.os quatro homens haviam sobrevivido a um acidente aéreo.64.aparentemente o gado não tinha grande valor comercial.

2.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) de acordo com o texto.

01.A negociação foi concluída e Marco convidou os visitantes para irem a sua casa.02.Na casa, uma empregada que preparava o almoço recebeu-os friamente.04.Nate causou certo alvoroço na família dos anfitriões por ser estrangeiro.08.Os convidados e a família sentaram-se à mesa alegremente.16.Jevy era um ex-levantador de peso, portanto era musculoso.32.Os homens não se sentiram constrangidos por almoçarem de torsos nus.64.As crianças tagarelaram com os visitantes durante a refeição.

3.De acordo com a leitura do texto, assinale o que for correto.

01.Milton, Jevy e Nate aparentemente não se conheciam.02.Marco era fã do Chicago Bulls.04.Nate admirava a paisagem enquanto os três outros se engajavam em transações comerciais.08.Nate se perguntava como ele fora parar naquele lugar.16.Nate contou uma piada que não foi entendida.32.Milton não se preocupava com sua aparência.64.Todos os movimentos de Nate eram observados pelas crianças.

4.Assinale o que for correto de acordo com as informações contidas no texto.

01. "so later" (parágrafo 1) denota uma alternativa.02. "wrist" (parágrafo 2) é a junta entre o pé e a perna.04. "grazing" (parágrafo 3) é o mesmo que "eating grass".08. "led" (parágrafo 6) é um verbo no infinitivo.16. "them" (parágrafo 6) é um pronome possessivo.32. "sent for" (parágrafo 7) pode ser traduzido como "enviaram".64. "still fresh" (parágrafo 9) significa "ainda vivo na memória".

5.Analise os fragmentos destacados do texto e assinale o que for correto.

01. "The owner..." (parágrafo 1) é o mesmo que "proprietário".02. "...concerned ..." (parágrafo 2) pode ser substituído por "worried".04. "...sore and bruised..." (parágrafo 2) retratam a condição física de Nate.08. "...the damned thing..." (parágrafo 3) faz referência ao avião.16. "The deal was sealed..." (parágrafo 5) está em discurso indireto.32. "...middle age..." (parágrafo 8) sugere a senilidade.

Texto 2

Weather and Behaviour

You don't have to be a psychologist to notice the effects that high temperatures

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have on people. Weather can affect our behaviour in many different ways.

Weather and animal behaviour

The behaviour of animals is often closely linked to the approaching weather. It is suggested that bees stay close to their hives when a summer rainstorm is on the way, while birds fly close to the ground, increase their foraging or even gather to roost before the bad weather sets in. During good weather, birds fly higher in the sky, while even spiders are supposed to be more active.

So how does the weather effect our behaviour?

We perform at our best when our bodies are not under stress from our surroundings, and that includes the weather. But different aspects of weather can have very specific affects on us.


Atmospheric pressure is continually fluctuating, and researchers in the Ukraine have found that slight low-frequency atmospheric oscillations can influence human mental activity, causing significant changes in attention and short term memory functions. So next time you find it hard to concentrate at work, blame it on the pressure!

Temperature and humidity

The body finds it hard to cope with extremes of temperature, either producing enough heat to keep us warm in very low temperatures or getting rid of our own internally produced heat when temperatures are high.

Mortality rates are consistently linked to extremes of temperatures, particularly in the elderly whose bodies find it harder to cope. At times when temperatures exceed 38oC for more than a week, mortality rates tend to increase by up to 10%. In heatwaves, where the temperature is significantly higher than expected for the time of year, people tend to behave more irrationally. New York City sees regular summer crime waves, which are believed to be as a result of the hot weather.

Hot humid days are the worst possible combination in terms of affecting our behaviour, causing periods of sleeplessness, decreased general activity, poorer vigilance, poorer reaction times and performance, irritability and lethargy.

Cooler days, with lower humidity, tend to increase alertness and general activity, and improve moods.


It goes without saying that we tend to feel better when the sun is shining. Bright days with full sun are positively stimulating. In fact the lack of sunshine can cause what is commonly known as the 'winter blues' or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that rules our body's main functions (mood, activity, sleep, temperature, appetite and sex drive). It is stimulated by the natural light that passes through the retinas in our eyes, and when less light is available these functions slow down.

Up to half a million people in the UK are thought to experience SAD, with a further

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one in five of the population experiencing a milder form subsyndrome SAD. Symptoms vary from tiredness during the day and overeating to loss of libido and aggressive behaviour.

(Extract from "BBC Weather Features", 2004)

6.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) cuja(s) palavra(s) expresse(m) a mesma idéia que a da(s) expressão(ões) destacada(s) do texto.

01. "close to" (páragrafo 2) - far from02. "on the way" (parágrafo 2) - arriving soon04. "perform at our best" (parágrafo 3) - perform as well as you are able to08. "getting rid of" (parágrafo 5) - approaching16. "At times" (parágrafo 6) - sometimes32. "In fact" (parágrafo 8) - fortunately64. "Up to" (parágrafo 11) - more than

7.De acordo com o texto, assinale o que for correto.

01. O verbo modal "can" expressa certeza de que um determinado fato acontece.02. O comparativo "higher" é o contrário de "lower".04. Os vocábulos "surroundings" (parágrafo 3), "fluctuating" (parágrafo 4) e "causing" (parágrafo 4) são verbos no presente contínuo.08. O pronome relativo "whose" (parágrafo 6) refere-se a "the elderly" (parágrafo 6).16. Os vocábulos "mood" (parágrafo 10), "activity" (parágrafo 10), "sleep" (parágrafo 10), "temperature" (parágrafo 10), "appetite" (parágrafo 10) e "sex drive" (parágrafo 10) estão na mesma classe gramatical.32. A voz passiva foi empregada em "It is stimulated by the natural light...".64. A preposição "during" (parágrafo 11) pode ser substituída por "when" sem a necessidade de mudança na frase.

8.Analisando os prefixos e os sufixos dos vocábulos retirados do texto, assinale o que for correto.

01. O sufixo "ist", em "psychologist" (parágrafo 1), é usado para indicar uma pessoa que estuda um determinado assunto.02. O sufixo "ly", em "closely" (parágrafo 2) e em "continually" (parágrafo 4), indica advérbio de freqüência.04. O elemento sufixal "ity", em "humidity" e em "Mortality", é comumente usado na formação de adjetivos.08. O prefixo "i(r)", em "irrationally" , é utilizado para dar ênfase.16. O sufixo "ible", em "possible", tem função diferente de "able", em "available" .32. Os sufixos "ion", em "combination", "ness", em "sleeplessness", e "ance", em "vigilance, são empregados na formação de substantivos.64. O elemento prefixal "over", em "overeating", indica demasia.

9.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que a frase, de acordo com o texto, indique efeito(s) negativo(s) provocado(s) por condições climáticas.

01. "Weather can affect our behaviour in many different ways." (parágrafo 1)02. "We perform at our best when our bodies are not under stress from our

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surroundings..." (parágrafo 3)04. "So next time you find it hard to concentrate at work, blame it on the pressure!" (parágrafo 3)08. "Mortality rates are consistently linked to extremes of temperatures..." (parágrafo 6)16. "Cooler days, with lower humidity, tend to increase alertness and general activity, and improve moods." (parágrafo 8)32. "In fact the lack of sunshine can cause what is commonly known as the 'winter blues' or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)." (parágrafo 9)64. "The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that rules our body's main functions..." (parágrafo 10)

10.Com base nas informações contidas no texto, pode-se afirmar que

01. mesmo as pessoas não-especialistas são capazes de perceber como o calor afeta as pessoas.02. insetos também são influenciados por mudanças climáticas.04. os raios de sol excessivos provocam irritabilidade e cansaço.08. o corpo humano se adapta facilmente às mais diversas temperaturas.16. pesquisas desenvolvidas na Ucrânia comprovam a ligação entre a capacidade de concentração e a pressão atmosférica.32. americanos e ingleses são influenciados semelhantemente pelas mudanças de temperatura.64. o comportamento agressivo é um dos exemplos citados por um estudo feito no Reino Unido sobre a influência das altas temperaturas no corpo humano.

UEM - Winter - 2004

Prova de inglês do vestibular de inverno da UEM - 2004

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A marvel of a tragedy

Verona treasures the myth of an impossible love story bestowed on the city by Shakespeare's divine poetry

Shakespeare in love with Italy? Yes indeed! Yet it's all a question of imagination... and what an imagination! As far as we know, William Shakespeare never travelled, apart from a few trips from Stratford to London and back. He never went to Venice, where he set Othelo and The Merchant of Venice, nor to Hamlet's Denmark. Nor did he visit Verona, the Shakespearean city par excellence. "Verona, whose name always brings to mind Romeo and Juliet," wrote Theóphile Gautier in his nineteenth-century Voyage to Italy. Verona, where as a very young man Shakespeare set one of his first works, Two Gentlemen of Verona, a play about friendship and love that some critics consider "immature" though it seems very witty to us, his great admirers. Though Shakespeare never actually travelled anywhere, the settings of his plays are evoked so powerfully that his descriptions have become part of the identity of these places. Especially in the case of Verona, the ideal city of love and friendship, the setting of typically Italian passions, of contrasts and family feuds and above all of poetry. Balconies, tombs, dawns, stars and Capuchin friars inhabit this legendary place so that it acquires historical authenticity though the story itself is historically unfounded.

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The two official places of Shakespearean pilgrimage in Verona are Juliet's house and her tomb. Museums created over the years in the wake of a legend, based on slender historical facts but by now an essential part of Verona's heritage. The museum of Juliet's House is in point of fact a medieval tower in Via Dal Cappello 23. The Dal Cappello family dates back to the 13th century and the City of Verona bought the building in the early 20th century. "These were the houses of the Capulets, the family of Juliet, mourned by so many noble hearts and celebrated by poets," says the inscription on the facade.

In the early 1970s, an attractive bronze statue of Juliet was placed in the courtyard and the portico at the entrance is covered with graffitihearts, dates and names inscribed by lovers from all over the world.

A special letterbox receives thousands of letters every year sent to the young girl from Verona from the four corners of the earth. The members of the Juliet Club answer the letters and publish a special review as well as organising two literary prizes: "Cara Giulietta" ("Dear Juliet") and "Scrivere per amore" ("Writing for Love"). You may well say it's all an invention. But what is truer than a constantly fuelled myth?

(Extract from Ulisse, July 2003)

1.Considerando as informações contidas no texto, é correto afirmar que Shakespeare

01.provavelmente só tenha viajado da Inglaterra para a Dinamarca.02.escreveu algumas de suas obras na Itália.04.tomou Verona como cenário em, pelo menos, duas de suas obras.08.teve grande influência na identidade de Verona por causa de Romeu e Julieta.16.recebeu críticas negativas a respeito de um de seus trabalhos quando era jovem.32.era considerado uma lenda pelos italianos.64.considerava Verona uma cidade particularmente especial devido à sua história.

2.De acordo com o texto, pode(m) ser encontrada(s) em Verona a(s) seguinte(s) atração(ões):

01.o manuscrito do livro de Gautier sobre Shakespeare.02.o suposto túmulo de Julieta.04.a batina usada pelo frade Capuchino de Romeu e museu contando a trajetória de Shakespeare.16.uma estátua de bronze do casal mais famoso da castelo medieval onde supostamente Julieta morreu.64.uma caixa de correio especialmente criada para receber correspondências para a heroína shakespeareana.

3.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que a palavra ou as expressões em negrito respondam à pergunta "How often?".

01."… William Shakespeare never travelled..." ( paragraph 1)02."Verona, whose name always brings to mind..." (paragraph 1)04."The museum of Juliet's House is in point of fact..." (paragraph 2)

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08."...the City of Verona bought the building in the early 20th century." (paragraph 2)16."...mourned by so many noble hearts and celebrated by poets..." (paragraph 2)32."A special letterbox receives thousands of letters every year sent to the young girl from Verona..." (paragraph 4)64."But what is truer than a constantly fuelled myth?" (paragraph 4)

4.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que há contraste de idéias.

01."Verona treasures the myth of an impossible love story bestowed on the city..." (paragraph 1)02."Yet it's all a question of imagination… " (paragraph 1)04."Verona, where as a very young man Shakespeare set one of his first works..." (paragraph 1)08."...the setting of typically Italian passions, of contrasts and family feuds and above all of poetry." (paragraph 1)16." acquires historical authenticity though the story itself is historically unfounded." (paragraph 1)32."...based on slender historical facts but by now an essential part of Verona's heritage." (paragraph 2)64."...publish a special review as well as organising two literary prizes..." (paragraph 4)

5.Considerando os vocábulos abaixo, assinale o que for correto.

01."As far as we know" (paragraph 1) pode ser utilizado para comparar a distância entre dois lugares.02.Os pronomes "whose" (paragraph 1) e "where" (paragraph 1) poderiam ter sido empregados um em lugar do outro, sem alteração no sentido.04.O sufixo -ship, em "friendship" (paragraph 1), foi acrescentado ao substantivo friend para formar um adjetivo.08.Quando o autor utiliza "to us" (paragraph 1), ele se inclui entre os admiradores de Shakespeare.16."become" (paragraph 1) e "bought" (paragraph 2) estão no mesmo tempo verbal.32."from all over the world" (paragraph 3) e "from the four corners of the earth" (paragraph 4) têm o mesmo significado no texto.64."thousands of letters" (paragraph 4) pode ser traduzido por "centenas de cartas".

A Simple PlanStressed? Take a Walk on the Walden Side

By Cain Burdeau

The Associated Press

WALDEN POND, Mass, July 1 – A walk around Walden Pond can take as long as you need.

It was to this peaceful New England lake that a remarkable individual from nearby Concord came to live alone, clearing a spot for a one-room cabin.

Henry David Thoreau – the man who urged us to "simplify, simplify" –

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immortalized Walden as the birthplace of the conservation movement.

Thoreau lived here between 1845 and 1847, bathing in the pond in the mornings, the only person in sight, and wrote one of the most breathtaking books of early American philosophy: Walden, or Life in the Woods.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived," Thoreau wrote in Walden.

GETTING THERE: Walden Pond State Reservation is located near Lincoln and Concord in the greater Boston area. From east or west, take Route 2 to Route 126 south, and follow the signs.

THINGS TO REMEMBER:At Walden Pond, dogs, bicycles, flotation devices and grills are not allowed. No more than 1,000 visitors can be there at one time, so the park encourages visitors to call in advance and check on parking. Telephone:(978) 369-3254.

THINGS TO DO:Visitors are allowed to swim in the pond and there is a place to change clothes on site. There is also a boat launch accessible by car, but only canoes, kayaks and small electricpowered boats are permitted.

A walk around the pond is most satisfying. On the way, a visitor can see the spot where Henry David Thoreau wrote "Walden, or Life in the Woods". Also, a replica of Thoreau's house and a statue of Thoreau can be seen. Year-round interpretative programs and guided walks are offered. At the tourist center, there is a gift shop, bookstore and art gallery. There's also an ice cream shop. Specialized equipment includes portable listening systems for park programs and a beach wheelchair to the beach and water.

NEARBY ATTRACTIONS: Thoreau’s grave is located on Author’s Ridge at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord. Also in Concord, the house of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Thoreau’s close friend and a pioneering philosopher and writer himself - is worth visiting.

LODGING: A range of hotels and bed-and-breakfast, from modern luxury hotels to colonial farmhouses, can be found throughout the greater Boston area. Also, Massachusets has many state parks where camping is allowed.

6.Os textos 1 e 2 têm pontos comuns. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que apresente(m) temas comuns a ambos os textos.

01.A experiência de dois autores ingleses em outros países.02.As precauções que os turistas devem tomar ao viajarem.04.Os tipos de hospedagem disponíveis em Verona e em Walden Pond.08.A influência das obras literárias na vida das pessoas que moram nos lugares a que essas obras fazem referência.16.As estátuas em homenagem aos dois autores.32.O mesmo gênero literário que imortalizou os locais descritos.64.O fluxo de turistas que visitam os lugares.

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7.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que todos os termos, contidos no texto, expressem uma qualidade.

01."stressed" (subtítulo); "alone" (paragraph 2); "essential" (paragraph 5)02."peaceful" (paragraph 2); "individual" (paragraph 2); "early" (paragraph 4)04."breathtaking" (paragraph 4); satisfying" (paragraph 9); "specialized" (paragraph 9)08."deliberately" (paragraph 5); "lived" (paragraph 4); "signs" (paragraph 6)16."located" (paragraph 6); "devices" (paragraph 7); "advance" (paragraph 7)32."site" (paragraph 8); "accessible" (paragraph 8); "interpretative" (paragraph 9)

8.Pela leitura do texto, pode-se afirmar que Thoreau

01.alugou uma pequena casa em Walden Pond.02.passou a vida como eremita.04.escreveu uma das mais surpreendentes obras da literatura americana.08.simplificou o movimento conservacionista.16.optou por Walden Pond para escrever um livro.32.decidiu encarar apenas os fatos essenciais da vida.64.não queria morrer sem ter vivido em Walden Pond.

9.De acordo com o texto, em Walden Pond,

01.alivia-se o estresse.02.não é permitido mais do que um dado número de visitantes por dia.04.é obrigatório fazer reservas antecipadas para o estacionamento.08.o visitante pode nadar, andar de bicicleta e fazer churrasco.16.há lojas para a aquisição de souvenirs.32.visitas guiadas acontecem anualmente.64.o turista pode escolher qualquer tipo de lugar para se hospedar.

10.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) de acordo com o texto.

01.A casa onde Thoreau viveu não mais existe.02.Estão disponíveis equipamentos portáteis para praia e água.04.Mesmo o turista com menor poder aquisitivo pode hospedar-se na região.08.Além de escritor e filósofo, Emerson era amigo íntimo de Thoreau.16.Não se deve deixar de visitar a casa de Emerson.32.Uma das atrações de Walden Pond é o túmulo de Thoreau.

UEM - Summer - 2004

Prova de inglês do vestibular de verão da UEM - 2004

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Happiness is a career on the way down

When the head of an Edinburgh jewellers recently left her post to join the voluntary sector many were taken aback, but Julia Ogilvy's desire to look beyond the financial

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rewards of a career is far from unique.A new report says the modern generation of professionals are more interested in climbing down the career ladder rather than up, placing a balanced lifestyle above the stresses of striving for success.Many executives with top jobs are ready to leave the rat race in search of a more balanced lifestyle, according to the Britannia Building Society.Top of the list of these so-called "Climb Downers" are media and marketing workers with 57 per cent keen to ditch the nine-to-five grind. Bank managers and accountants come second in the poll (53 per cent), closely followed by surveryors (51 per cent) and teachers (49 per cent).Earlier this year, Julia Ogilvy, the managing director of Hamilton and Inches jewellers, in Edinburgh, surprised her contemporaries by leaving the company to work with some of the country's poorest council estates.(...)According to the Britannia, seven out of ten people (71 per cent) questioned for the survey said that there is no way they will still be working when they are in their sixties.Dubbed the Climb Downers by Britannia Building Society, such workers are far more likely to be saving up to travel round the world (73 per cent) than saving for a bigger, better house (16 per cent).(...)Stress is a major factor in the workplace today, with 42 per cent of those surveyed complaining they feel under pressure at work, and 55 per cent saying they think Britons are among the most overworked people in the world.But six out of ten people agreed that high profile, well-paid jobs are far too stressful and almost three quarters of people in the UK (74 per cent) said they would prefer to have a relaxed and fulfilled lifestyle rather than a six figure salary.Far and away the most popular choice of leisure activity for the would-be Climb Downer is travel, with staying at home and having a family, going back to college or university and volunteering in the local community also popular ways to fill their days.

(Adapted from Yahoo! News, November 19, 2003)

1. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) de acordo com o texto.

01. O bom desempenho profissional está diretamente relacionado à luta individual pelo sucesso.02. Os gerentes de banco, os professores e os publicitários encabeçam a lista de profissionais que melhor mantêm o equilíbrio entre o trabalho e a vida pessoal.04. Os trabalhadores estão mais interessados em poupar para viajar do que para adquirir um imóvel melhor.08. A maioria das pessoas que trabalha pretende se aposentar logo após os 60 anos de idade*.16. Os trabalhadores britânicos apresentam o maior nível de estresse no trabalho do mundo.32. No Reino Unido, os trabalhadores entrevistados consideram os cargos mais bem pagos muito estressantes.64. Os chamados "Climb Downers" são populares principalmente nas comunidades menores.

*(08)O texto não apresenta referência a aposentadoria.

2. Considerando as informações contidas no texto 1, é correto afirmar que Julia Ogilvy

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01. é a empresária escocesa mais famosa no ramo de joalherias.02. deseja mais da carreira do que apenas o retorno financeiro.04.surpreendeu a muitos ao abandonar o seu alto cargo para trabalhar com voluntariado.08. pretende atingir o topo da carreira sem pressa.16. anunciou que deixará o seu posto de diretora de uma grande companhia no ano que vem.32. atualmente trabalha em regiões pobres de Edimburgo.64. não é um caso isolado entre os executivos que estão dispostos a mudar o estilo de vida.

3. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que o(s) vocábulo(s) indica(m) profissão, ocupação ou cargo que uma pessoa pode ocupar.

01. "jewellers" (paragraph 1)02. "career ladder" (paragraph 2)04. "so-called" (paragraph 3)08. "accountants" (paragraph 4)16. "surveyors" (paragraph 5)32. "workplace" (paragraph 9)64. "overworked" (paragraph 9)

4. De acordo com o texto 1, assinale o que for correto.

01. O sufixo "-ness", em "happiness" (título), geralmente indica negação em inglês.02. "head" (paragraph 1) pode ser traduzido por "diretora".04. A forma "-ing", de "climbing" (paragraph 2) e de "according" (paragraph 2), tem a mesma função nos contextos em que está inserida.08. "in search of" (paragraph 2) poderia ser substituído por "looking for" sem alteração de significado.16. A partícula "up", em "saving up" (paragraph 8), é essencial quando o verbo significa "poupar".*32. "major" (paragraph 9) é o comparativo de "big".64. "six figure salary" (paragraph 10) é o mesmo que "salário de 6.000".

*(16) A partícula "up" não é essencial, por exemplo a expressão "save money" é bastante comum.

5. Tendo como base os seguintes fragmentos do texto 1, assinale a(s) alternativa(s) cuja(s) frase(s) contenha(m) verbo(s) no discurso indireto.

01. "A new report says the modern generation..." (paragraph 2)02. "...placing a balanced lifestyle above the stresses of striving for success." (paragraph 2)04. "Many executives with top jobs are ready to leave the rat race..." (paragraph 3)08. "...keen to ditch the nine-to-five grind." (paragraph 4)16. "...her contemporaries by leaving the company to work..." (paragraph 4)32." out of ten people (71 per cent) questioned for the survey said that there is no way..." (paragraph 7)64. "But six out of ten people agreed that high profile, well-paid jobs..." (paragraph 10)

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amazingly - surpreendentementesmooth - plano, liso

6. Choose the correct alternative(s) according to the comic strip.

01. "worse" (title) is an irregular superlative adjective.02. The character regrets the fact that it doesn't snow indoors.*04. "amazingly" (picture 1) could be replaced by "surprisingly".08. "it" (picture 2) refers to the beauty of the snow.16. "smooth", "perfect" and "clean" (picture 3) are all adjectives.32. The character wishes her life were like falling snow.*64. "too bad" (picture 6) expresses the character's unhappiness.*

*(02) A expressão "too bad" expressa que a personagem lamenta(regret) o fato de não nevar no interior da


*(32) A personagem diz "and makes everything look smooth and perfect and clean" se referindo as

conseqüências da neve.

*(64) A expressão "too bad" e a fisionomia de tristeza expressa que a insatisfação da personagem.

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Ask Dr. Drew

I am 38, divorced, and have always had a difficult time meeting women. Which is my best avenue for venturing into the dating world: Internet dating; "speed dating", where you meet different people and get three minutes to talk to them; or a video dating service?

J.M., Sacramento

The true "best avenue" is to meet people through your own social networks. When you meet people through friends, there's a reliable screening procedure already in place. When you meet people out of the blue, for all you know they're felons. Finding ways to meet other singles can be so overwhelming and awkward that many just give up and stay home. Dating services create an efficient way to get past that barrier. I'm very much in favor of them, but people need to learn how to use them.First, make sure you're not confusing "Internet dating" with "meeting people online". The latter - in chat rooms, for instance - is dangerous and should be avoided.In my experience, single people past their 20s seem most satisfied with Internet dating services.Speed dating can be fun and exciting, but it doesn't tend to fit the needs of people your age, who know more what they are looking for. You're probably less interested in "dating" than in finding someone with whom you can spend your life.A negative side of all these services, especially speed dating, is that they distill the whole process down to attraction. Attraction is often the unhealthiest part of one person being drawn to the unhealthiest part of another, so it might not be worth trusting. And it's unrealistic to think that you can form a reliable impression of someone in three minutes.There needs to be some attraction in order to have passion. But I would hope you're willing to look a little further. Real relationships often emerge from very surprising places.

Contributing Editor Drew Pinsky, M.D., is co-host of the radio show "Loveline".

(USA , June 22, 2003)

7. Considerando as informações contidas no texto 3, assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s). O texto 3

01. mostra os perigos envolvidos em se buscar um(a) companheiro(a) via Internet.02. seleciona as melhores opções para se encontrar companhia.04. afirma que as pessoas com mais de 20 anos estão certamente satisfeitas com os serviços de namoro da net.*08. sugere que os relacionamentos mais concretos geralmente surgem de lugares inusitados.16. responde a um questionário sobre as melhores maneiras de se encontrar companhia.32. afirma que encontrar companhia através de seu círculo de amigos é

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mais confiável.64. faz um balanço entre vantagens e desvantagens dos "chat rooms".

*(04) As pessoas com mais de vinte anos "parecem" satisfeitas e a alternativa afirma que "elas estão

certamente satisfeitas".

8. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que ambos os termos pertençam à mesma classe gramatical.

01. "social" (l paragraph 2); "procedure" (paragraph 2)02. "finding" (paragraph 3); "confusing" (paragraph 4)*04. "overwhelming" (paragraph 3); "looking" (paragraph 5)08. "awkward" (paragraph 3); "efficient" (paragraph 3)16. "latter" (paragraph 4); "further" (paragraph7)32. "past" (paragraph 5); "interested" (paragraph 5)64. "unrealistic" (paragraph 6); "reliable" (paragraph 6)

*(02) A duas expressões "Finding" e "confusing" estão no gerúndio com diferentes funções.

9. Assinale o que for correto, de acordo com o texto 3.

01. J.M. é um homem com problemas para encontrar pessoas com quem possa manter um relacionamento.02. O termo "felons" (paragraph 2) é utilizado para caracterizar positivamente uma pessoa.04. Segundo o autor, a atração é o aspecto mais negativo num relacionamento.08. Confiar na atração para se julgar o caráter de uma pessoa é próprio dos jovens.16. Quando se encontra alguém por intermédio de amigos, de certa forma já há uma seleção.32. "your age" (paragraph 5) refere-se à faixa etária daqueles que buscam relacionamentos pela Internet.64. Há pessoas que se sentem tão constrangidas na busca de relacionamentos que preferem ficar em casa.

10. De acordo com o texto 3, assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s).

01. O vocábulo "venturing" (paragraph 1) significa o mesmo que "risking".02. A expressão "out of the blue" (paragraph 2) significa "unexpectedly".04. "singles" (paragraph 3) refere-se às pessoas que não estão envolvidas em um relacionamento amoroso.08. O texto alerta para que "Internet dating" seja evitado.16. As pessoas da faixa etária de J. M. sabem definitivamente como cuidar de si próprias.32. J.M. está em busca de uma companhia duradoura.*64. Para que haja amor, tem que haver atração.

*(32) No texto encontramos a seguinte citação "You're probably less interested in "dating" than in

finding someone with whom you can spend your life" a qual não afirma que J.M. esteja em busca de uma

companhia duradoura.

UEM - Winter - 2003

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Texto 1

Homework causes family arguments

Children's homework can become a

family battleground, says report

Homework is bad for your family, say researchers, who have found that it causes arguments and upsets.

A study of the impact of homework in different countries says that the pressure of homework causes friction between children and parents.

This pressure is worst in families where parents are most keen for their children to succeed at school. And the survey claims that homework causes anxiety and emotional exhaustion.

Homework clubs

As a solution, the report suggests that "homework clubs", which take place after school, are a successful way of getting the benefit of homework, without risking the disagreements associated with homework at home.

The report from the Institute of Education in London is a review of research over 75 years, which examines the impact of homework in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Australia and the Far and Middle East.

And it says that homework can become a source of tension, particularly when parents try to take too much control of how children are approaching their homework.

For parents to make a positive contribution, the report suggests that parents should take a more supportive and less interventionist role, only helping when they are asked.

'Moral support'

"Parents have the most positive influence when they offer moral support, make appropriate resources available and discuss general issues.

They should only actually help with homework when their children specifically ask them to," says report author, Susan Hallam.

The report backs the effectiveness of homework clubs, which have become popular in many schools. These provide a quiet place where children can study after formal

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lessons finish, with a teacher often available to help them.

"Homework clubs give children the benefits of homework without the rows at home. Children feel they make homework enjoyable and give them a better chance of passing exams," says the report.

"They may assist in raising standards for those who need extra support or who find it difficult to do homework at home. As such, they help to bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots."

The report also says that the impact of homework on academic achievement is "relatively limited" compared to other factors, such as "prior knowledge, ability, time on task, good attendance at school, motivation and self-confidence".

(BBC News, 10 February, 2004)

1.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) de acordo com o texto.

01. Quanto mais os pais controlam as tarefas, menos as crianças são bem sucedidas.02. Atualmente, a quantidade de tarefa de casa é muito maior que de antigamente.04. As crianças reclamam muito com os pais das atividades que têm que desenvolver fora da sala de aula.08. A tarefa de casa pode ser motivo de desentendimento entre pais e filhos.16. Os pais devem auxiliar os filhos com o dever de casa apenas quando forem solicitados.32. De acordo com um estudo realizado, as tarefas causam mais impacto em crianças mais jovens.64. A assiduidade é considerada um fator mais importante no sucesso acadêmico que a realização de tarefas de casa.

2.De acordo com o texto, os "homework clubs"

01. causam tensão em algumas crianças.02. são uma boa opção para evitar conflitos entre pais e filhos em relação às tarefas de casa.04. ensinam os pais a trabalharem melhor com os filhos em casa.08. são realizados após as aulas regulares.16. são uma alternativa eficiente, embora sejam dispendiosos.32. auxiliam as crianças a verem o dever de casa de uma forma mais prazerosa.64. fornecem atendimento individual com professores qualificados.

3.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) em que a palavra apresentada esteja relacionada a um contexto negativo.

01. "upsets" (sub-título)02. "keen" (parágrafo 1)04. "anxiety" (parágrafo 1)08. "disagreements" (parágrafo 2)16. "supportive" (parágrafo 5)32. "effectiveness" (parágrafo 9)

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64. "knowledge" (parágrafo 12)

4.Assinale o que for correto, de acordo com o texto.

01. O pronome "their" (parágrafo 2) refere-se a "parents"(parágrafo 2).02. O pronome relativo "which" (parágrafo 3) poderia ser substituído por "that".04. O verbo modal "should" (parágrafo 6) expressa possibilidade ou permissão.08. As formas sublinhadas em "less interventionist role" (parágrafo 6) e "most positive influence" (parágrafo 7) são utilizadas em superlativos.16. A forma "ing", em "chance of passing exams" (parágrafo 10), foi utilizada por ser o verbo precedido de preposição.32. "who find it difficult to do homework" (parágrafo 11) pode ser expresso como "who have difficulty in doing homework", sem alteração de significado.64. "As such" (parágrafo 11) e "such as" (parágrafo 12) são utilizados para exemplificar.

5. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) cujas palavras ou expressões sejam sinônimas entre si.

01. "researchers" (sub-título) – reporters02. "succeed" (parágrafo 2) – not fail04. "take place" (parágrafo 3) – happen08. "actually" (parágrafo 8) – at present16. "available" (parágrafo 9) – qualified32. "raising" (parágrafo 11) – going down64. "prior" (parágrafo 12) – happening before

Texto 2

O texto 2 é constituído pelos seis anúncios a seguir:

Anúncio 1

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Vocabularycurrently - atualmenteseeking - procurando

Anúncio 2

Vocabularyperched - no altobreathtaking - de tirar o fôlegohamlet - vila, aldeiaavailable - disponível

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pool - piscina

Anúncio 3

Vocabularyout-of -print - que não está sendo mais publicadoantiquarian - antigo e raro

Anúncio 4

Vocabularyrange - variedadeseeking - procurandosailing - veleirocharter - fretar

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Anúncio 5

Vocabularyseeks - procuracurrent - atualfurther - extra

Anúncio 6

Vocabularyceiling - tetobeamed - radiante, bonitoplumbing - encanamento

CAM – Cambridge Alumni Magazine n.o 41, Lent Term 2004.

6. De acordo com o texto 2, assinale o que for correto.

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01. Turistas podem reservar um apartamento próximo a Pisa.02. Em Veneza, de 4 a 6 pessoas podem ficar hospedadas em um castelo.04. Barlow Moor Books oferece um serviço de busca de livros raros.08. Turistas podem alugar veleiros no arquipélago dos Açores.16. Apenas dois dos anúncios incluem a possibilidade de o turista se divertir na água.32. As instalações em Veneza dispõem de mobiliário arrojado.

7. A leitura do texto 2 permite afirmar que

01. algumas casas serão alugadas enquanto os proprietários estiverem ausentes.02. férias de uma semana para 4 a 6 pessoas, na Itália, podem custar de £490 a £795 por pessoa.04. a casa na Toscana está situada em um local aprazível e plano que propicia caminhadas.08. todas as acomodações anunciadas são para a área central das cidades.16. o panorama visto da casa da Toscana é muito semelhante ao panorama visto do arquipélago.32. quem tiver interesse em um local romântico deve optar pelas ilhas.

8. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) de acordo com as informações contidas no texto.

01. Entre os anúncios publicados, três fazem busca de livros de interesse só do cliente.02. Os anúncios foram publicados tendo em vista clientes potenciais britânicos.04. Quem tiver manuscritos de livros pode submetê-los aos anunciantes 1 e 5.08. As editoras estão interessadas em livros de áreas específicas.16. Os interessados nos anúncios podem entrar em contato com todos os anunciantes via internet, fax ou telefone.32. Os anúncios n.o 1 e n.o 3 oferecem oportunidade de trabalho remunerado.

9. Analise os vocábulos abaixo, extraídos dos anúncios do texto, identificados entre parênteses, e assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s).

01. "hillside" e "clad" (2) são aspectos geográficos.02. "vine"e "olive" (2) são plantações.04. "manor" (4) e "hamlet" (2) são construções semelhantes.08. "scholarly" (3) faz referência ao ano escolar.16. "further" (5) pode ser substituído por "future".32. "antique" (6) tem o mesmo significado que "historical".64. "ceiling" e "plumbing" (6) são partes de uma construção.

10. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que apresenta(m) informação(ões) correta(s) em relação aos vocábulos retirados dos anúncios identificados entre parênteses.

01. "currently" (1) is the same as "at the moment".02. "us", in "ask us about" (2), is a relative pronoun.04. "out-of-print" (3) means the same as "newlyprinted".08. "whale and dolphin" (4) are sea creatures.16. "diving" (4) is a kind of water activity.

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32. "seeks" (5) is a verb in the 3 rd person singular.64. "ancient" (6) makes reference to the price of theplace.

UEL - 2006

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This issue of Gender Equality News focuses on trafficking of women. It is recognized that we need to look not only at changing the attitudes of the authorities who deal with trafficked victims, but also the prejudices that victims may face within their own communities when and if they return. Julie Bindel opens the debate by looking at the response in the UK to this problem. Alongside the need to revisit the legislation on prosecution of traffickers and our support for victims, she argues that we need to address the fundamental question of demand. Judge Nimfa Cuesta Vilches from the Philippines provides an overview of current law provision on trafficking in her own country. A British Council colleague contributes her view of the socioeconomic conditions that make women in Ukraine vulnerable to the professional international traffickers. Other perspectives from Greece and Bulgaria look at bringing together agencies to work on this issue and the need to raise awareness among vulnerable groups and the community at large. Finally, as a departure from our main focus in this issue, we have the wonderful photographs by Nancy Durrell Mckenna. In an interview she explains the reasons she set up her charity, Safehands for Mothers.

Our next issue will focus on CEDAW and the progress made 25 years on from its creation, and we welcome articles and photographs on this topic.

Alison SmithGender Equality [emailprotected]

(Fonte: Gender Equality News. British Council, n. 26,march 2004.)

1. É correto afirmar que o texto enfatiza a necessidade de:

a) Nos preocuparmos com a falta de atendimento psicológico e de saúde às mulheres vítimasabaixo de 25 anos e com as penas pouco rígidas sentenciadas pelas autoridades aos criminosos responsáveis.b) Mudarmos a postura das autoridades que se ocupam dos casos de tráfico de mulheres e a atitude da comunidade quanto ao preconceito em relação às vítimas.c) Apoiarmos as vítimas, em especial aquelas identificadas como mulheres prostituídas, e fazermos encaminhamento ao poder público o mais rapidamente possível.d) Combatermos o crime do tráfico de mulheres em um número crescente de países como Filipinas, Ucrânia, Grécia, Bulgária e oferecermos serviços de aconselhamento e saúde às vítimas.e) Fazermos uma campanha para revisão das penas pelos crimes de

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seqüestro e estupro, além de coibirmos ações de tráfico de mulheres por meio da participação das autoridades em movimentos sociais.

2. É correto afirmar que o conteúdo do editorial é organizado:

a) Pela exposição de uma situação, explicitação de uma perturbação e resolução.b) Pela orientação de uma seqüência, constatação de ações e avaliação.c) Pela apresentação do tema, enumeração dos elementos constitutivos e nova introdução.d) Por uma constatação inicial, apresentação de elementos e conclusão provável.e) Por uma introdução do objeto, problematização de questões e avaliação.

3. Com base no texto, é correto afirmar:

a) O próximo número da revista falará sobre a criação, após 25 anos de trabalhos, de um local para abrigar as mulheres vitimadas.b) Uma jornalista inglesa argumenta em favor de um endereço único para serem enviadas sugestões sobre esta questão fundamental.c) Julie Bindel fará a abertura de um debate para buscar soluções para esse problema no Reino Unido.d) A Grécia e a Bulgária são os países onde, atualmente, há maior número de grupos vulneráveis a esse problema.e) Uma juíza fornece uma vista geral sobre as providências legais contra o tráfico existente atualmente em seu país.

World Wildlife Fund Praises Disney Decision to Drop Shark Fin Soup from the Menu

For Release: 06/24/2005

"We applaud Disney for making the right decision to remove shark fin from their menu because of their commitment to conservation and responsible consumption," says Ginette Hemley, Vice President for Species Conservation.

"Many shark populations are under attack by man. Despite their fierce reputation, sharks are preyed upon by humans for their meat, teeth and as the ultimate fishing trophy. Disney's action today helps pull sharks from the jaws of yet another threat."

WWF-US has an on-going partnership with Disney's Animal Kingdom to enhance biodiversity education and address sustainable consumption with leaders in education and industry. This decision shows their commitment to ocean conservation and working with the conservation community to protect marine biodiversity.

(Disponível em: < PR.cfm?prlD=206>. Acesso em:

14 jul. 2005.)

4. É correto afirmar que a decisão tomada pela Disney, e elogiada no texto, é a de:

a) Proteger os tubarões de ameaçadoras temporadas de pesca.

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b) Retirar sopa de barbatana de tubarão de seu cardápio.c) Impedir o comércio de mandíbulas de tubarão para troféus.d) Colaborar financeiramente com a preservação ambiental juntamente com a WWF.e) Aumentar o consumo sustentável de carne de tubarão.

5. Com base no texto, assinale a alternativa que define correta e respectivamente WWF, Disney e a razão pela qual esta tomou a decisão relatada.

a) Organização não-governamental; empresa de entretenimento; compromisso com a preservação e com o consumo responsável.b) Empresa de controle da vida selvagem; empresa de turismo; comprometimento com a causa da preservação ambiental.c) Instituição de conservação de espécies marinhas; empresa de entretenimento; compromisso emproteger a biodiversidade marinha.d) Instituição empresarial dos EUA; organização não-governamental; comprometimento com acausa da preservação ambiental.e) Comissão de proteção à fauna e flora mundial; produtora de filmes infantis; preocupação quanto à sua reputação no que se refere à preservação e ao consumo responsável.

A Dispute Over Brain Donations

Families Allege Improper Consent in Lawsuits Against Bethesda Institute

By David Snyder

For nearly a decade, a most unusual commodity has arrived regularly at the Stanley Medical Research Institute in Bethesda: human brains, packed in dry ice and sent by FedEx from coroner across the country.

Removed from the skulls of the recently dead to preserve their value as objects of scientific research, the brains are catalogued, frozen and sliced into thin samples, which are then shipped to researchers around the globe seeking to unlock the mysteries of schizophrenia and other illnesses. Even before establishing one of the nation's largest so called brain banks at the nonprofit Stanley institute, psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey had built a name for himself in the psychiatric community for his theories about the origins of schizophrenia and methods of treatment for the mentally ill.

But nothing in Torrey's past as a researcher and an author prepared his admirers, or his critics, for the allegations contained in a growing number of lawsuits filed in Maine. The lawsuits, the most recent of which was filed June 17, allege that a contractor for SMRI obtained brains from cadavers in that state without receiving full consent from family members.

Some families who filed suits say the contractor told them that he would take only small samples of brain tissue but then took entire brains. At least one family says in a suit that SMRI did not have consent to take any tissue.

"I felt so violated," said Lorraine Gagnon, who claims that the brain of her late son, A.J. Gagnon, was taken without her permission. "I still have nightmares of

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my son calling me, saying, 'Mom, help.' Those don't go away."

(Fonte: Washington Post, Thursday, June 30, 2005; Page B01. Disponível em:

<http://www.washington>. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2005.)

6. Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que a instituição mencionada:

a) Não tem fins lucrativos e está sendo processada.b) É inspirada na filantropia e trabalha com transplante de cérebro.c) Tem obtido muitos lucros e localiza-se na cidade de Bethesda.d) É entidade jurídica e é voltada aos direitos dos doadores de órgãos.e) Possui caráter religioso e procura ajudar pessoas esquizofrênicas.

7. Com base no texto, é correto afirmar:

a) Crânios humanos, um produto incomum, têm chegado freqüentemente ao SMRI por meio de pesquisadores de todo o mundo.b) Torrey é um psicólogo conhecido pela criação de bancos de órgãos nos Estados Unidos e pela cura da esquizofrenia.c) Os órgãos enviados ao Instituto Bethesda pelas famílias das vítimas sustentam as pesquisas realizadas ao redor do mundo.d) A cura para doenças mentais tem sido buscada por meio de pesquisas realizadas no InstitutoBethesda.e) O SMRI tem sido acusado de trabalhar com cérebros humanos sem a devida permissão das famílias das vítimas.

8. Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que os cérebros recebidos são:

a) Mantidos em temperatura ambiente; enviados aos pesquisadores por correio.b) Congelados em seu tamanho original; guardados em globos de titânio em gelo seco.c) Congelados em grandes porções; dependentes da permissão das famílias dos doadores.d) Fatiados em finas amostras; estudados para desvendar problemas de esquizofrenia e de outras doenças.e) Catalogados como objetos científicos; extraídos de cadáveres de indigentes.

Photo competition

Win a Canon camera and see the world!

What theme?

For April, May and June 2005, the theme is Glamour.

Fantastic Canon Camera Prizes!At the end of each quarter three Canon cameras will be awarded to the best photographs in the relevant thematic category.

Don't be late...Entries for the Canon Glamour prize must be received byJuly 8, 2005. Winners will be selected by a panel of expert judges. Black-and-

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white, colour prints and transparencies should be mailed to: Media Partners Fulfilment Department, PO Box 2215, 1180 EE Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Digital images in JPG format (1200 x 1800 pixels, max. 300 dpi) should be e-mailed to: [emailprotected]. Please enclose full name, address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address as well as a brief description of the locale and circ*mstance in which your photograph was taken. Submit details of the flight (date, flight number) during which you read about the competition. Only one photograph (max 10 x 15 cm) or one JPG digital image per category can be accepted.For the latest competition results and prizewinners, visit the KLM website and click on 'Specials and Offers'.

(Fonte: Holland Herald, p. 44, april 2005.)

9. Com base no texto, é correto afirmar:

a) O assunto central do texto é um concurso de fotografias; as fotos devem ser enviadas no dia 8 de julho.b) O resultado não será divulgado na rede de computadores; o resultado será divulgado no balcão da KLM ou por telefone.c) É preciso incluir algumas informações sobre a foto; as premiações serão feitas no final de cadatrimestre.d) Somente serão aceitas fotos enviadas por correio eletrônico; serão oferecidos prêmiosdiversos da empresa Cannon.e) O vencedor da competição receberá três câmeras fotográficas; o vencedor apresentará um painel em uma exposição.

10. É correto afirmar que a escolha do tempo verbal no ato de abertura "Win a Canon camera and see the world!" tem como objetivo:

a) Vender o produto.b) Questionar o leitor.c) Apresentar o produto.d) Persuadir o leitor.e) Enganar o leitor.

UEL - 2005

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Diana photographers are put on trial again

A French court held a new trial on Tuesday of three photographers who took pictures of Princess Diana and her friend, Dodi al Fayed, just before and after their fatal car crash in Paris in August, 1997.The appeal court quickly adjourned and was expected to make a ruling on Sept. 14 on charges of violating privacy laws. Only one of the photographers was present in court.Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez and Eric Chassery were acquitted seven months ago of breaking privacy laws, an offense punishable by up to a year in prison. But Dodi’s father, Mohamed al Fayed, and state prosecutors appealed the verdict.Mohamed al Fayed, owner of the London store Harrods, wants the paparazzi pusnished. (Reuters)

(International Herald Tribune. Wednesday, June 23, 2004. p.8.)

1.O texto aborda um recurso contra uma decisão judicial impetrado por:

a) Princesa Diana e Dodi al Fayed.b) Mohamed al Fayed e promotores públicos.c) Jacques Langevin, Christian Martinez e Eric Chassery.d) Corte francesa e Harrods londrina.e) Fotógrafos mundialmente conhecidos como paparazzi.

2.O texto acima foi publicado na seção:

a) Editorial.b) Carta do leitor.c) Sinopse.d) Notícia.e) Entrevista.

3.Com base no texto, é correto afirmar que os réus estão sendo acusados de:

a) Homicídio doloso.b) Crime passional.c) Invasão de privacidade.d) Quebra de sigilo.e) Cárcere privado.

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4. O objetivo do texto é:

a) Sensibilizar viajantes a participarem de uma campanha de caridade.b) Divulgar aos viajantes a campanha de Natal da Swissair.c) Arrecadar fundos para a associação dos funcionários da Swissair.d) Recolher donativos para entidades assistenciais da Swissair.e) Angariar recursos para a compra de agasalhos para órfãos.

5.Segundo o texto, os envelopes de arrecadação são recolhidos:

a) Pelas crianças da SOS Children’s Villages.b) Pelas famílias adotivas de crianças órfãs.c) Pelos funcionários da SOS e da Swissair.d) Pelos comissários de bordo da Swissair.e) Pelos voluntários da entidade beneficente promotora.

6. Com base no enunciado Your small change can make a big change, assinale a alternativa cujo provérbio veicula a mesma mensagem.

a) Pagar com a mesma moeda.b) Quem vê cara não vê coração.c) Deus ajuda a quem cedo madruga.d) Quem tudo quer nada tem.e) A união faz a força.

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Allergies: the two-dog trick

By Sora Song

Here’s a reason to think twice about giving antibiotics to kids: researchers at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit found that by age 7, children who received antibiotics such as penicillin in their first six months were 1.5 times as likely to develop allergies and more than twice as likely to develop asthma as kids who didn’t get the drugs. Also at higher risk for allergies were children who were breast-fed for more than four months and those whose mothers had a history of allergies. The study followed 448 youngsters suffering allergies to pets, ragweed, grass and dust mites. Researchers don’t know the precise link between antibiotics and allergies, but they think the drugs may interfere with the development of the immune system. One thing that helped ward off allergies and asthma: having more than two pets (cats or dogs) around in the child’s first year.

(Time magazine, Oct. 13, 2003.)

7. A função desse texto é:

a) Descrever um procedimento.b) Explicar uma teoria.c) Argumentar contra um fato.d) Narrar uma história.e) Informar sobre uma descoberta.

8.Com base no texto, é correto afirmar:

a) O leite materno no início da vida, independentemente da presença do antibiótico, previne alergia e asma.b) A alergia é provocada pelo contato com animais de estimação, pólen, grama e ácaros.c) Ter contato com animais de estimação no início da vida ajuda a prevenir alergias e asma.d) A capacidade inata de desenvolver asma e alergia se define durante a gestação.e) Antibiótico no primeiro ano de vida previne o desenvolvimento de alergia e asma.

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(Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 14

out. 2004.)

9.Com base no texto, é correto afirmar:

a) Mulheres buscavam igualdade de direitos.b) Mulheres e homens votavam em Ohio.c) Homens promoviam apoio às candidatas.d) Homens se juntaram contra as mulheres.e) Mulheres e homens disputavam as eleições.

10.Com base no texto, “ought to” é usado para indicar o que é considerado:

a) Errado.b) Correto.c) Necessário.d) Improvável.e) Obrigatório.

UEL - 2004

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The State of Rio Grande do Sul, has received a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and intends to apply part of the loan proceeds to make payments under the contract for the state modernization consulting services. The services include, among others: (I) a detailed diagnosis about the public sector in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and its organizations; (II) the design of a coordinating system to the main projects of the Government; (III) the design of an e-government system; (IV) the design of a monitoring and evaluating system of the Government activities based upon a set of indicators to be defined; (V) proposals to improve the efficiency and the quality of the services to the citizens in the biggest areas of the Government like public education, public health, public security, social network, etc. (VI) proposals for the modernization of the shopping system of the Government.Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, financial capacity, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.) Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines. Interested consultands may obtain further information at the address below from 9am and 2pm to 6pm, all the working days.

Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by July 31st , 2003.João Carlos Brum Torres - State Secretary - Hermilio Santos Manager

Av. Borges de Medeiros, 150190119 - 900 - Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Tel: (55)(51) 3288.1409Fax:(55)(51) 3286.5490

e-mail: [emailprotected]

1.O objetivo deste Edital é:

a) Anunciar mudanças efetivadas no sistema de prestação de serviços do governo do Rio Grande do Sul em diversas áreas.b) Disponibilizar a prestação de serviços de consultoria nas áreas de educação, saúde, segurança e serviço social.c) Divulgar um processo seletivo para a contratação de serviços de consultoria para o governo do Rio Grande do Sul.d) Informar sobre o processo de modernização implementado pelo governo do Rio Grande do Sul em diversas áreas de serviços.e) Anunciar a contratação de servidores para as áreas de educação, saúde, segurança e serviço social no Rio Grande do Sul.

2.Pela leitura do texto, infere-se que:

a) O governo gaúcho prioriza a contratação de consultores brasileiros para a coordenação, monitoração e avaliação de projetos do Estado.b) A implantação de uma sistemática de governo operada eletronicamente compõe o projeto de modernização dos serviços do governo do Rio Grande do Sul.c) O governo gaúcho atingiu um alto padrão de qualidade nas áreas de educação, saúde, segurança e serviço social.d) O governo gaúcho já havia contratado anteriormente,através de outro empréstimo internacional, um serviço de consultoria nas áreas de educação, saúde, segurança e serviço

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social.e) O sistema de compras do estado do Rio Grande do Sul é um dos mais modernos da América Latina.

3.Qual das alternativas abaixo se refere a uma orientaçãofornecida pelo texto?

a) Agendar o uso de serviços públicos por correspondência eletrônica.b) Comparecer ao escritório do Banco Mundial no horário estabelecido.c) Enviar correspondência no prazo máximo de três meses.d) Comparecer ao teste seletivo na data e horário estabelecidos.e) Enviar manifestações de interesse para o endereço fornecido.

Court Overturns Stoning Sentence for Nigerian WomanAccused of Adultery

September 25, 2003

by NOW Staff

In a victory for women's rights, a Nigerian court of appeals on Sept. 25 threw out the case against Amina Lawal, a 32-year-old single mother sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery.Lawal was convicted of adultery for giving birth to a daughter out of wedlock, a crime punished by death under Sharia, the strict Islamic law embraced in northern Nigeria. The man she identified as the child's father was not convicted of any wrongdoing after he brought three male "witnesses" to testify on his behalf. Under Sharia, this constitutes sufficient evidence to clear him of the accusation. Lawal had no option.News of the brutal sentence and Lawal's unequal treatment under the law sparked outrage from humanitarian groups around the world. NOW (National Organization for Women) activists sent tens of thousands of letters to Nigerian officials and staged a protest at the Nigerian embassy in Washington D.C. "I am very happy," Lawal reportedly said after the sentence was overturned. "God is great and he has made this possible."Feminist leaders expressed relief at the news of the overturned sentence, but warned against complacency. "Unless both women and men are treated equally under the law in northern Nigeria, other women will certainly be sentenced to death for the 'crime' of becoming pregnant out of wedlock, even if the pregnancy is the result of rape," said NOW President Kim Gandy. "We must continue to demand Nigeria's compliance with international law and even its own constitution in regard to the treatment of women."

(Disponível em‹ › Acesso em: 8 out. 2003.)

Fonte: The Economist, June 28th, 2003.

4. Com base na leitura do texto, é correto afirmar:

a) Kim Gandy adverte para um problema ainda presente em relação ao julgamento de homens e mulheres nas leis nigerianas.b) Sharia foi uma testemunha importante para a absolvição do homem acusado de ser o pai da filha de Amina.c) Amina Lawal recebeu manifestações decisivas para a confirmação da sentença de morte decretada pelo tribunal de justiça nigeriano.d) A data de morte de Amina Lawal foi adiada em função de manifestações populares, como por exemplo, daOrganização Nacional para Mulheres.e) A condenação de Amina Lawal teve repercussão mundial, principalmente porque ela

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negava a acusação por adultério.

5.Com base no texto, o protesto da NOW aconteceu:

a) Na embaixada americana na Nigéria.b) Na sede da organização na Nigéria.c) Na sede da organização em Washington D.C.d) Na embaixada nigeriana nos Estados Unidos.e) Na sede da organização nos Estados Unidos.


by Kent S. Markle


The use of Wind energy is growing faster than any other type of renewable energy because of improvements in Wind turbine technology over the past 20 years. The best locations for wind as an energy source are coasts, mountains, and plains. Like solar rays, wind is also a form of intermittent renewable energy, avaliable only about 30 percent of the time. Often, when the sun isn´t shining, the wind is blowing, so many users rely on wind turbines to complement solar panels.Most of the world´s wind generation capacity is located in the United States, Denmark ( the pioneer in wind generation), the Netherlands (famous for its use of windmills), Germany, and India. While wind generation of electricity is clean, some disadvantages include the noise of the blades of windmills and the appearance. A large wind farm on a hillside is clearly visible, in the same way that large arrays of solar panels are. People who rely on wind-generated electricity, however, may not mind the view of clean energy being created.(...)

Fonte: English Teaching Forum, Out. 2002, p.51.

6.Segundo o texto, o fator que tem impulsionado o cresci-mento do uso de energia eólica é:

a) O tamanho das hélices do moinho.b) A visibilidade das turbinas do moinho.c) O avanço tecnológico de construção de turbinas de moinho.d) A abundância de locais para instalação de moinhos.e) O investimento público nesse setor.

7.Assinale a alternativa que indique corretamente um dos locais com grande potencial para geração de energia eólica mencionado no texto:

a) Lagoa comunicante com um rio.b) Ampla porção de terreno plano.c) Campo densamente arborizado.d) Terras baixas em depressões alagadas.e) Depressão alongada entre montes.

A South African writer reflects on his country's new Nobel laureateby Rian Malan

(…) And yet, and yet. When all the literary games are done and his last sentence

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deconstructed, Coetzee will be remembered for something quite simple: here was a writer who described, more truly than any other, what it was to be white and conscious in the face of apartheid's stupidities and cruelties. This may perplex people from outside South Africa, because the word apartheid is never uttered in his novels, and the settings are not necessarily South African. In 1980, when Coetzee's masterpiece Waiting for the Barbarians was published, I was in the U.S., living among people who took it as a surreal cowboy story set on some nameless frontier and wondered what all the fuss was about. For me, and for many white South Africans, it was an unbearably painful allegory about our daily lives and moral dilemmas, a book that engaged on a psychic level so deep and compelling that reading it left one dazed and hypnotized. (...)

Fonte: TIME online edition, 13 out. 2003.

8.A partir do texto, compreende-se que J. M. Coetzee é:

a) Romancista.b) Físico.c) Dramaturgo.d) Químico.e) Poeta.

9.Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que:

a) A especialidade de Coetzee é fazer jogos literários com as palavras.b) Coetzee foi a favor do sistema político "apartheid' na África do Sul.c) Os americanos consideram J. M. Coetzee um africano racista e surreal.d) Coetzee retrata os dilemas morais enfrentados por africanos brancos conscientes no sistema "apartheid".e) Dilemas morais e da vida cotidiana são temas excluídos por Coetzee.

10.O livro Waiting for the Barbarians aborda a questão:

a) Da violência física.b) Da ética profissional.c) Da reeducação psíquica.d) Dos fenômenos hipnóticos.e) Da discriminação racial.

UEL - 2003

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One More Reason To Eat Your Veggies

If you're worried about prostate cancer, it might pay to eat an apple a day. Or an onion. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., report that a natural substance called

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quercetin significantly reduced the ability of prostate tumor cells to absorb the hormone they need to develop and proliferate. Quercetin is found in apples, onions, leafy vegetables, green and black tea, beans, and red wine.

The team, led by Dr. Nianzeng Xing, cautioned that the study has been done only on cancer cells cultivated in the lab, and quercetin hasn't been tested in human patients. But it has two advantages as a potential treatment: it is abundant and safe. Prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men, will strike 198,100 Americans this year and kill 31,500, according to the American Cancer Society. Existing treatments have severe side effects, so scientists have been searching for a safer one.

The researchers found that quercetin reduced prostate cancer cells' absorption of androgens, the male hormones that stimulate prostate cancer. Next, the Mayo team will test quercetin in mice that have been bioengineered to develop prostate cancer.

(In: Business Week, April 9, 2001. p. 106.)

1. Pode-se dizer que a intenção principal do texto é:

a) Apresentar um relato preliminar de uma pesquisa que visa a prevenção do câncer de próstata. b) Incentivar a ingestão de frutas e legumes no combate à célula cancerosa denominada quercetina. c) Questionar os efeitos colaterais apresentados por uma substância que combate o câncer de próstata. d)Discutir um trabalho científico sobre os hormônios absorvidos pelas células cancerosas em sua proliferação. e) Relatar uma pesquisa sobre a mortalidade de homens americanos decorrente de câncer de próstata.

2. O estudo mencionado no texto foi realizado pela equipe liderada pelo Dr. Nianzeng Xing em:

a) Homens norte-americanos de meia-idade. b) Diversos tipos de ratos geneticamente modificados. c) Frutas e vegetais modificados em laboratório. d) Células cancerosas cultivadas em laboratório. e) Ratos tratados com o objetivo de desenvolver câncer de próstata.

3. Segundo o texto, o estudo revela que a substância quercetina:

a) É encontrada em ratos de laboratório que desenvolveram câncer de próstata. b) Pode ser encontrada em células cancerosas cultivadas em laboratórios. c) Reduz a absorção dos hormônios masculinos pelas células cancerosas da próstata. d) Estimula os hormônios masculinos que provocam câncer de

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próstata. e) Desenvolve-se e prolifera tanto em pacientes humanos quanto em ratos.

O texto abaixo é um comentário sobre o livro Jane Austen: A Life, de Claire Tomalin (Univ. of California Press,1997).

Enjoyable Biography

Reviewer: Jeanaclary

I waspleasantly surprised to have enjoyed this biography so much. Yes, I am a fan of Austen's work, but Claire Tomalin writes from a totally unbiased perspective and, amazingly, is able to put together a clear picture of Austen in spite of an unfortunate lack of written record from Austen herself. While many may find her life boring and uneventful, the relantionships Austen had with her family and friends were genuine and admirable and help us learn more about her as a person. We are able to see how those relationships built upon her own character and the inspiration for her writings. This biography helped me gain a new perspective on the works I have read and made me eager to read the rest that I haven't. I would recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed Austen, and it would make a great companion for any literary study.

(Disponível em Acesso em: nov. 2001.)

4. By reading the review above, readers can deduce that:

a) The book doesn't contain much data on Jane Austen's personal life. b) Austen's life was in fact surprisingly boring and trivial. c) The book offers a valuable insight into Austen's personal and professional life. d) Only those who have read all of Austen's works can fully appreciate the book. e) Students will find the book particularly interesting.

5. According to the reviewer, this biography has contributed to:

a) Revealing surprising secrets about Jane Austen's life. b) Inspiring her (Jeanaclary) with her own writings. c) Encouraging readers to re-examine their personal relationships. d) Lending a fresh perspective to Jane Austen's writings. e) Preventing misinterpretations of Austen's works.

Segregated Sisterhood?

As Chairman of the oldest and largest umbrella organization for women's sororities and fraternities in North America, I question the timeliness and validity of your article "Blacks Need Not Apply"

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[Nov. 6]. You failed to prove that sororities at many colleges in the U.S. remain racially exclusive. The unsubstantiated testimony of two students from a sorority at one university is insufficient evidence. While there will always be insensitive members in any organization, it is not fair to make rash generalizations based on isolated incidents. Today's sorority chapters reflect the diversity of their campuses. No woman is denied entrance into N.P.C. sororities because of her race, creed or national origin.

By Marian K. Williams, Chairman

National Panhellenic Conference

Indianapolis, Ind.

(TIME, November 27, 2000. p.5.)

6. O texto acima foi publicado na seção:

a) Cartas. b) Editorial. c) Classificados. d) Educação. e) Cultura.

7.The writer's intention is to:

a) Congratulate the magazine on the article "Blacks Need Not Apply". b) Prove that women's clubs in North America segregate members. c) Express surprise about racism among students in North America. d) Contest the image of racially exclusive women's sororities in the U.S.A. e) Thank the magazine for throwing light on racial issues in North America.

8. Segundo Marian K. Williams:

a) As grandes organizações estudantis são compostas por presidentes insensíveis. b) De modo geral, as associações de alunas das universidades americanas não discriminam. c) Há inúmeras provas de racismo contra estudantes negras em universidades americanas. d) As diversidades entre os campi são provas insuficientes de racismo entre estudantes. e) A N.P.C. é uma organização que escolhe seus membros pela raça, credo e nacionalidade.

About the Millennium Development Goals Goal 1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

The first goal is to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the number of people who live on one dollar a day or less. The number is estimated to be about 1.2 billion in 2001, two thirds of them

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women. While South Asia has the greatest number of poor people, sub-Saharan Africa, where more than half live on less than a dollar a day, has the greatest proportion of poor people.

This goal also aims to halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. Some 826 million people in developing countries do not have enough food, and 11 million children under five die every year from starvation and disease. The goal is to reduce that number by two-thirds by 2015. Increased food production is an essential strategy since 75 percent of the world's poor and hungry live in rural areas. Increased production lowers prices while adding to employment opportunities.

(Disponível em Acesso em: 30 set. 2002.)

9.Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar:

a) 1.2 bilhões de orientais encontram-se atualmente na miséria. b) Cerca de 800 milhões de mulheres vivem em extrema pobreza. c) A África tem o maior número de pessoas pobres do mundo. d) Mais de 800 milhões de pessoas morrem de fome todos os anos. e) Quase 75% da pobreza do mundo está nos países em desenvolvimento.

10. A estratégia mencionada para se atingir o objetivo de erradicar a miséria e a fome está diretamente relacionada a:

a) Medicina e economia. b) Educação e meio-ambiente. c) Saúde e economia. d) Política e habitação. e) Agricultura e economia.

UEPG - Summer - 2006

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The vanishing art of Brazil's Indians

Long before Jean-Jacques Rousseau idealized the "noble savage" in the late 18th century, the Brazilian Indian was entrenched in the French imagination. As early as 1505, just five years after the Portuguese discovered Brazil, the first Indian was brought to France. Then, in 1550, 50 Indians were imported to inhabit a reconstructed Indian village in Normandy as a curiosity to entertain the royal court.

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But for French thinkers, the Indians also displayed unique qualities, notably the innocence of their nakedness, their generosity, their indifference to possessions and, yes, their cleanliness. And this led first Montaigne and later Montesquieu, Diderot and Rousseau to meditate on the human condition. Then, in the mid-20th century, another Frenchman, Claude Lévi-Strauss, helped found modern anthropology through research carried out among Brazilian Indians.

Now, in a sense, the Indians have returned to France, in a new exhibition called "Indian Brazil: The Arts of the Amerindians of Brazil." The show, which has been drawing crowds to the Grand Palais in Paris, runs through June 27 and also includes objects collected by Lévi-Strauss in the 1930s. It is the centerpiece of a lively program of Brazilian art, music, dance and movies called the Year of Brazil in France. The exhibition includes both ancient and recent and contemporary objects made by Brazilian Indians, such as delicately woven baskets and musical instruments like flutes, drums and maracas.

The final room in this show is a homage to Lévi-Strauss and serves to remind many French who long ago read his 1955 classic, "Tristes Tropiques," that, at 97, he is still alive and kicking. For the first time, the 760 objects Lévi-Strauss donated to Brazil from his two Indian expeditions have been united with the 745 pieces he was allowed to bring to the Musée de l'Homme in Paris. And these include rudimentary weapons, instruments, feather works and bark designs. As interesting are the black-and-white photographs that Lévi-Strauss and his wife, Dina, took on their 1935-36 voyage into Mato Grosso and their 1938 trip further north to Rondônia. They show some Indian tribes, like the Kadiweu of Mato Grosso, which have largely disappeared today.

Adaptado de:

1.De acordo com o texto, assinale o que for correto.

01. The French people felt a strong curiosity about the Indians.02. In 1550 some Brazilian Indians were taken to France to work as slaves.04. Jean Jacques Rousseau visited Brazil in the 18th century.08. A visitor can see both ancient and more recent items made by Brazilian Indians when visiting the show.16. According to French thinkers, Brazilian Indians always fought for land and property.32. The text compares Brazilian Indians to other indigenous people in South America.

2.Sobre "Indian Brazil: The Arts of the Amerindians of Brazil", assinale o que for correto.

01. It is the name of an exhibition.02. Grand Palais is the place the show is taking place.04. The show will run till the end of this year.08. A large number of people is attending the show.16. Items collected by Lévi-Strauss will also be shown.32. It is being held in Normandy.

3. A respeito dos personagens citados no texto, assinale o que for correto

01. Dina, Lévi-Strauss's wife visited Brazil once.02. Claude Lévi-Strauss is one of the founders of modern anthropology.

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04. Montaigne thought about the human condition.08. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was the one who idealized the "noble savage".16. Kadiweu is the name of and important Indian who lived in the 18th century.32. Montesquieu, Diderot and Rousseau also visited Brazil once.

4.Sobre Claude Lévi-Strauss, assinale o que for correto.

01. In 1936, he visited Rondônia because he wanted to discover new Indian tribes.02. He and his wife came to Brazil to do a research on how to protect the indigenous people.04. He is the only photographer of the black-and white pictures taken in Mato Grosso.08. Lévi-Strauss wrote "Tristes Tropiques" in 1955.16. He donated quite a large number of objects to Brazil he gathered on his two expedition.32. The show "Indian Brazil: The Arts of Amerindians of Brazil" is exhibiting some of the Indian objects he collected in Brazil.

UEPG - Winter - 2005

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To buy or to rent?

According to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 37 percent of Canadian renters could afford to buy a home. But when it comes to buying or renting, age, lifestyle, whether or not you're a parent, even where you live, all play a role. This was among findings of a late 1990s study by the CMHC, which wanted to know why, in Quebec, so many 25- to 34-year-olds - the so-called Generation X - were tenants rather than homeowners. At the time, 56 percent of this age group outside Quebec owned their homes, a figure that dropped to 34 percent in Montreal. CMHC's Kim-Anh Lam explained: "When we asked about their priorities, Gen Xers placed housing fifth - after recreational activities, retirement planning, consolidating their jobs, and repaying their debt." However, home ownership became a priority once a couple became serious, or the first child arrived.

Most experts agree that renting makes sense if you're highly mobile and don't want to be burdened with the slow pace of the buying and selling process, or if you can't or don't want to take on the long-term financial commitments of a mortgage and home maintenance. Renting may be necessary in order to save for the 10 - to 20 - percent down payment needed to buy a home.

Whether you buy or rent your home, you should use no more than 35 percent of your income on housing, including rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, and repair. Most banks recommend that no more than 30 percent of your income should support a mortgage, and no more than 40 percent should go to a mortgage and other debt. a home.html

1.A respeito dos Gen Xers, conforme um estudo realizado nos anos 90, assinale o que for correto.

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01.In Montreal, 34% of them owned a house.02.Housing concern comes after problems about repaying debts.04.In Quebec, they preferred to rent houses than buy them.08.They are worried about health insurance and unemployment.16.They can afford to buy houses because they live in Quebec.32.They spend 35% of their income on housing because that is what most banks recommend.

2.De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, assinale o que for correto

01.Besides age, the way and the place a person lives have to be taken into account if he/she is thinking of buying a house.02.CMHC stands for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.04.One should buy a house when becoming a parent because children don't like to live in rented houses.08.Experts say that if one has to move from place to place, he/she should consider renting a house.16.One can spend about 40% of one's income on mortgage and other debts, according to the banks recommendation.32.In Canada, a person can take 10 to 20 years to pay for a financed house.

Arizona school to give students money for 'A's

Students attending one Tucson school are going to be given the chance to earn college money for good grades. A California benefactress is offering every student at Wakefield Middle School the chance to earn $50 for every "A" earned in math, reading, science, social studies and writing. The incentive, which begins in August, follows the student through high school.

The money can only be used to pay for college. All told, a student entering the sixth grade at Wakefield in August could earn close to $4,300 by high school graduation. Letters explaining the opportunity will be going home soon to parents, as well as applications to enroll in the Lapan College Club. The program is funded through the Lapan Sunshine Foundation, created in 1989 by Californian Patricia Lapan, whose son, David Lapan, is a Tucson cardiologist. Lapan said she wants to help students who might not normally qualify for scholarships but have the drive and determination to succeed in life.

Isette Lopez-Valdivia, a fifth-grader at an elementary school that feeds Wakefield, said she's confident she can pull off the grades she needs to earn money for college. "You work hard throughout your life," the 10-year-old said. "That's how everybody gets through it." Right now, Isette wants to be a fashion designer.

Lapan said she has confidence in the Wakefield staff and that the students will set an example for their peers. The school was identified by the Tucson Unified School District as needing improvement but has since earned a performing label from the state for its increased student test scores. "I'm sure it will be successful," Lapan said of the program. "I just hope it happens in my lifetime because I'd like to see it happen."

1.A respeito da Wakefield Middle School, assinale o que for correto.

01.From August on, a student at Wakefield Middle School can get $50 if

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his/her score is "A" in social studies.02.Although the school lacks improvement, students attending it have got good test scores.04.Wakefield Middle School high school students can get up to $4,300 provided they score "A" in most of the subjects they attend.08.Students'parents will be notified about the program through a phone call.16.The money students earn from this program can be spent either to pay for their college fees or to help their parents.32.Wakefield Middle School´s students can qualify for scholarships because the US government is concerned about education.

2.Sobre Patricia, David e Isette, assinale o que for correto.

01.Patricia Lapan wants to help students who can't afford to pay for their college expenses, but show perseverance in achieving a goal in life.02.David's mother is the founder of Lapan Sunshine Foundation.04.David Lapan works in the health area.08.Isette is a 10-year-old girl and she wants to follow her studies in the area of designing.16.Isette has already earned a certain amount of money.32.Patricia Lapan is confident that her program will get good results.

UEPG - Summer - 2005

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Fear Factor: Success and Risk in Extreme Sports

Yesterday four men were wounded during the running of bulls in Pamplona, Spain. But if you think the risk of serious injury failed to keep hundreds more from running with the 1,300-pound (600-kilogram) bulls again today during the city's famous multi-day festival, think again. What it is that drives some to embrace extreme risks, while the rest of us are scurring for the safety of the sidelines?

Lester Keller, a longtime coach and sports-psychology coordinator for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, says that not everyone has the mental makeup to excel in dangerous pursuits. "It takes a certain kind of person," Keller said. He notes that most of us hit a natural ceiling that limits our appetite for extreme risk and, as a result, our ability to perform well in dangerous conditions.

But others have a much higher tolerance, if not craving, for risk. For example, Keller points to Daron Rahlves, a top U.S. downhill ski racer who spends the summer off-season racing in motocross competitions. "He enjoys the challenge and the risk," Keller said. "The high element of risk makes you feel alive, tests what you are made of and how far you can take yourself," Rahlves said in a previous interview with U.S. Ski Team staff. "I'm not looking for danger. I'm in it for the challenge, my heart thumping as I finish, the feeling of being alive," he said. "I definitely get scared on some of the courses. It just makes me fight more. … The hairier the course the better. That's when I do best."

The fear that drives many people away from the risks of extreme sports may be the same ingredient that keeps others coming back for more. Mountaineer Al Read has logged many notable first ascents over the course of his climbing career. Read

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now serves as president of the Exum Mountain Guides, a preeminent guide service based in Wyoming, the company that leads paying clients to the summits of some of the world's thoughest-and most dangerous-mountains each year. Having climbed for over 40 years, Read says he no longer pushes to the extremes as he once did-but the feeling is still vivid. "I can remember when I was getting into situations where I thought that at any moment I could be killed," he told National Geographic News. "I'm not particularly religious, but I would say, Oh God, don't let me be killed here. I'll never do this again." "But we'd get back down, and when we were safe we'd say, Man was that great!" he recalled. "You forget how scary it was, and you go back again."

Psychologists note that some people seem to have a strong craving for adrenaline rushes as a thrill-seeking behavior or personality trait. Like many extreme athletes, Emily Cook's appetite for risk appeared at a young age. "I was both a skier and a gymnast," said the former U.S. aerials ski champion. "I was one of those kids who enjoyed and excelled at anything acrobatic, anything where you were upside down. It was just kind of a part of Emily."

Adaptado de:

1.A respeito desses atletas, assinale as afirmativas corretas.

01. Lester Keller used to ski when he was young.02. Daron Rahlves is good at ski racing.04. Emily Cook once won a gymastics championship.08. Al Read has climbed mountains for more than four decades.16. All the people named above think that sports, other than practiced by them, are boring.32. All the people named above like practicing sports that put their lives in risk.

2.Assinale o que for correto.

01. When Emily Cook was young, she used to stay home and do aerobics.02. The Exum Mountain Guides is a company that takes people to climb famous mountains with no expenses.04. According to psychologists, everybody can be a top champion in extreme sports provided they have been trained by a good coach.08. The city of Pamplona, in Spain, is famous because of the festival in which people run with bulls taking the risk of being seriously wounded.16. Al Read said that although he was not a religious person, he thinks in God when in danger.32. At least two of the people reported in this topic died while practicing their favorite sports.

3.Ainda, de acordo com o texto, assinale o que for correto.

01. The risk component is one of the reasons some people like practicing extreme sports.02. Psychologists noticed that some people seem to look for this kind of sports because of their personal character.04. People over 40 years old are not advised to do radical sports.08. Most athletes who like this kind of sports tend to be extrovert people.16. One of the reasons that lead them to take part in this kind of sports was that they are well paid.

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32. Lots of people who attend the festival in Pamplona are afraid of bulls.

4.A respeito de Daron Rahlves, assinale o que for correto.

01. Although he is a ski racer, he also enjoys mountaineering.02. He does not search for danger, he likes challenges.04. He never feels frightened when he is in a competition.08. In an interview, he declared that risking his life in this kind of sports makes him feel alive.16. He does his best when the course is difficult.32. Besides being a ski racer, he likes taking part in motocross competitions.

UEPG - Winter - 2004

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Ask the Doctor

Q: Shopping cures my depression

I just can't control my shopping habits, and as each week goes by I find I am buying more and more things we don't really need or can't afford. When I get home I hide things and feel guilty for a while (and even sometimes quite sick with fear, but funnily enough not more depressed) about what I might do, but it doesn't stop me going out again the next day. How can I stop spending money?


Dr Trisha Macnair responds

You are describing a well-recognized response to depression. A considerable number of people, often but not always women, become shop-aholics as a way of coping with their low moods. The condition was first recognized over a century ago and is known as oniomania. In fact the American Psychological Association have estimated that in the US alone there are now as many as 15 million compulsive shoppers.

What experts believe people are doing when they buy things in order to feel good is 'self-medicating' - taking an action which, like a medicine alters the body. You are not shopping because you need or particularly want an item but because the act of shopping makes you feel better, so you become compelled to do it. In this case, it's thought that something in the act of shopping releases a chemical in the brain known as serotonin, which is closely involved in the control of mood (low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression and other mood problems).

It is important to recognize that you are struggling with depression and this needs some help. Talk to your doctor, who may recommend some counselling to help you get to the bottom of the problem. Talk to family and friends about your feelings and try to identify any problems which are contributing to your depression, and

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ways in which you might address these.

Shopping isn't the only thing to raise serotonin levels. Exercise can help, as can certain foods (including carbohydrates and chocolate, which explains why some people eat to feel better). Several effective modern antidepressants also work on serotonin levels, and your doctor may suggest you try taking a course of one of them. They are known as selective serotonin-re-uptake-inhibitors or SSRI's, and include Prozac. Many people find these drugs very helpful in depression and also in obsessive compulsive disorders and they have been shown to be particularly effective in treating shopping addiction.

(Adaptado de um texto do periódico BBC News, edição eletrônica de 23/3/2003)

1.Como Lizzie descreve seu problema para a Dra. Trisha Macnair?

01. Ela não consegue controlar seu hábito de fazer compras.02. Ela compra coisas desnecessárias e gasta mais do que pode.04. Ela chega a faltar ao trabalho para fazer compras.08. Quando está fazendo compras, ela se sente muito bem.16. Algum tempo depois de fazer compras, ela fica deprimida.32. Ao chegar em casa, ela esconde as coisas que comprou.

2.Que explicações a Dra. Trisha Macnair dá em sua resposta?

01. O comportamento que Lizzie está descrevendo configura uma resposta à depressão.02. Existem fatores hereditários que podem predispor à depressão.04. A pessoa não se sente compelida a comprar porque deseja ou necessita de um determinado item, mas sim porque o ato de comprar faz com que ela se sinta melhor.08. A compulsão de comprar, conhecida pelo nome de oniomania, foi reconhecida há pouco menos de meio século.16. A compulsão de comprar é mais freqüente entre as mulheres.32. Existem 15 milhões de compradores compulsivos somente no Reino Unido.

3.Ainda de acordo com o que a Dra. Macnair diz, assinale o que for correto.

01. O problema de comprar compulsivamente é, predominantemente, um desequilíbrio químico do organismo.02. Os especialistas acreditam que fazer compras para se sentir bem é uma forma de automedicação.04. No caso de pessoas que sofrem dessa compulsão, o ato de comprar altera o corpo, como se fosse um medicamento.08. Com relação à compulsão de comprar, acredita-se que algo no ato de comprar libera uma substância química no cérebro conhecida como serotonina, que tem uma relação próxima com o controle do humor.16. Existem vários medicamentos antidepressivos, como o Prozac, que atuam nos níveis de serotonina e que têm se mostrado eficazes no tratamento da compulsão de comprar.32. Exercícios físicos e alguns alimentos ajudam a elevar os níveis de serotonina.

4.O que mais a Dra. Macnair diz para Lizzie?

01. Ela precisa melhorar sua auto-estima.

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02. É importante que ela procure ser mais sociável.04. É recomendável que ela converse com o médico, a família e os amigos para buscar identificar os problemas que estão contribuindo para a sua depressão.08. Pode ser que o médico de Lizzie recomende assistência psicológica.16. É indispensável que ela faça exercícios físicos.32. Ela precisa promover algumas mudanças em seus hábitos alimentares.

UEPG - Summer - 2004

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Ruth Merritt

A 78-year-old diabetic woman fell into a ditch near a shopping mall and survived for four days through hail and lightning before she was rescued. Remarkably, doctors said, Ruth Merritt suffered only a few bumps and bruises.

Merritt was reported missing by friends Tuesday after failing to return to her assisted living home in Poughkeepsie from the Hudson Valley Mall, about 50 miles south of Albany. She had taken a taxi to the mall, authorities said.

After having lunch there, Merritt tried to cross the road to get to a store on the other side. She walked down a rocky embankment bordering the road when her knees weakened and she fell 15 feet in the ditch, Ulster police Lt. Matthew Taggard said. She sprained her ankle and could not stand up. For four days and through a storm Wednesday, Merritt stayed awake and relied on her faith.

Merritt told NBC's "Today" show Monday that God "talked to me during the thunderstorm." She recalled the ditch "was kind of deep. I guess that's why they didn't find me right away."

Police and mall security posted fliers about Merritt's disappearance and searched the nearby area several times. At 3 p.m. Saturday, a mall security guard, Joe Williams, spotted Merritt lying in the ditch. She was taken to Benedictine Hospital, where she was treated for a sprained ankle and dehydration.

Friends were worried because Merritt did not have her medications when she disappeared. Mark Sonnenberg, a friend, said police called him to tell him Merritt was rescued. "Thank goodness," he said. "In all the 12 years I've known her, nothing like this has ever happened to her."

Dr. Joe Christiana said Merritt, who appeared on television Monday with a breathing tube in her nose, would stay in the hospital for one or two more days. "She has been doing extremely well," Christiana said. "She's a tough person."

Merritt has declined further interviews with the media, a hospital spokesman said Monday.

(Extraído de um texto eletrônico:, em 18/08/2003)

1.Sobre Ruth Merrit, assinale o que for correto.

01.Ela tem 78 anos de idade e sofre de diabetes.

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02.Enquanto esteve na valeta, ela conseguiu dormir um pouco.04.Ela almoçou no “Hudson Valley Mall”.08.Ela mora em uma casa de repouso para idosos.16.Ao cair na valeta, ela torceu o tornozelo e não pode levantar-se.32.As condições meteorológicas foram bastante desfavoráveis nos dias em que permaneceu na valeta.

2.Diferentes pessoas emitem diferentes opiniões a respeito de Ruth Merrit. Relacione as falas (diretas ou indiretas) com as res-pectivas pessoas.

– Enquanto tentava chegar à loja do outro lado da rua, ela caiu em uma valeta.– Ela está se saindo muito bem. Ela é uma pessoa forte.– Merrit recusou contatos posteriores com a imprensa falada e escrita.– Nos 12 anos que eu a conheço, nada parecido havia acontecido com ela. amigo(a) / o(a) médico(a) / repórter do Canal NBC / porta-voz do hospital02.policial / Dr. Joe Christiana / porta-voz do hospital / um(a) amigo(a)04.Matthew Taggard / Dr. Joe Christiana / porta-voz do hospital / Mark Sonnenberg08.Matthew Taggard / o(a) médico(a) / porta-voz do hospital / um(a) amigo(a)16.Dr. Joe Christiana / repórter do Canal NBC / Matthew Taggard / um(a) amigo(a)32.Matthew Taggard / Dr. Joe Christiana / Mark Sonnenberg / repórter do Canal NBC

3.De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, assinale o que for correto.

01.Uma das causas da sua queda na valeta foi um problema físico.02.A valeta onde Ruth Merrit caiu fica nas proximidades da sua casa.04."Today" é o nome de um programa de televisão que vai ao ar pelo Canal NBC.08.Segundo os médicos que a assistiram, os ferimentos de Ruth Merrit não são graves.16.Segundo o Dr. Joe Christiana, Ruth Merrit deverá permanecer mais duas semanas no hospital.32.Alguns amigos de Ruth Merrit foram as primeiras pessoas que deram por sua falta na terça-feira.

4.O texto acima está sem um título. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que melhor se enquadra(m) como um título.

01.Como permanecer 4 dias presa em uma valeta.02.Resgatada após permancer 4 dias em uma valeta.04.Amigos de Ruth Merrit lamentam o seu infortúnio.08.Ruth Merrit: uma mulher sofrida.16.Anciã sobrevive 4 dias presa em uma valeta.32.Como agir em caso de acidente.

UEPG - Winter - 2003

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9/11 Widow remarries

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Wearing white and beaming broadly, Laura Mardovich married family friend Robert Balemian Friday. People exchange their wedding vows every day, but what is unusual about this marriage is that Laura is a Sept. 11 widow - perhaps the first to remarry.

The priest who pronounced Laura and Robert man and wife saw their union as an uplifting sign for a parish that lost 18 people in the terrorist attacks - a sign that Laura is moving on with her life. But to some friends and relatives, seven months is a short time to grieve - and they are stunned by the marriage. Their feelings are all the more intense because Laura, 41, and her first husband, Ed Mardovich, 42, had what by all accounts was a storybook union. He was the president of the securities division of Euro Brokers, a thriving investment firm, and the couple and their four children lived in Lloyd Harbor on Long Island's North Shore.

The night before the attacks, Laura and Ed celebrated their 16th anniversary at Alain Ducasse, the exclusive Manhattan restaurant. The next morning Ed went to his office on the 84th floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center. When the first hijacked plane ripped into the WTC's north tower, Ed called Laura on his cell phone to say he was safe. He never came home - one of 60 Euro Brokers employees to die on Sept. 11.

After Ed's death, Laura changed. She didn't return calls from relatives, who interpreted this as meaning she didn't want reminders of the past. And she began seeing Robert, a family friend and a widower with a child. The couple got married at St. Patrick's Church in Huntington and toasted their union at a reception at the Waldorf-Astoria. They left on their honeymoon yesterday.

(Adaptado de uma reportagem de Maria Alvarez, Adam Miller e Andy Geller

para o periódico New York Post, em sua versão online de 14/4/02)

1.A respeito desta reportagem, que trata do casamento de Laura Mardovich com Robert Balemian, assinale o que for correto.

01.Foi o segundo casamento de Laura.02.Ela era viúva de Ed Mardovich, morto nos ataques terroristas ao World Trade Center em 11 de setembro. 04.De acordo com os registros oficiais, Laura é a primeira viúva da tragédia do World Trade Center a se casar novamente.08.Robert era um amigo da família.16.Robert também era viúvo.32.O casamento se restringiu a uma discreta cerimônia religiosa.

2.Sobre Laura e Ed e o contexto dos ataques terroristas, assinale o que for correto.

01.O casal tinha uma situação financeira bastante modesta.02.Ed trabalhava no World Trade Center. 04.No dia anterior aos ataques, Laura e Ed jantaram fora.

08.Quando a primeira torre do World Trade Center foi atingida, Ed, que estava na outra, telefonou para Laura.

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16.Ed estava na torre norte do World Trade Center.32.Ed morreu no dia em que completou 42 anos.

3.Sobre os antecedentes e a repercussão do segundo casamento de Laura, assinale o que for correto.

01.Depois da morte de Ed, Laura assumiu uma atitude de isolamento com relação aos parentes.02.Entre parentes e amigos, o casamento causou surpresa.04.Considerava-se que Laura e Ed formavam um casal maravilhoso. 08.Alguns familiares de Laura tentaram dissuadi-la de casar-se novamente tão depressa.16.Antes de se casar com Robert, Laura teve que vencer a resistência de seus filhos.32.O sacerdote que celebrou o casamento viu a união como um sinal de que Laura está seguindo em frente com sua vida.

4.O texto informa

01.o tempo de casamento de Laura e Ed.02.onde morava a família Mardovich.04.o andar da torre do World Trade Center em que Ed trabalhava. 08.quantos empregados da firma para a qual Ed trabalhava morreram nos ataques.16.a profissão de Robert.32.o nome da igreja em que Laura e Robert se casaram.

UEPG - Summer - 2003

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Falling birthrates

RIO DE JANEIRO - One of 13 children, Adriana Pinho remembers growing up with little to can her own. She never had a bicycle, never had a pet and had to fight at the dinner table to get her share of what food there was to eat. She left school after the 5th grade, she said, because she saw little reason to continue, and no one told her she had to stay.

As an adult, Pinho said she saw her future as a story that had largely been written by her past. So she decided she wanted only one child. At age 32, she has one boy, who is 9. She is one of a growing number of women in Brazil and other developing countries

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who have baffled experts with their increasing assertiveness to follow a different course from their parents and have fewer children.

In a trend that experts are just beginning to understand, birthrates in many developing countries are shrinking to the point that some demographers are shelving long-held views that a population boom would push the global community to up to 10.5 billion people by the end of this century.

Brazil, along with Mexico, India, Indonesia and Egypt, is fueling the changing predictions for world population, which could be smaller than expected by up to a billion people by the century's end, according to some recent studies.

One of the main question marks for future population growth is Africa, where in many countries there still is a preference for big families, but where the AIDS epidemic also is having a devastating effect.

Slowing birthrates in developing countries have surprised experts because it was believed that as long as poverty and illiteracy were widespread, most nations would not see significant declines.

(Adaptado de uma reportagem de Patrice M. Jones para o periódico Chicago

Tribune, edição online de 8/9/2002)

1.De acordo com as informações contidas no texto, assinale o que for correto.

01.Em muitos países em desenvolvimento, o índice de natalidade está abaixo do que indicavam antigas previsões.02.Nos países desenvolvidos, a população está diminuindo.04.Alguns demógrafos que acreditavam que haveria um crescimento rápido da população mundial estão revendo essa previsão.08.Estimativas indicavam que no final deste século a comunidade global poderia chegar a 10,5 bilhões.16.As previsões sobre a população mundial estão sendo refeitas com base no que tem sido observado em países como Brasil, México, Índia, Indonésia e Egito.32.Segundo estudos recentes, no final deste século a população mundial pode ser menor do que se previa em até 1 bilhão de pessoas.

2.Ainda de acordo com o que o texto informa, assinale o que for correto.

01.Para alguns pesquisadores, a diminuição do índice de natalidade em países em desenvolvimento configura uma tendência que vinha se desenhando claramente nos últimos anos.02.Do ponto de vista demográfico, é difícil fazer previsões a respeito da África porque, embora ainda

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prevaleça a preferência por famílias grandes, o continente está sendo assolado pela AIDS.04.A partir da perspectiva de que a pobreza e o analfabetismo não favorecem o declínio dos índices de natalidade, os especialistas ficaram surpresos com a queda desses índices nos países em desenvolvimento.08.A diminuição dos índices de natalidade em países em desenvolvimento é devida em parte a iniciativas governamentais, mediante a implementação de programas de planejamento familiar.16.No Brasil e em outros países em desenvolvimento, cresce o número de mulheres que, diferentemente do exemplo de seus pais, decidem ter menos filhos.32.No Brasil, várias igrejas são contrárias ao controle da natalidade.

3.Com relação ao que o texto informa sobre a brasileira Adriana Pinho, assinale o que for correto.

01.Tem treze irmãos.02.Teve uma infância pobre.04.Deixou a escola depois da 5a série.08.Via pouca razão para continuar estudando.16.Ninguém tentou dissuadi-la de deixar a escola.32.Trabalha como empregada doméstica.

4.O texto informa ainda que Adriana Pinho

01.tem um tornou mãe ainda na adolescência.04.é separada do marido.08.não pretende ter mais filhos.16.está engajada em uma cruzada nacional em favor do planejamento familiar.32.conseguiu recentemente realizar seu sonho de comprar uma bicicleta.PUC - Summer - 2006

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The Parthenon, one of the monuments erected on the sacred rock of Acropolis, is the major attraction for visitors to the modern city of Athens. It was built between 447 and 438 B.C. as the holy sanctuary of the goddess Athena.

A good portion of the Parthenon is still standing, having withstood centuries of such catasthrophes as earthquakes and bombardments by foreign invaders. However, this monument of classical perfection is being slowly eaten away by man's modern catastrophe, pollution. More damage has been done to the Parthenon in the past 50 years than in all the 2,000 years preceding them. While parts have been restored, plans are presently being discussed to remove the temple permanently from its ancient site and place it in a museum.

Although the Parthenon is still being visited and admired by thousands of people each year, the question now being asked is "for how long?"

Source: EKSTUT, S.;Miller, T. Interlink. New York: Prentice Hall, 1987

1. According to the text, Athena was:

a) a holy sanctuary.b) rebuilt between 447 and 438 B.C..c) erected on a rock.d) the first name for Athens.e) a goddess.

2. According to the text, the Parthenon has been damaged by ________.

a) foreign invadersb) earthquakesc) mend) catastrophes, bombardments and pollutione) museums

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3. There are plans for the Parthenon, I mean, to ________.

a) restore it in its ancient siteb) rebuild itc) remove it to a museumd) visit it every yeare) discuss it

4. More damage has been caused _______.

a) along the timeb) in 2.000 yearsc) in the past fifty yearsd) within the centuriese) because of earthquakes

5. The author wonders _______ people will be able to see the Parthenon.

a) whereb) whenc) whyd) how longe) whether

6. Will you please take your feet ______ my best chair?

a) ofb) offc) out ofd) one) out

7. When Carlos has a headache, he ______ some tea.

a) is drinkingb) drankc) used to drinkd) drinkse) would drink

8. I've been planning to call you for a long time.

a) He said he'd been planning to call us for a long time.b) He said he was planning to call us for a long time.c) He said he is planning to call us for a long time.d) He asked if he had been planning to call us for a long time.e) He told us to call him for a long time.

9. I'm sorry, but I _____ able to meet you for lunch tomorrow.

a) haven't beenb) can't bec) don't be

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d) won't bee) wasn't

10. This flight is full. _____ someone gives up a seat, you won't get on this flight today.

a) Whenb) Ifc) Unlessd) Wheree) Whether

PUC - Winter - 2005

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Read the text below and answer the questions provided.

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books are a modern phenomenon. The first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was an instant success and has been made into a film. Part of a series of novels including Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the books have already been translated into 35 languages and sold throughout the world. J.K. Rowling was born in Chepstow, in the UK, in 1965. As a single mother, she wrote her first book on scraps of paper in an Edinburgh café, while looking after her daughter! Her books have won literary prizes including the British Book Award for Children's Book of the Year and the Smarties Book Prize in the 9-11 category.

(WILSON, Ken. Ideas and Issues. Upper-Intermediate. SBS Editora, 2001.)

1. According to the text, the best way to describe Harry Potter books is by saying that:

a) They have become a literary model.b) They have become a marketing failure.c) They are a huge success.d) They are not very popular.e) They show incredible stories about a regular guy.

2. The information given about J.K. Rowling implies that:

a) She has been writing books since her adolescence.b) She had no imagination.

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c) Her child made comments to help her write her first book.d) She was working in an office when she had the idea for her first book.e) She wrote her first book in an improvised way.

3. The text given states that:

a) J.K. Rowling's books are about to receive two literary prizes.b) J.K. Rowling's books have already received literary prizes.c) J.K. Rowling has not been nominated for two literary prizes.d) Harry Potter books have been sold only in the UK.e) Harry Potter books are yet to be translated.

Read the following text and answer the questions given.

Thanks to the multi-media success of rock and roll, today's songwriters can reach a huge international audience. Their work is heard and remembered by millions. In that sense they're the poets of modern age. But what exactly do they write about? ... what language do they write it in? ... and why do songs even need lyrilyricscs at all?

The answer to the last question is very simple. It's because the human brain has two different sides - left and right. The left side responds to logic, numbers and words. The right side responds to ideas, dreams and music. When music also has words, both halves of the brain can respond. As a result we feel completely involved. That's also why it's easier to remember song lyrics than either poetry or lines from a play. [...]

(RABLEY, Stephen. Rock and Pop. Macmillan Dossiers. Macmillan Publishers,


1. About the text given, it might be stated that:

a) Three questions are asked but just one question is answered.b) Three questions are asked and they are all answered in the same paragraph.c) The answer to the first two questions is very simple.d) No answer is given to the questions.e) The writer refuses to answer the last question.

2. According to the text, it is easier to remember song lyrics because:

a) Poetry and plays are also easily remembered.b) Both hemispheres of the brain can respond to it.c) The brain hemispheres show no connection to our response to music.d) The left hemisphere responds to music better.e) The right hemisphere responds to words better.

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3. In the sentence "Their work is heard and remembered by millions", the word "their" refers to:

a) millions of peopleb) multi-mediac) audienced) songse) songwriters

4. What option best explains this statement: I had my shoes cleaned.

a) I had cleaned my shoes.b) I cleaned my shoes.c) I asked someone to clean me.d) Someone didn't clean my shoes.e) I asked someone to clean my shoes for me.

5. Choose the alternative with the right sentences:

I. Why don't you cut the orange yourself?II. You must learn how to speak English well.III. He his just like my father.IV. I do not know like to sing this song.V. They cut each other with a knife.

a) I, II, IV.b) II, III, IV.c) II, III, V.d) I, II, V.e) I, IV, V.

PUC - Summer - 2005

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A ilustração abaixo serve para as questões 1 e 2.

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1. Why is Calvin so anxious?

a) He didn't want to drive to the mountains.b) He's hungry and thirsty.c) He wants to get to his vacation place soon.d) His parents did not want to take a plane.e) It's a two day trip.

2. The second question is a reference to

a) length.b) time.c) height.d) size.e) price.

A ilustração abaixo serve para as questões 3 e 4.

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3. From that schoolgirl's conclusion we can conclude that

a) She thinks it's terrible when you can't go the mall.b) Young girls never get depressed when they are at the mall.c) Young people find shopping centers depressing.d) She believes people who suffer from depression should often go to the mall.e) Everyone who doesn't go shopping always gets depressed.

4. In "… because there weren't any malls, so everyone was depressed" the ideas expressed by the underlined words are respectively:

a) Comparison - resultb) Reason - additionc) Contrast - resultd) Consequence - conditione) Reason - consequence

5. Complete the following sentences

- You wouldn't have had the accident if you hadn't been so ____________.- I can't help you decide, it's your ____________.- You lose your privacy when you become _______.- A language examination is not a test of _________.

a) Careless, choice, famous, knowledgeb) Careful, choice, famous, knowledgec) Carefully, choice, famous, knowingd) Careful, choosing, famous, knowledgee) Carefully, choice, famous, knowledge

The Tarantula

Legend and Reality

The Tarantula is a legendary spider named for the city of Taranto in Italy. In the 6th century many people in Taranto suffered from the bites of spiders (experts today think

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they were black widow spiders). People called the spiders 'tarantulas' and the only antidote to the bites was to dance! They called the dance the tarantella. Today, the tarantula still has a terrible reputation; it frequently appears in novels and movies as a symbol of horror and danger.

The reality is different. Today we use the name 'tarantula' for an enormous spider ( Theraphosa leblondi) which lives principally in tropical areas of Africa and North and South America. Although it is very big (a female adult measures 9 cm) and poisonous, the tarantula does not represent a serious problem for people. It does not make a web like other spiders but hunts its prey on the ground, usually at night. Its prey consists of insects, scorpions, small mammals such as rats, small snakes and other small reptiles, and even birds.

A female tarantula (which often kills and eats the male!) lays hundreds of eggs. The survivors ride on the mother's back for some weeks. In the first three years of their life they grow from 4 to 16 mm and reach a weight of 8 grams. A tarantula is mature when it is ten years old and some live for twenty years. But life is dangerous for these ferocious spiders, too: only 2% of tarantulas reach maturity.

TAYLOR, James et al. Impact, 3. SP: Macmillan do Brasil, 1995

6.According to the text, one alternative is correct:

a) Tarantulas were the inhabitants of Taranto.b) Tarantella was the antidote to the bites of tarantulas.c) Taranto is placed in Rome.d) Tarantulas were also called black widow spiders.e) They may have been the brown spiders.

7. According to the text, one alternative is correct:

a) At present tarantulas are a symbol of danger in films.b) Black widow spiders could be found everywhere at that time.c) Tarantulas used to have a bad reputation when they first appeared.d) Movies and novels used the spiders to make horror films long ago.e) Nowadays spiders are not seen in movies anymore.

8. According to the text, one alternative is correct:

a) Most of them survive until the age of thirty.b) They can reach the weight of twenty grams before they are three years old.c) Most of them live on their mother's back forever.d) At the age of ten tarantulas reach maturity.e) 2% of them die because they live dangerously.

9.Which alternative completes the sentence below?

If the Italian tarantula had been so poisonous, a lot of people__________

a) will be killed.b) would have to kill.c) would have killed.d) would be killed.

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e) would have been killed.

10. In English _______ is a very common suffix to form adjectives

a) -'sb) -thc) -ousd) -ore) -er

PUC - Winter - 2004

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What can a 15th century man possibly have to say about the present state of English language teaching? Quite a lot, actually, if we are imaginative when reflecting on the issues we face as educators. The stories of Nasreddin Hodja date back 600 years, but they cover themes that never die. According to Kabacali (1997), the folk character Nasreddin Hodja was born in Turkey in the 1400s. The name Hodja means "teacher". [...] The Hodja's stories usually end on a happy note, with a lesson to be learned or a moral.

(Adapted from English Teaching Forum, July 2002)

1.The text is about:

a)a teacher who works in Turkey today.b)a recent method to write texts.c)old stories used today to teach English.d)teachers who were born in Turkey.e)15th century English vocabulary.

2.The word "imaginative" means:


3.The adverb "usually" signifies:


Select the alternative that provides the correct way of completing the

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sentences below:

4.Bob: You know, I can't sleep at night. What should I do?James: Well, if you see a doctor, he ___________ you discover what your problem is.

a)helpedb)will helpc)would have helpedd)going to helpe)had to help

5.According to medical studies, people ____________smoke stand a higher chance of having lung cancer.


6.Choose appropriate preposition:

I. You are different _____ me.II. They have had more experiences _____ life.III. Young people always react _____ the elders' point of view.IV. Children are dependent _____ their parents.V. Differences of opinion _____ the generations have always existed.

a)from, in, against, on, betweenb)on, on, against, on, amongc)from, in, against, with, betweend)from, on, against, on, betweene)from, in, against, of, between

7.Choose the correct alternative:

The woman _____ wallet was taken thanked the man for stopping the thief.


8.She'd better _____ care of herself.

a)takesb)to takec)takingd)takee)will take

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9.He _____ his car fixed last week.

a)is havingb)hasc)hadd)will havee)to have

10.If I had taken a longer vacation, I _____ a car.

a)would have rentedb)would rentc)will rentd)rentede)would be rented

PUC - Summer - 2004

Prova de inglês do vestibular de verão da PUC - 2004

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Ain't that sweet!

New research shows the hidden benefits of eating dark chocolate

By Sora Song

Go ahead, indulge yourself a little. Medical science has just cooked up two sweet reasons to eat chocolate - as long as it's dark chocolate. Two small studies published last week suggest that dark chocolate may offer such benefits as lower blood pressure and higher levels of disease-and-age-defying chemicals called antioxidants. As if you needed an excuse.

Researchers have long known that cocoa beans contain a class of chemicals called flavonoids, which are also found in fruits, vegetables, tea and red wine. Previous studies suggest that flavonoids raise levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and act as potent antioxidants, protecting cells from free-radical damage, which can contribute to aging, heart disease and certain cancers.

In a study published in Nature, researchers asked 12 volunteers to eat dark chocolate only, dark chocolate with a glass of milk, or milk chocolate. An hour later, the dark-chocolate-only group showed an 18% increase in blood levels of antioxidants called epicatechins. Those in the latter two groups had no such change. "We suspect it's the proteins in the milk that the epicatechins are binding to, so they're not absorbed," says study co-author Alan Crozier of the University of Glasgow. "There is evidence that with tea, milk does something similar." [...]

(TIME Magazine, September 8, 2003, p. 99)

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1. About the article, it might be stated that:

a) it argues that any kind of chocolate is good for people's health.b) it suggests that people avoid dark chocolate.c) it tells people to eat less chocolate. d) it suggests that people should eat more dark chocolate. e) it offers scientific data to support people who eat all sorts of chocolate.

2. According to the information presented in the article:

a) flavonoids act as potent antioxidants, raising HDL cholesterol and free-radical levels. b) flavonoids are not only found in chocolate but also in fruits, vegetables, tea and red wine.c) antioxidants contribute to aging, heart disease and certain cancers.d) among the benefits of dark chocolate are lower blood pressure and higher levels of chemicals that produce aging and diseases.e) consuming chocolate with tea and milk increases the level of antioxidants in the blood.

3. If the title of the article, "Ain't that sweet!" were to be changed from colloquial speech into more formal language, it would be:

a) Aren't those sweets!b) Wasn't that sweet!c) Isn't that sweet!d) Is that as sweet!e) Was that sweet!

4. The introductory statement "Go ahead, indulge yourself a little" should be understood as:

a) an invitation to have as much chocolate as one wishes.b) some advice to be careful while eating chocolate.c) a promise to do something one wishes to do.d) a request to think carefully before eating chocolate. e) permission to have some chocolate.

5. The phrase "previous studies", in the second paragraph, means:

a) studies performed after the current one.b) studies performed before the current one.c) studies performed at the same time as the current one.d) studies motivated by predictions. e) studies motivated by ulterior motives.

Stayin' alive - or trying to

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By Kate Novack

Take our word for it, you don't want to be in the record business right now. As downloading from the Internet gradually replaces browsing record-store aisles, CD sales have continued to fall - 15% since 2000. But the flailing industry is trying to get hip to the new beat. A quick look at some recent developments.

SLASHING CD PRICESUniversal Music Group, the industry leader with 31% of album sales, unveiled plans to cut prices of its CDs as much as 30% - to $12.98 at retail for most discs. No competitors have followed suit yet, but they probably will.

FACING THE MUSICA new report from Forrester Research predicts that by 2008, 33% of music sales will come from downloads. Industry execs are finally waking up, the study says.

FIGHTING PIRACYThe recording industry is expected to unveil an "amnesty program": illegal file sharers can fess up before they're hit with a lawsuit. But first they must destroy all their downloads.

AUCTIONING SEATSPeople still go to concerts, and Ticket-master's revenues are up. But to fight scalpers, the ticket service plans to bust its price cap and auction its best seats online.

Source: TIME Magazine, September 15, 2003, p. 26

6. This article seems to be showing that:

a) the recording industry has to adapt itself to this day and age.b) there is no more room for the recording industry these days.c) the recording industry is interested in downloading songs from the Internet. d) the recording industry is fighting those who defend an amnesty program for illegal file sharers.e) CD sales tend to increase in the future.

7. It might be implied from the article that: (questão anulada)

a) recording industry executives have only recently started to read information about downloads.b) this is the best time of the year to be working in the recording industry.c) the destruction of all illegal downloads will probably take place soon. *d) scalping tickets is a common practice in America.e) Universal Music Group will probably face a lawsuit filed by its

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competitors for reducing too much its prices.

8. The expression "take my word for it" means:

a) take it or leave it b) look at mec) observe med) believe mee) write my words down

9. "To slash prices" means to:

a) to maintain prices.b) to raise prices.c) to reduce prices.d) to eliminate prices.e) to overlook prices.

10. In the sentence "the ticket service plans to bust its price cap and auction its best seats online," the verb to auction is related to:

a) auditing the seats online. b) selling for the highest price. c) selecting the best prices.d) sending information about the best seats. e) attracting customers online.

PUC - Winter - 2003

Prova de inglês do vestibular de inverno da PUC - 2003

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Martin Scorsese's film, Gangs of New York, which was released in 2002, with Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel day-Lewis and Cameron Diaz in the cast, was based on Herbert Asbury's book, Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld. The book, which was first published in 1927, and which, in later editions, contains a foreword by the famous Argentinian writer, Jorge Luis Borges, is described by The New York Times as a "tale of blood, excitement and debauchery." ( Speak Up, May 2003, n. 192)

1.In the sentence "Martin Scorsese's film, Gangs of New York, which was released in 2002, with Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel day-Lewis and Cameron Diaz in the cast, was based on Herbert Asbury's book, Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld ", the relative pronoun which:

a) might be replaced by whose.b) might be replaced by that.c) might be replaced by whom.

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d) might be replaced by who or that.e) cannot be replaced by any other pronoun.

2. In the text, the word "released" means:

a) launchedb) relievedc) refundedd) foundede) lavished

3. In the text, the word "tale" means:

a) shadowb) smash hitc) talentd) storye) battle

4. Choose the option that best completes the paragraph given:

"Many modern marriages _________ interesting solutions to difficult problems. Joe and Maria, for example, _________ married since 1995. After their wedding, the couple ________ down in Boston, where Maria opened an accounting business. Then in 1997 Joe _________ his job. By that time, Maria's new business ___________, so they didn't consider moving."(FUCHS, M.BONNER, M. Grammar Express. NY: Longman, 2000)

a) are finding - are - have settled - has lost - boomedb) have found - were -have settled - lost - was boomingc) are finding - have been - settled - lost - was boomingd) found -are -have settled -lost - has been boominge) find - are -settled - has lost - boomed

5. Choose the alternative that offers the best way to complete the given sentences:

Paul Matthews was born ____ Baton Rouge, but he lives ____ New Orleans now. He's ____ lecturer ____ the local university and he enjoys going sightseeing ____ weekends.

a) in - in - an - on - onb) in - in - a - at - onc) on - on - the - at - atd) on - in - a - at - ine) at - at - a - in - on

6. He asked me if I had _________ seen a ghost, and I answered I had _________.

a) ever - nob) ever - notc) never - yesd) already - yet

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e) always - no

7. Mark the INCORRECT statement.

a) There are less than three books on the floor.b) The teacher isn't thin. He isn't very young, either.c) One of the girls is writing and the other is too.d) The teacher is pointing at the chalkboard with a stick.e) There are more than four students in the picture.

Talking books are a hit in London

Talking books, books versions recorded in tape, were already in circulation in the United States in the '50s. But today they are a big hit in the United Kingdom, with sales estimated at US$70 million. Usually sold in bookstores and record shops, they are now found in London's first specialized store, the Talking Bookshop.Its shelves carry all types of works; from movie sound tracks, with the participation of the original actors, literally classics, like the poetry of the T. S. Eliot's The Four Quartets, read by Sir Alec Guinness. One of the newest releases has ex-prime minister Margaret Thatcher narrating her memoirs.The talking book boom has a close ally: the tape decks found in almost all present-day automobiles.

8. According to the text, the talking books first appeared:

a) In the United States of America about forty yeas ago.b) With Margaret Thatcher narrating her memoirs.c) In the United Kingdom.

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d) With movies and original actors.e) With Sir Alec Guinness reading "The Four Quartets".

9. Talking books are:

a) Books versions which are circulating on Brazil.b) Books sold in specialized petshop.c) Books which can be read by any child.d) Book copies which are circulating in Brazil.e) Books which speak to anyone.

10. According to the text, one can find a talking book:

a) In talking bookshops, bookstores and record shops.b) Only in bookstores and department stores.c) In the United Kingdom but not in the United States of America.d) In bookstores and shops found in any neighborhood.e) Only in the United States of America.

PUC - Summer - 2003

Prova de inglês do vestibular de verão da PUC - 2003

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1.Read the following text:

Whitney Balliett, jazz critic for the New Yorker magazine, has called jazz "the sound of surprise." And it is that expectation of surprise which partly explains the compelling hold of jazz on listeners in just about every country in the world.

Most of us lead lives of patterned regularity. Day by day, surprises are relatively few.

And except for economic or physical uncertainties, we neither face nor look for significant degrees of risk because the vast majority of us try to attain as much security as possible.

In this sense, jazzmen, of all musicians, are our surrogates for the unpredictable, our models of constant change.

(Source: WEGMANN, Brenda. Mosaic II, an intermediate reader)

About this text, it is stated that:

1. Jazz is as surprising as our lives of patterned regularity.2. Jazz is unpredictable.3. "To attain" means "to assert."4. The word "surrogates" means "substitutes."

After reading the text and the sentences provided above, we should say that:

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a) Sentences 2 and 4 are correct.b) Sentence 2 is the only correct one.c) Sentences 3 and 4 are correct.d) Sentences 2 and 3 are correct.e) Sentences 1, 2 and 4 are correct.


The following is a short outline of Shakespeare's most famous play, Hamlet.

Hamlet is the chief character in the play. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears and tells Hamlet how Claudius had murdered him by pouring poison into his ears as he lay asleep. The ghost orders Hamlet to revenge the murder.

But he does delay. He thinks a great deal about what he has heard, and he thinks instead of acting. He believes what the ghost has said, but feels that he needs further proof of the murder.

In order to satisfy himself that the king is guilty, Hamlet arranges to have a play performed at court. In this play one of the actors pretends to poison another in just the same way as the king has poisoned Hamlet's father. As soon as Claudius sees this, he is frightened, and gets up and goes out.

Hamlet now is quite certain of Claudius's guilt, but he still hesitates. Although he has opportunities to kill his uncle, he finds reasons why he should not do so yet. Once Hamlet finds him praying, and can kill him easily. He does not do so because he thinks that to kill the king at his prayers would be to send his soul straight to heaven. When the fight takes place, Hamlet at first seems to be winning. The king offers him the cup of poisoned wine. He refuses it, but the queen takes it and drinks. Laertes and Hamlet go on fighting, Laertes wounds Hamlet, and as they struggle together they somehow change swords. Now Hamlet wounds Laertes. The queen falls, dying. Laertes, himself near death, tells Hamlet about the poisoned sword and wine. Hamlet, acting at last instead of thinking about acting, rushes at the guilty king and kills him. He has revenged the murder of his father, but a few minutes later he, too, is dead.

2. About the text, which is the only right affirmative?

a) Hamlet delayed in revenging his father's murder because he thinks instead of acting.b) Polonius murdered Hamlets's father.c) The nephew of Claudius is a king.d) The king was guilty of Polonius's death.e) Hamlet got proof of the murder when Claudius called for help.

3. According to the passage, which is the only trueoption?

a) Hamlet's father is the chief character in the play.b) When Hamlet draws his sword and strikes at Ophelia's father,

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he drowns himself.c) Hamlet had been in love with Ophelia, but she hadn't with him.d) Shakespeare's play has five characters.e) Hamlet arranged to have a play performed.

4. Choose the right alternative, according to the text:

a) The queen called for help when Hamlet turned quickly and drew his sword.b) Ophelia went out of her mind because Hamlet was really mad.c) Hamlet thought that if he killed the king at his prayers he should send his soul straight to heaven.d) The ghost of Hamlet's father appeared and told Hamlet that Claudius had been murdered.e) Hamlet is Ophelia's cousin because he is Polonius's nephew.

5. Based on the text, which sentence brings correctinformation?

a) Hamlet died because he had drunk a cup of poisoned wine.b) The queen died while Laertes and Hamlet were fighting.c) Polonius was killed by a sword with poison on the point.d) Although Hamlet was not certain of the king's guilty, he didn't hesitate when he hadopportunities to kill him.e) Hamlet was wounded by Claudius, and Laertes was wounded by Hamlet.

6. Supply the sentences with the correct alternative:

I - This is the hardest problem _____ I have ever had to face.II - A doctor, _____ patients trust him, has great responsibility.III - Vesuvius, _____ is a lofty volcano, overlooks the Bay of Naples.IV - My friend Marcello, _____ is in hospital, is very ill.V - There's something _____ I must tell you in confidence.

a) I - that; II - which; III - what; IV - who; V - thatb) I - which; II - whose; III - that; IV - whose; V - whichc) I - that; II - whose; III - which; IV - who; V - thatd) I - what; II - who; III - which; IV - that; V - whate) I - that; II - whose; III - what; IV - which; V - that

7. Match the columns below. Then mark the option which provides the correct order of the second column:

I II(1) Shall I switch off ...(2) Could I carry ...(3) Can I take ...(4) I'll help ...(5) Would you like ...

( ) you do the washing up.( ) your coat?( ) those bags for you?( ) something to drink?( ) the lights?

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The option that shows the correct order of the second column is:

*a) 4 - 3 - 2 - 5 - 1b) 5 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 4c) 4 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5d) 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 5e) 5 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1

8. Put in the missing words:

I - I want _____ more tea, please.II - _____ I go fishing.III - It doesn't rain _____.IV - I'm sorry, but I have _____ to give you.V - _____ knows it's wrong.

a) I - some; II - Every time; III - someday; IV nothing; V - Somebodyb) I - any; II - Sometimes; III - every day; IV - anything; V - Everybodyc) I - some; II - Sometimes; III - every day; IV - nothing; V - Everybodyd) I - any; II - Every day; III - sometimes; IV - nothing; V - Everyonee) I - some; II - Everywhere; III - every time; IV - anything; V - Somebody

9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option:

I - They deliver the mail _____ ten o'clock.II - _____ it was raining, we went for a walk.III - Don't eat so much _____ you go bathing.IV - He ran away _____ he saw the policeman.V - You won't win _____ you try hard.

a) I - after; II - While; III - unless; IV - before; V - untilb) I - until; II - Before; III - after; IV - while; V - althoughc) I - unless; II - When; III - until; IV - after; V - befored) I - at; II - Although; III - before; IV - when; V - unlesse) I - before; II - Until; III - although; IV - unless; V - when

10. Mark the alternative that offers the best way to complete the sentences below:

I. Francis is engaged to be married, _______ she is still in doubt about her getting married.II. Tom does not have a new car, ______ does he have an apartment of his own.III. After dinner, Lee either plays cards _______ watches TV.IV. Joanne loves dancing _______ singing.V. Michael and Peter should read more books, ______ they will take a literature test soon.

a) but - nor - and - and - forb) but - or - or - and - so

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c) yet - nor - or - in addition - sod) but - nor - and - or - soe) yet - nor - or - and - for

CEFET - Winter - 2005

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The Quest for Affordable EnergyBy John P. Holdren

In his book, Power to the People, Vijay Vaitheeswaran trata, lida with hard questions at the core of society's energy dilemmas with style, balance and insight. The style is entertaining and accessible.

Among the critically important points the book convincingly conveys that civilization is in no immediate danger of running out of energy or even just out of oil. But we are running out of environment and our dependence on oil in particular involves not only environmental but also economical and political debts.

Choices that countries make about energy supply commit them to those choices for decades, because power plants and other energy facilities typically last for 40 years or more and are too costly to replace before they wear out.

Energy technologies that exist or are under development could greatly increase energy efficiency in residences and businesses, reduce dependence on oil, accelerate the provision of energy services to the world's poor and shrink the impacts of energy supply on climate and other environmental values. The most promising of these options include renewable sources of a variety of types, advanced fuel technologies, and hydrogen-powered fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and dispersed electricity generation.

There are a few small technical slips in the elaboration of all this, but not many. Written for the intelligent layperson, this book is by far the most helpful, entertaining, up-to-date and accessible treatment of the energy-economyenvironment problematique available.

(SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Dec. 2003, p.91/92)

1."Running out of" in '...running out of energy...' means:

a) expiring.b) finishing. c) attacking.d) chasing.e) going along.

2."Them" in '...commit them to those choices...' (paragraph 3) refers to:

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a) choices.b) facilities.c) power plants.d) countries. e) decades.

3."Could" in '...could greatly increase energy efficiency...' indicates:

a) possibility. b) suggestion.c)conclusion.d) obligation.e) advice.

4.John Holdren thinks the book _____.

a) does not deal with difficult questionsb) was written for expertsc) has technical problems d) is boringe) is about society and their dilemmas

5.According to the text:

I) one important point is that civilization is in no immediate danger of running out of energy or oil.II) energy facilities cannot be replaced because they last a lot.III) energy technologies that exist or are under development will reduce dependence on oil.IV) the most promising option includes renewable sources.

a) T - T - F - Tb) T - F - T - Fc) F - T - T - Fd) F - T - F - Fe) T - F - F - T

The War on Tobacco

New York City's bars changed for ever - as a pioneering ban on smoking took effect. It was a triumph for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has led a personal crusade against tobacco, but the repercussions may soon be felt far beyond his jurisdiction. The Smoke-Free City Act became law in December 2002, but 90 days were to pass before the legislation went into effect.

Although non-smokers naturally welcome the ban, most bar owners do not. The Act bans smoking from bars, restaurants, pool halls, night clubs, private clubs and convention centers. As a result, clients at such establishments now have to behave like office workers, if they want to smoke, they must step outside. Opposition to the Act and its sponsor is evident in numerous slogans, the politest of which is probably "Bloomberg for Ex-Mayor."

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New York isn't in fact the first American city to impose the ban, but such is its international importance that the Act is seen as a test case for other countries. It is known that statistics can be manipulated to say whatever you want them to say, but the real issue about smoking is neither comfort or profit. The demand for a ban is motivated by the health risk of passive smoking - not only for customers, but also for those whose working lives are spent in bars, restaurants and be exposed to dangerous chemicals.

(Adapted from Speak Up, n.201, p.11,12)

1.The legislation of the Smoke-Free City Act went into effect:

a) never.b) soon.c) immediately.d) in 2002.e) in 2003.

2."They" in '...if they want to smoke...' refers to:

a) non-smokers.b) bar owners.c) clients. d) establishments.e) office workers.

3.It is NOT correct to say that _____.

a) there was opposition to the Actb) Michael Bloomberg was New York City's mayorc) Michael Bloomberg sponsored the Smoke- Free City Actd) few bar owners do not welcome the bane) people who want to smoke have to go out the establishments

4. "Should" in ' staff should not have to be exposed...' indicates:

a) advice. b) suggestion.c) possibility.d) obligation.e) conclusion.

5.According to the text:

I) opposition to the Act and its sponsor was being shown in a very polite way.II) New Yorkers decided to test the Act for 90 days.III) statistics cannot be trusted.IV) the real issue about smoking is the health risk of passive smoking.

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a) T - T - F - Fb) F - F - T - Tc) F - T - T - Td) T - F - F - Te) T - F - T - F

UNICENP - 2006

Prova de inglês do vestibular da UNICENP - 2006

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Cholera Kills Hundreds in West Africa

By REUTERSPublished: August 28, 2005

DAKAR, Senegal, Aug. 27 (Reuters) - Cholera outbreaks caused partly by heavy rains battering West Africa have killed hundreds of people in the last few months, prompting appeals for medicine to help thousands of sufferers, United Nations officials said this week.

The number of recorded cholera cases in West Africa this year is 24.621, with at least 401 deaths in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal, according to United Nations data.

In Guinea-Bissau, the hardest hit, cholera deaths have more than doubled since Aug, 9, rising to 188 from 84. An official in the Health Ministry in Bissau, the capital, which has borne the brunt of the epidemic, said more than 9.000 cases has been recorded and that the disease was spreading rapidly in the provinces.

In Congo, a cholera outbreak in a convoy of about 3.000 soldiers traveling with their families in the east killed at least 16 people and infected hundreds, aid officials said Friday. Relief workers said the convoy, had dropped off hundreds of infected people in villages along the way, spreading exposure to local residents.

Cholera can kill victims within 24 hours by inducing vomiting and diarrhea that cause severe dehydration, but it is treatable using a simple mixture of water and rehydration salts.

Often associated with heavy rains that flood latrines or contaminated wells, cholera usually kills people who are so poor they cannot afford basic health care.

Several countries have sent aid, including France, China and Portugal, but United Nations officials said more was needed.

1. According to the text, choose the right alternative:

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a) The cases of cholera were caused only by the rains in West Africa.b) United Nations officials have appealed for medicine to help thousands of infected people.c) According to United Nations data, 401 people died in Burkina Faso.d) In Guinea-Bissau deaths caused by cholera have decreased.e) In Congo, a cholera outbreak has killed about 3.000 soldiers.

2. Based on the text, it is correct to say that:

a) in cholera cases, dehydration is only caused by vomiting.b) poor people are the least affected by cholera.c) cholera can kill victims due to severe dehydration, which is not treatable.d) the convoy left hundreds of infected people in villages along the way, spreading cholera to local residents.e) United Nations said that only aid from France, China and Portugal would be enough to solve the problem.

3. Assinale o exemplo de referência que não está correto.

a) "which", no terceiro parágrafo, refere-se a Bissau, a capital.b) "the disease", no terceiro parágrafo, refere-se à cólera.c) "their" no quarto parágrafo, refere-se aos soldados.d) "it", no quinto parágrafo, refere-se ao vômito e à diarréia.e) "they", no sexto parágrafo, refere-se a pessoas pobres da África Ocidental.

4. The underlined word usually in... "cholera usually kills people who are so poor they cannot afford basic health care"... is an adverb. Select the alternative that provides the correct use of the adverb never:

a) Cholera kills never hundreds of people in my country.b) Never cholera hasn't killed hundreds of people in my country.c) Cholera hasn't never killed hundreds of people in my country.d) Cholera has killed never hundreds of people in my country.e) Never has cholera killed hundreds of people in my country.

5. Mark the alternative that provides the correct verb tense to complete the sentence:

An outbreak of cholera ________________ rapidly in the provinces of Ghinea-Bissau since Aug. 9.

a) have spread;b) is being to spread;c) spreads;d) were spreading;e) has been spreading.

6. The sentence... "Cholera outbreaks killed hundreds of people last week. United Nations officials said"... in the reported speech will be:

a) United Nations officials said that Cholera had been killed hundreads of people last week.b) United Nations officials said Cholera outbreaks have killed hundreds of people last week.c) United Nations officials said Cholera oubreaks had killed hundreds of

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people the week before.d) United Nations officials told Cholera outbreaks were killing hundreds of people the week before.e) United Nations officials said Cholera outbreaks would kill hundreds of people the week before.

7. Selecione a alterantiva incorreta com relação aos números mencionados pelo artigo:

a) O número de casos de cólera registrados na África Ocidental neste ano é de 24.621.b) O número oficial de mortes em Burkina Faso, Guiné, Guiné-Bissau, Libéria, Mali, Mauritânia, Nigéria e Senegal é de no mínimo 401.c) Em Guiné-Bissau, as mortes diminuíram de 188 para 84 desde o dia 9 de agosto de 2005.d) No Congo, pelo menos 16 pessoas morreram e centenas foram infectadas num grupo de 3.000 soldados e familiares.e) A cólera pode matar uma vítima em 24 horas.

How Hiroshima Rose From the Ashes

A commitment to peace and renewal have helped the city's residents overcome their nightmares


Sunao Tsuboi thought he was one of the lucky ones. In 1945, he was 20 years old and an engineering student in Hiroshima. Two of his brothers had been killed in the war. But Tsuboi got to stay home, helping design war planes for the government. "If you studied literatura." he says today, "you went to war. If you studied science and engineering, the government postponed your draft in order to have you make weapons." Tsuboi was on the way to his university on Aug. 6 when the Enola Gay dropped Little Boy over Hiroshima. He was less than a kilometer from ground zero, near a place to this day marked by the domed skeleton of what had been a government office building in the center of town. It was 8:15 on a bright, hot, brilliantly clear morning, and hell had arrived on earth.

He was lucky at that instant too. Had Tsudoi been any closer, he would have been incinerated, as tens of thousands of the city's residents were that day.

(Time, August 1, 2005)

8. Based on the article, choose the best alternative:

a) Tsuboi and his two brothers were at home when the Enola Gay dropped Little Boy over Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945.b) Tsuboi could have been killed in the bombing on that horrible August 6, 1945 if he hadn't been an engineering student.c) There were thousands of people in the city on that day, but only ten were incinerated.d) Enola Gay dropped Little Boy when he was less than a kilometer from Hiroshima.

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e) All the city's residents were killed on that bright, hot morning except Tsuboi.

9. All the sentences extracted or adapted from the text are in the passive form, except:

a) Two of his brothers had been killed in the war.b) He would have been incinerated on that bright, hot morning.c) Tsuboi wasn't killed in the war.d) This article will be rewritten again soon.e) Tsuboi was designing war planes for the government.

10. The sentence... "Had Tsuboi been any closer, he would have been incinerated"... in the second conditional will be:

a) If Tsuboi were any closer, he would be incinerated.b) Has Tsuboi any closer, he would be incinerated.c) If Tsuboi is any closer, he will incinerate.d) If Tsuboi was any closer, he will be incinerate.e) I Tsuboi were any closer, he would has been incinerated.

11. According to the use of relative pronouns, mark the wrong alternative:

a) Hiroshima, whose name means "Broad Island", was founded as a castle town by the feudal lord Mori Terumoto in the 16th century.b) About 85.000 people, who lived in Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, are still alive.c) Five years after the end of the war, Tsuboi fell in love with a woman whom parents refused to let her marry him because he was a victim of the A-bomb.d) The occupation government gave Hiroshima the extra aid, which helped the city begin to recover - both psychologically and economically.e) Tsuboi met a neighbor who didn't recognize him because of the burns on his face and body.

New Movement in Parkinson's

Recent genetic and cellular discoveries are among the advances pointing to improved treatments for this increasingly common disorder.(By Andres M. Lozano and Sunnil K. Kallia)

Parkinson's disease, first described in the early 1900s by British physician James Parkinson as "shaking palsy," is among the most prevalent neurological disorders. According to the United Nations, at least four million people worldwide have it; in North America, estimates run from 500.000 to one million, with about 50.000 diagnosed every year. These figures are expected to double by 2040 as the world's elderly population grows; indeed. Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative illnesses common in the elderly (such as Alzheimer's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) are on their way to overtaking cancer as a leading cause of death. But the disease is not entirely one of the aged: 50 percent of patients acquire it after age 60; the other half are affected before then. Furthermore, better diagnosis has made experts increasingly aware that the disorder can attack those younger than 40.

So for researchers and clinicians have found no way to slow, stop or prevent Parkinson's. Although treatments do exist - including drugs and deep-brain stimulation - these therapies alleviate symptons, not causes. In recent years,

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however, several promising developments have occurred. In particular, investigators who study the role proteins play have linked miscreant proteins to genetic underpinnings of the disease. Such findings are feeding optimism that fresh angles of attack can be identified.

(Scientific American / September 2005)

12. The only alternative that is NOT in accordance with the text is:

a) Up to the present moment, researchers and clinicians haven't found any way to prevent Parkinson's.b) The first patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease was the British physician James Parkinson in the early 1800 s.c) The United Nations affirms that millions of people have Parkinson's in the world.d) Parkinson's and other illnesses such as Alzheimer's are almost killing more than cancer.e) About half the patients develop Parkinson's after age 60; the other 50 percent are affected before then.

13. In ..."But the disease is not entirely one of the aged: 50 percent of patients acquire it after age 60; the other half are affected before then. Furthermore, better diagnosis has made experts increasingly aware that the disorder can attack those younger than 40"... the underlined word could be replaced by:

a) Hence;b) Consequently;c) Although;d) In addition;e) Thus.

14. Mark the option that completes the sentences correctly:

I) 50 percent of patients acquire the disease ________ the age of 60.II) At least four million people worldwide suffer ________ Parkinson's disease.

a) at - from;b) in - by;c) by - of;d) with - by;e) at - on.

15. Mark the only alternative in which the gerund corresponds to the infinitive in Portuguese:

a) Parkinson's is on their way to overtaking cancer as a leading cause of death.b) Such findings are feeding optimism.c) Researchers and clinicians have been researching the disease.d) Although treatments do exist - including drugs and deep-brain stimulation - these therapies alleviate symptoms, not causes.e) Scientists are trying to discover the cause of the disease

UNIFAE - 2006

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by Garry Trudeau

Quadro 1 - Sure, fine by me. Let me just check with my roommate.Quadro 2 - Alex Doonesbury, my half-sister's daughter…Quadro 3 - She's applying to Walden and wants to come stay with us so she can check out some classes. You cool with that?Quadro 4 - She's your half-sister's daughter? Yeah, is it okay?

1. According to the comic above it ISN'T CORRECT to say:

a) There is something on the bed.b) There is something in the wastebasket.c) There is a bulletin board on the wall.d) There is a bed between them.e) One of them has glasses on.

2. The appropriate question for the blank bobble is:

a) What's your name?b) Who's that?c) What's she?d) Who's her?

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e) Who are you?

3. If the girl is his half-sister's daughter, that make her his half - … .

a) auntb) unclec) nieced) parente) brother

4. According to the comic:

a) The boy wants that his roommate allows someone to stay at their place.b) The boy wants that his roommate checks on someone staying at their place.c) The roommate wants someone.d) The boy wants to give classes to his half-sister's daughter.e) Walden is his half-sister daughter's name.

5. According to the comic, you can answer all questions below except:

a) Why the girl wants to stay at their house?b) Is the girl part of one of the boys family?c) How many people live at their place?d) How long is she staying with them?e) What is the relationship between the two boys?

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UNIFAE - 2005

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Mickey Mouse is top money-spinner

A top 10 of fictional characters, including Mickey Mouse and SpongeBob Square Pants, made more than $25 billion dollars (£13.7m) in 2003.

The list __I__ finance magazine Forbes, of top-earning fictional characters puts Disneys Mickey Mouse at the top of the pile, grossing $5.8 bn (£ 3.17bn).

Winnie the Pooh and friends are close__ II___ with $5.6bn (£ 3bn).

Spider-Man, the X-Men's Wolverine, Harry Potter and Lord of the Ring's Frodo Baggins also made the top 10.

Box office takings increased the chances of characters making the list - fictional faces from films such as Star Wars and Monsters Inc made the list ___III___2002 but dropped__ IV___ without a film release to back them in 2003.

In order to qualify for the Forbes list, characters must have debuted in a narrative story on screen, in print or in a videogame.

Japanese comic-book star Yu-Gi-Oh! made $1.6bn ($87m) with the help of trading cards and videogames. Pikachu from Pokemon, who was created in 1996 and has a TV show, made $825m (£ 450m).

Access in October 23, 2004.


1. Mickey Mouse and Friends2. Winnie the Pooh and Friends3. Frodo Baggins, Lord of the Rings4. Harry Potter5. Nemo, Finding Nemo6. Yu-Gi-Oh!7. SpongeBob Square Pants8. Spider-Man9. Wolverine, X-Men10. Pikachu, Pokemon

Source: Forbes magazine

1. Check the alternative that best completes blanks I, II, III and IV in the text:

a) to - before - at - downb) for - after - in - ofc) on - back - for - out

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d) by - behind - in - offe) off - by - for -away

2. The two most sold characters Iast year according to Forbes are

a) Mickey and friends and Winnie the Pooh and friends.b) Winnie the Pooh and Mickey's friends.c) Mickey and Winnie the Pooh.d) Mickey's friends and Winnie the Pooh's friends.e)Mickey and Winnie the Pooh's friends.

3. According to the text check the correct alternative:

a) The list by Fortes could have been made only last year.b) For being part of the top ten lists, of Fortes magazine, the character has to have participated in a story.c) Only non-fictional characters must be part of the Fortes magazine list.d) Disney shouldn't be the only studio in the top 10 lists.e) Characters from movies cannot be part of the top 10 lists.

Tax Attorney Help.Liens and Levy RemovalsIRS's Offers in CompromiseCollection Problem AssistanceInternal Revenue Service AuditsFraud, Civil and Criminal Defense

Protect __I ____ from IRS intimidation, errors, and any tax penalties.To represent you please contact __II___ and allow ___III___ to represent __IV___

You Can Stop!!IRS lntimidation!Overpaying__V__ Taxes!IRS Abuses and Bullying!Paying Avoidable Penalties!IRS Mistakes and Error!IRS Bluffing Tactics!

Adapted from: Access in Oct 23, 2004

4.The words that best complete the text are:

a) I. ourselves - II. we - III. we - IV. yourself - V. yours b) I. yourseIf - II. us - III. us - IV. you - V. yourc) I. myself - II. me - III. me - IV. myself - V. myd) I. ourselves - II. they - III. they - IV. your - V. youe) I. yourself - II. them - III. me - IV. you - V. yours

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Learn the Art of Negotiation

Paul Winemen & Associates, Inc. offers one and 2-day customized workshops on negotiating. Learn new techniques, tactics and strategies to help effectively negotiate anything.

Purpose:- To negotiate not just the price, but the "PACKAGE" that surrounds that price- To learn the tactics used in effective negotiating- To recognize the value of these techniques for internal negotiating within your own organization

Benefits:- Participants will become more effective buyers and sellers in their work and personal lives. - Participants will gain the skills necessary to deal with internal negotiations at work: increases productivity

One Day Workshop

Topics Covered:

- Introduction to negotiation- The four keys to short term competitive negotiations- Cost Breakdowns- Internal VS External Negotiations- Buyers / Sellers Tactics


- A leader who is an experienced in negotiate a contract.- Role-play participation in customized negotiation cases.- A simple planning check list to use in all negotiations

Adapted from- Access in Oct 25, 2004.

5. After you read the text "Learn the art of negotiation". One of the alternatives bellow contains nouns which are frequently used with the verb to negotiate. What is it?

a) deal direction - solidb) plan - business - casec) result - deal - moneyd) result - direction - plane) contract - price - deal

UNIFAE - 2004

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Meteorite wrecks houses in India

At least 20 people are reported to have been injured after a meteorite crashed to Earth in eastern India.

Reports say hundreds of people in the state of Orissa panicked when the fireball streamed across the sky.

Burning fragments were said to have fallen over a wide area, destroying several houses. An official in Orissa said the authorities were assessing the damage and trying to recover what was left of the meteor.

Reports from Kendrapara district in Orissa, where the meteor came to Earth, said windows rattled as it passed overhead.

“It was all there for just a few seconds but it was like daylight everywhere”, one resident said.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

a) Fireballs streaming across the sky.b) The people who panicked when they saw the meteorite.c) The meteorite that fell in India.d) Meteorite turning the Earth into fireballs.e) The night turning into day because of the meteorite.

2.The corresponding direct speech for the sentence “An official in Orissa said theauthorities were assessing the damage…” is:

a) An official in Orissa said: “The authorities are assessing the damage …”b) An official in Orissa said: “The authorities assess the damage …”c) An official in Orissa said: “The authorities assessed the damage …”d) An official in Orissa says: “The authorities assess the damage …”e) An official in Orissa says: “The authorities was assessing the damage …”

3.The pronoun “it” in "where the meteor came to Earth, said windows rattled as it passed overhead" refers to…

a) Windowsb) Earthc) Kendraparad) Meteoritee) India

Read the comic below to answer questions 4 and 5.

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Quadro 1 > em branco

Quadro 2 > What would happen to us?

Quadro 3 > We would get a better boss.

Quadro 4 > We might get a better project too!

Quadro 5 > There could be weeks of confusion with no work at all

Quadro 6 > YaY!!

Quadro 7 > It's all ours if we simply do less work!

Quadro 8 > Whoo! I've never felt my morale go up before

Quadro 8 > I'm dizzy.

4.Mark the option which provides the suitable speech for the blank bubble.

a) If you finish the project on time, I probably lose my job.b) If you’ll finish the project on time, I probably lose my job.c) If you not finish the project on time, I’ll probably lose my job.d) If you didn’t finish the project on time, I’ll probably lose my job.e) If you don’t finish the project on time, I’ll probably lose my job.

5.The characters in the cartoon are:

a) Considering possibilities for certain things to happen.b) Talking about what is certainly going to happen.c) Giving their opinions about some probabilities.d) Thinking about how bad it is going to get under certain circ*mstances.e) Speculating about their future position in the company.

UNIFAE - 2003

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Sun, Sea and Laptop

Ah, the summer holidays. A time for sun, sea, sand and sweaty toil. For the vacationer incapable of ceasing work, the Hilton Nassau has installed a one-person mobile office to use beside the piscina or on the beach.

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The Office Alfresco unit has a power supply for laptops plus wireless connections and a cordless telephone, and costs $25 an hour to use. Office supplies are gathered neatly in a drawer and there is an umbrella to keep out the sun.

Cary Cooper, professor of organizational psychology and health at the University of Manchester, UK, is not impressed. "I think it's horrendous," he says. "To allow work to intrude on precious time with the family is the height of folly."

Other guests at the hotel might also have mixed feelings about sharing the poolside with a workaholic indulging their habit so publicly but the Hilton says it is simply following a trend. It cites a study by Accenture that revealed 63 per cent of executives on holiday maintain contact with the office, while 33 per cent check their voice mail and 16 per cent take a laptop. Hilton's research show 43 per cent take a mobile telephone.

Hilton refers to its working vacationers as "beach warriors" - but "beach worriers" would be more appropriate. Prof. Cooper certainly considered it unhealthy. "When executives do take a break, they really should take a break," he says. "They should not take a laptop unless in the critical phase of a business project."

1.No final do 3.º parágrafo, o professor Cooper refere-se a uma atitude como sendo "the height of folly". Pelo que você entendeu do texto, a alternativa que melhor expressa o significado dessa expressão é:

a)a altura da foliab)a coisa mais normal do mundoc)o máximo da toliced)parte do negócioe)o peso de ser executivo

2.O termo workaholic utiliza um sufixo para expressar vício. O mesmo sufixo é utilizado, por exemplo, em alcoholic e chocaholic. O sufixo -er é utilizado em muitas palavras para designar uma profissão ou uma atividade. Assinale a alternativa em que a terminação -er não tem esse significado:


3.O serviço oferecido pelo hotel Hilton Nassau foi desenvolvido para:

a)tentar atrair novos clientes;b)aumentar a taxa de ocupação na baixa temporada;c)oferecer aos executivos em férias uma oportunidade de uma maior convivência com a família;d)responder a uma tendência do mercado de executivos em férias;e)aumentar a rentabilidade da parte de entretenimento do hotel.

4.O professor Cooper acredita que executivos quando estão em férias:

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a)não deveriam ter contato com seus escritórios em hipótese alguma;b)podem até usar o seu laptop para realizar o trabalho se estão em uma fase em que isso é imprescindível;c)são desonestos ao tirar o tempo da família para se dedicar ao trabalho;d)devem manter um contato esporádico com o escritório a fim de prevenir o estresse causado pela falta de informações;e)deveriam ocupar-se em atividades domésticas, como realizar pequenos consertos e cuidar do jardim.

5. "The Hilton Nassau has installed a one-person mobile office to use beside the pool or on the beach." O tempo verbal usado nessa frase serve para indicar ações que:

a)terminaram no passado em um tempo indeterminado;b)começaram no passado e continuam a acontecer;c)ocorrem simultaneamente a outras;d)estavam acontecendo quando foram interrompidas por outras;e)estão acontecendo neste exato momento.

UNIFAE - 2002

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War in the shadows

By David Ignatius

The White House and Pentagon are giving newsy briefings each day on the progress of the war against terrorism. But the Central Intelligence Agency's part in that battle has truly been a war in the shadows.

The CIA isn't talking much, reasonably enough. But some soundings last week with intelligence sources shed a little light on what the agency is doing around the world - and on its broad strategy against Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terrorist network.

Perhaps the simplest explanation is that the CIA is trying to build a global "intelligence coalition" similar to the overt military and diplomatic alliance the Bush administration has gathered since Sept. 11. The aim of this coalition is to penetrate the terrorist network, disrupt its operations and, in the sort of language favored by President Bush, "take it down." (…)

The agency's broad goal is to recreate the kind of powerful intelligence network it maintained against the Soviet Union during the Cold War years. In those days, the CIA would sometimes create local security services almost from scratch: train their people, pump them up with money and use them as witting or unwitting assets in monitoring and checking the Soviets. (…)

This is a war in which money can work wonders. It helps the CIA build up the intelligence services of its allies. And it helps the CIA buy the loyaty of people who know al Qaeda's secrets and can subvert its operations.

What gives top CIA officials some confidence - and should also cause them

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some embarrassment - is that they have been fighting a war against bin Laden for five years. This is not an enemy who suddenly sneaked up on the United States in the dark. Starting in 1996, the CIA even created what it called a "shadow station"targeted solely on bin Laden.

The CIA views al Qaeda as a masterfully elusive foe. When al Qaeda mounts a complex operation such as the Sept. 11 suicide attacks, it already has its next operation planned. When it discovers that its communications links have been blown, as apparently happened after a press leak in 1998, the organization becomes further decentralized, so that decisions are taken by individual cells without requiring authorization from a cave in Afghanistan.

The agency believes al Qaeda wasn't just lucky in its terrorist spectacular - it was supremely well trained. The hijackers appear to have understood FAA* boarding procedures and even the fact that pilots are trained to cooperate initially with hijackers (a tactic that has usually saved lives in the past). (…)What gives the CIA some confidence it will eventually prevail in this shadow war is that it has had a certain number of secret successes in thwarting bin Laden. The agency was on global alert for an al Qaeda terrorism spectacular in January 2000 timed to coincide with global celebration of the millennium.

The CIA feared this threat would involve a number of separate attacks, including the destruction of a huge hotel in a Middle Eastern country, the hijacking of tourist buses there and a savage bombing at Los Angeles International Airport. That terror wave was stopped by a combination of good intelligence and police work - and covert action abroad that disrupted the terrorists.

A similar success against al Qaeda is said to have been achieved last summer. From May to July, the CIA was braced for attacks on American targets abroad. The hit list was thought to have included U.S. embassies in Yemen and two European capitals, as well as a U.S. facility in Turkey. Those operations, too, were disrupted.

And then came the disaster of Sept. 11. The lesson, perhaps, is that you won't find terrorist plots unless you know where to look. That's why intelligence will be decisive in this new war.

CIA Director George Tenet has made mistakes and, being human, will undoubtedly make more. But the CIA does seem to have a coherent strategy in this fight. What the agency will need now are patience, fortitude and that essential ingredient in warfare - good luck.

* FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

(The Washington Post, October 14th 2001)

1.O título do artigo ("War in the Shadows"), analisado após a leitura do texto, permite concluir que:

a)a ação terrorista de Osama bin Laden, por ser travada de maneira difusa e obscura, é condenável sob qualquer ponto de vista;b)O partido político "Al Qaeda" ainda não conseguiu reconhecimento oficial por parte dos norte-americanos e, dessa forma, precisa operar clandestinamente;c)a CIA tem desempenhado um papel importante na guerra contra o

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terrorismo, apesar de não divulgar informações a respeito de seu envolvimento estratégico;d)o presidente Bush autorizou a realização de sucessivos ataques aéreos no Afeganistão, desde que estes ocorram à noite para dificultar uma reação do governo Talibã;e)a guerra contra o terrorismo será longa e difícil de ser vencida.

2.Segundo o texto, a CIA:

a)tem desenvolvido uma estratégia de combate ao terrorismo que vai de encontro às táticas planejadas pela Casa Branca, pelo Pentágono e pela Comunidade Européia;b)está preocupada em manter a população norte-americana minuciosamente informada sobre a sua estratégia;c)precisa conseguir a aprovação de uma verba adicional no Congresso para se tornar mais eficaz no combate ao terrorismo;d)não tem alcance internacional, uma vez que é responsável pelo combate ao terrorismo apenas em território norte-americano;e)está buscando cooperação internacional para conseguir desmantelar o terrorismo.

3.O principal objetivo do texto é:

a)informar o leitor sobre a postura do Presidente Bush em relação aos atentados ocorridos em 11/09/2001;b)influenciar a opinião pública européia para que esta passe a apoiar as estratégias da CIA; c)apoiar o presidente Bush na sua cruzada contra o terrorismo;d)informar o leitor sobre as estratégias adotadas pela CIA no combate ao terrorismo; e)revelar as contradições e a ineficácia do governo norte-americano atual.

4.Assinale a única conclusão que NÃO é mencionada ao final do texto:

a)Com mais investimento em planejamento estratégico, a CIA possivelmente conseguirá evitar que novos ataques terroristas aconteçam. b)Para ser bem-sucedida em suas investidas, além de paciência e firmeza, a CIA precisará contar com a sorte. c)O diretor da CIA, por ser humano, continuará a cometer erros. d)A estratégia adotada pela CIA para combater o terrorismo perpetrado por Osama bin Laden parece ser coerente.e)O papel da CIA será decisivo na luta contra o terrorismo.

5.Analise as asserções abaixo feitas sobre o primeiro parágrafo:

I."Newsy" tem a função de qualificar o substantivo "briefings".II.O "´s" em "Central Intelligence Agency's" indica o caso possessivo.III.O tempo verbal utilizado na última frase revela que a batalha foi iniciada no momento presente e terá uma duração futura imprevisível.

Assinale a alternativa correta:

a)Apenas I é verdadeira.b)Apenas II é verdadeira.

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c)Apenas III é verdadeira.d)I e II são verdadeiras.e)I, II e III são verdadeiras.

6.Mark the alternative that has the most suitable sequence of synonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences:

I.But some soundings last week with intelligence sources shed a little light on what the agency is doing around the world - and on its broad strategy against Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terrorist network. II.The aim of this coalition is to penetrate the terrorist network, disrupt its operations (…)III.What gives the CIA some confidence it will eventually prevail in this shadow war is that it has had a certain number of secret successes in thwarting bin Laden.

a)staff members, extensive, purpose, win;b)citizen, national, objective, succeed in;c)informers, limited, intention, gain; d)officers, narrow, goal, defeat;e)people, global, point, fail.

7."This is a war in which money can work wonders. It helps the CIA build up the intelligence services of its allies. And it helps the CIA buy the loyalty of people who know al Qaeda's secrets and can subvert its operation." The underlined pronouns refer to the following words respectively:

a)war, CIA, al Qaeda's secrets;b)money, CIA, al Qaeda;c)money, European Community, Osama bin Laden;d)wonders, USA, CIA;e)war, intelligence services, allies;

8."The lesson, perhaps, is that you won't find terrorist plots unless you know where to look." The underlined expression can be replaced by:

a)although;b)despite the fact that;c)except on the condition that;d)even though;e)even if.

9.Mark the only INCORRECT answer:

I."By this time next year, our costs will have risen by 25%." II."She'll be arriving this evening."III."I'm going to chase them up if they haven't delivered the goods by Friday."IV."Next Friday is a public holiday in Brazil."V."They're just about to start the meeting."

a)In sentence (I) a future event is being predicted.b)In sentence (II) a plan or arrangement is being described.c)In sentence (III) an intention is being presented.d)In sentence (IV) a fact is being presented.e)In sentence (V) a past event is being described.

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10.Mark the only INCORRECT statement:

a)The reported speech of "I will not come to the meeting tomorrow." is "He said he would not come to the meeting the next day."b)The reported speech of "This is the first bad cheque we've had this month." is "He said that that was the first bad cheque they had had that month."c)The report speech of "Can we send you these invoices today?" is "He asked whether he could send us those invoices the same day."d)The reported speech of "Which of these two statements of accounts is a true reflection of the firm's performance?" is "He wanted to know which of those two statements of accounts was a true reflection of the firm's performance."e)The reported speech of "Will you audit the figures for this year?" is "He said that we will audit the figures for this year."

UNIFAE - 2001

Prova de inglês do vestibular da UNIFAE - 2001

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Plenty of people hit the jackpot in Silicon Valley and spend their fortunes fast on Porsches, private planes or Gatsby-like mansions. Not Anthony Parks. By the time Parks, 42, met financial adviser Rick Warner, this high school graduate had accumulated several million dollars in stock in Webvan, an internet grocery and consumer goods company he helped start.

To Warner's surprise, Parks did not have any big, hedonistic plans. When Warner asked a routine question - "Do you plan on making gifts on any of your shares?"- Parks looked startled. Then, in a low, deliberate voice, he replied, "Yes, I do."

A few weeks later, Warner received letters from Parks naming more than 60 people to whom he wanted to give some of his valuable stock.That list is a road map to Anthony Parks's life. Each person on it had made a difference in his life as he worked his way up.

Parks was raised in a hardscrabble neighborhood of Oakland, Calif. Pregnant at 16, his mother, Jacqueline Worley-Kemp, was forced to leave high school.

After she and her husband separated, Worley-Kemp raised Anthony and his younger brother on her own. Her solution: set up a beauty salon and accomodate customers who wanted their hair done before work or after dinner.

Some evenings, her sons didn't see her until 11 p.m. But, Parks recalls, "I knew I'd better have my homework finished and on the table for her to check when she got home."

From The Wall Street Journal

1.After reading the text, we can say that:

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a)Parks was an only child.b)He had a baby when he was 16.c)Parks used to write letters.d)Her mother became a millionaire.e)He will help the ones who helped him.

2.Different from other rich people, Anthony Parks did not have:

a)a motherb)a financial adviserc)a routined)hedonistic planse)money

3.The relative pronoun underlined in the text has the same function as in the sentence:

a)He loves people who love him.b)That's the house whose window was broken.c)That's the shop which sells souvenirs.d)This is the car for which I was looking.e)I am a man who will fight for your honor.

4.The possessive case is used in one of the sentences below following the same rule as in ..."Anthony Parks's life." Check it.

a)Moses' lawsb)Krysta's housec)Mary's loved)Marcos's care)A hard day's work

5.In which of the alternatives, the'd is used with the same meaning as in "I'd better have my homework finished...":

a)I'd rather be an engineer.b)She'd go if she could.c)He'd stay in bed for a while.d)I'd cut that paper, if I were you.e)She'd cut that fabric before she sewed it.

…even the janitor knows calculus!"

I worked for the late Joseph Altman, who taught Physics at Carnegie Mellon University. I enjoyed his favorite recollection: On the first day of a semester, Professor Altman, clad in his usual flannel shirt, work pants and boots, was cleaning the blackboard. Two freshmen entered his classroom and took seats. After he finished, and without saying a word, Altman proceeded to write out a series of equations for his upcoming class. One student looked at the other and said, "Wow, this is a tough school. Look, even the janitor knows calculus!"

6.After reading the text, we can conclude that:

a)The students didn't know their teacher.b)The janitor was very intelligent.

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c)The teacher was new at the university.d)The school was really tough.e)The students and the janitor were old friends.

7.In only one of the words below extracted from the text, the ending s is used to form plural. Check it:


"Who needs a period?"

I was entristecido saddened by the article "Who needs a period?" about women's manipulating the timing of their monthly period, sometimes reducing it to just a few times a year. The menstrual cycle is not a curse, as many women refer to it in jest, but a blessing that enables us if we choose, to create life.

How out of touch we have become if we begin to consider this completely natural and beautiful female experience as a burden and an inconvenience.

Kailin M. Fenn

From Reader's letters, Time, Oct., 2000

8.The article the writer refers to probably:

a)considers period a woman's blessing.b)motivates women to have children.c)suggests women to go against nature.d)doesn't consider period as something unnecessary.e)was written by a naturalist.

9.The expression out of touch used in the letter could be replaced by:


10.Watching out the children and their ages listed below, check the alternative that shows the one who cannot be considered a teenager.

a)Paula, 16.b)Vanessa, 13.c)Saul, 19d)Marilisa, 12.e)Carol, 15.

FIC - Winter - 2005

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Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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Silenced by the gun

Colombia is one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists to work. Forty Colombian journalists have been killed in the last five years, many for reporting on drug trafficking and corruption. Enrique Santos Calderon, editor-in-chief of prominent Colombian newspaper El Tiempo, says:"El Tiempo is like a bunker. I move around with bodyguards and armored cars all the time. It is terrible for your private life. But in Colombia the level of danger is such that it is not advisable to lower your guard. The drug trafficker, the Marxist guerrilla and the right-wing paramilitary see the press as one of the few institutions that criticizes them.

The violence unleashed by the big drug cartels in the late 1980s was unprecedented. It was brutal. They would kill anybody - any editor, publisher or reporter - who exposed them.

The press and the regional radio in zones of conflict are the most exposed. At El Tiempo we have to rotate our correspondents in these areas constantly. Their names are not published. We never have the local correspondent cover sensitive issues. We send someone from Bogota, who does the work and returns immediately."

(Adapted from: BBC News, 3 May 2005)

1.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( F ) Journalists have transformed Colombia into a dangerous place to work and live.b.( T ) Colombian newsmen were murdered because they revealed drug trafficking and corruption.c.( F ) Enrique Santos Calderon says that having bodyguards doesn't affect his private life.d.( T ) According to Mr. Calderon, the big drug cartels were responsible for many brutal deaths in the late 1980s.e.( F ) The title "Silenced by the gun" refers to journalists from Bogota, whose names are not published in the articles they write.

2. Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.( F ) The sentences "Forty Colombian journalists have been killed in the last five years" and "Forty Colombian journalists were killed five years ago" have the same meaning.b.( F ) Mr. Calderon says: "I move around with bodyguards […] all the time." The reported speech of this sentence is: "Mr. Calderon said he had moved around with bodyguards all the time".c.( F ) The sentences "El Tiempo is like a bunker" and "El Tiempo likes a bunker" have the same meaning.d.( T ) "But in Colombia the level of danger is too high". We could also say: "However, in Colombia the level of danger is excessively high."e.( F ) "The drug trafficker and the Marxist guerrilla see the press as one of

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the few institutions that criticizes them." In this sentence, the word "them" refers to "the press".

Police held over Brazil killings

Two Brazilian police officers have been arrested in connection with the killing of 30 people in the northern outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. The two were held on the basis of descriptions given by witnesses but deny any part in the deaths. Some teenagers and a child were among those who died in a seemingly random shooting in Queimados and Nova Iguaçu.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has vowed to punish those responsible for Thursday's attack. The two men, named as Jose Felipe and Fabiano Lopes, were arrested in their homes. Both were said to be on medical leave. A.38 calibre gun - the same type used in the shootings - was found at one of the houses. Police are still looking for at least two other men.

The attacks began in Nova Iguaçu, when gunmen fired on a crowd at a street-corner bar. Fifteen people were found dead in and around the bar and three more victims died of their injuries in the hospital on Friday. […] Rio is one of the most violent cities in the world. Rival drugs gangs are in control of many slum areas, known as favelas. Rio police have long been accused by human rights groups of using extreme brutality and acting with impunity.

(Adapted from: BBC News, 3 April 2005)

1.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( T ) Witnesses say that two Brazilian police officers were involved with the killing of 30 people in Rio de Janeiro.b.( F ) The two police officers confirmed their participation in the death of so many people.c.( F ) Only teenagers and children were killed.d.( T ) In Paragraph 2 we have the information that two other police officers, besides Jose Felipe and Fabiano Lopes, were involved in the killing.e.( T ) Human rights groups have accused the police of using exceptional savagery and acting with impunity.

2.Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.( T ) "Two police officers have been arrested". If we use the word "yesterday", we have to say: "Two police officers were arrested yesterday."b.( F ) "The two were held on the basis of descriptions given by witnesses but deny any part in the deaths." The word but can be replaced by instead of.c.( F ) "Some teenagers and a child were among those who died". We could also say: "Some teenagers and a child were between those ones which died".d.( T ) "Rio police are looking for at least two other men". The passive voice of this sentence is: "At least two other men are being looked for by Rio police".e.( T ) "Three more victims died in the hospital on Friday". We could also say: "On Friday, three more victims died in the hospital".

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Here without you(3 doors down)

A hundred days have made me olderSince the last time that I saw your pretty faceA thousand lies have made me colderAnd I don't think I can look at this the sameBut all these miles that separateDisappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you babyBut you're still on my lonely mindI think about you babyAnd I dream about you all the timeI'm here without you babyBut you're still with me in my dreamsAnd tonight it's only you and me

3.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( T ) In "A hundred days have made me older / Since the last time that I saw your pretty face", the poet says it's been more than three months that he doesn't see the person he loves.b.( T ) "A thousand lies have made me colder": the poet feels frustrated and he is insensitive after so many lies.c.( F ) "And I don't think I can look at this the same": nothing has changed inside him. The poet believes he can still go on with the same feelings he had before.d.( T ) "But all these miles that separate / disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face": distance seems not to exist when he thinks about her.e.( F ) In the second stanza, the poet says he feels lonely but he's trying to forget his baby. (stanza: estrofe)FIC - Summer - 2005

Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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Big Fish, Little Fish Battle Over the Amazon's Bounty


SANTA MARIA DO TAPARÁ, Brazil - A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eargerto enrich their bottom line and satiate the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad.

In response, peasant communities up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants' less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations. "The industrial fishing boats, the big 20- to 30-ton vessels, they want to sweep

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everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing", said Miguel Costa Teixeira, president of the local fishermen's union.

Local authorities are sympathetic to the fishermen's plight but say there is little they can do. Brazil's Constitution and supporting legislation have established an open channel policy, which makes it illegal to close a river or lake to public navigation or even to charge access fees. Local councils have also restricted the ways in which fishermen can fish, which the law allows. New rules include shortened fishing seasons, limits on sales outside the community, minimum sizes and prohibitions on certain kinds of nets.

(THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 26, 2004)

1.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) Even though the Amazon is a symbol of abundance, its stocks of the most popular species are decreasing to worrisome levels.b.( V ) There have been disputes between subsistence and commercial fishermen they are fighting over the fish of the Amazon.c.( V ) One of the reasons why cooperatives are being formed is to control fish catches.d.( F ) In Larry Rohter's opinion, the industrial fishing boats want to sweep everything up.e.( V ) According to the Brazilian Constitution, it isn't legal to close a river or lake to public navigation.

2.Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.( F ) Tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line. The word "who" can be replaced by "which".b.( V ) "But that effort has only encouraged the fishing operations". We could also say, "Although, that effort has encouraged the only fishing operations".c.( V ) "They want to sweep everything up, said Miguel Teixeira". The reported speech of this sentence is, "Miguel Teixeira said they wanted to sweep everything up".d.( F ) "Local authorities say there is little they can do". We could also say, "Local authorities tell there isn't many they may do".e.( F ) "They have established an open channel policy, which makes it illegal to charge access fees". We could also say, "They have established an open channel policy, whose doesn't make it legal to charge access fees".

Brazil backs China on trade bid

Brazil has met Chinese wishes to recognize it as a market economy, a smiling President Hu Jintao told reporters in Brasilia on Friday. China sees the deal as an important step towards getting better trade terms from the World Trade Organisation. Mr. Hu is in Brazil for five days to discuss multi-billion dollar trade and investment deals ranging from soy to football and satellite. MeanwhileBrazil won greater access to China's huge market for food products. […]

Mr. Hu was "all smiles" as he emerged from talks with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva […]. "This position of Brazil will certainly make the conditions of the strategic relationship even richer and will favour economic

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and trade co-operation," Mr. Hu said in a speech later. He said he hoped annual trade between the two countries could reach $20bn in three years.

In return for its agreement, Brazil received greater access to China's market for chicken and beef products. […] It also gained a commitment from China to order at least 10 airplanes from Brazilian maker Embraer, reported AFP. To facilitate trade, the Chinese are offering between $5bn and $7bn worth of investment to improve Brazil's roads, railways and ports.

(BBC NEWS, 12 November 2004)

3.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) The investment deals vary from agriculture to sports and technology.b.( V ) Brazil won significant admission to China's important market for food products.c.( F ) After talking to Lula, Mr. Hu was "all smiles" most probably because he thought the deal was much better for China than for Brazil, and it would make his country richer.d.( F ) The Chinese believe the conditions of our roads and railways are definitely poor.e.( F ) Because of the deal, Brazil will have to import airplanes from China.

4.Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.( F ) The words "better", "greater" and "richer" are superlatives. E.g.: "Our city is the better place to live in Brazil; it has the greater and richer people in the world".b.( F ) "This position will favour economic and trade co-operation", he said. The reported speech of this sentence is, "He said these positions should favoured economic and trade co-operation".c.( V ) "In return for its agreement, Brazil received greater access to China's market for chicken". The word "its" refers to "Brazil".d.( F ) "It also gained a commitment from China to order at least 10 airplanes from Brazilian maker Embraer". We could also say, "It won a commitment of China also to order a minimum of 10 airplanes for Brazilian maker Embraer".e.( V ) "They will order 10 airplanes". The passive voice of this sentence is, "10 airplanes will be ordered (by them)".

Don't Fade Away


As I stand at the crossroad,I see the sun sinking low.With my cross of indecision,I can't tell which way to go. […]All in all it's been a rocky road,Twists and turns along the way.But, I still pray for tomorrow,All my hopes, my dreamsDon't fade away, don't fade away.I have painted many portraits,

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Memories of love and pain,Though cut down by life's deceptionsI found the strength to start again.

5.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.( F ) It's early morning. The poet looks at the rising sun and makes the decision to cross the road.b.( F ) "All in all it's been a rocky road, / Twists and turns along the way." It means the poet's life has been exciting but also easy; she/he hasn't faced any special difficulties.c.( V ) The poet prays for his/her hopes and dreams not to die.d.( F ) "I have painted many portraits, / Memories of love and pain". The poet is an artist who likes to paint abstract pictures of his/her memories.e.( V ) "Though cut down by life's deceptions / I found the strength to start again." Even though the poet is disappointed, she/he is still hopeful and wants to keep on living.

FIC - Winter - 2004

Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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Brazil hopes to end nuclear "row"

Science and Technology Minister Eduardo Campos told the BBC that Brazil was "hiding absolutely nothing" and that its nuclear programme was peaceful. But he added that his government needed to protect commercially-sensitive data. In recent months Brazil has barred UN experts from looking at sections of the Resende facility near Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Campos said protective covers placed on centrifuges there were designed to ensure commercial protection of technology developed by Brazilian scientists at a cost of $1bn.

The Resende plant - which is under construction - will produce only low-grade uranium for nuclear plants, not weapons-grade material, the minister insisted. He said his government was negotiating with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to try to find a mutually acceptable way of inspecting the facility. "Brazil is submitting itself to all inspections", Mr. Campos told the BBC.

The IAEA has been involved in efforts to investigate uranium-enrichment facilities in North Korea and Iran. The Washington Post, in its Sunday edition, says US nuclear experts are urging Washington to insist on inspections in Brazil as well. "If we don't want these kinds of facilities in Iran or North Korea, we shouldn't want them in Brazil," the paper quoted former US nuclear negotiator James Goodby as saying. "You have to apply the same rules to adversaries as you do to friends." The plant in Resende is legal under international treaties - but it remains subject to UN inspections aimed at making sure it is not used for producing weapons-grade material.

(BBC NEWS, Monday, April 5, 2004)

1.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

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a.(V) The Minister defends the idea that commercially-sensitive information has to be protected.b.(F) Mr. Campos criticizes the use of protective covers placed on centrifuges.c.(F) The Minister stated that the Resende plant will invest on weapons-grade material.d.(F) US nuclear experts believe North Korea and Iran entered into partnership with Brazil.e.(F) James Goodby said his country doesn't want Brazil to have uranium-enrichment facilities.

2.Analyse the following sentences considering grammar.

a.(V) "He told the BBC that Brazil was hiding nothing". We could also say, "He said to the BBC that Brazil wasn't hiding anything".b.(F) "But he added that his government needed to protect commercially-sensitive data." We could also say, "In spite of, he added which his government needed to protect commercially-sensitive information."c.(V) In "Last month Brazil barred UN experts" and "In recent months Brazil has barred UN experts", the use of the verb tenses is correct.d.(F) "The Resende plant - which is under construction - will produce low-grade uranium". The word which can be replaced by whose.e.(F) "The Resende plant will produce only uranium" and "Only the Resende plant will produce uranium" have the same meaning.

3.Continue analysing the sentences considering grammar.

a.(V) "Brazil is submitting itself to all inspections, Mr. Campos told the BBC." The indirect discourse of this sentence is, "Mr. Campos told the BBC that Brazil was submitting itself to all inspections."b.(F) In "She submitted herself", "We submitted ourselfs" and "They submitted theirselfs", the use of the words in italics is correct.c.(V) In the sentences "If we don't want these kinds of facilities in Iran, we shouldn't wantthem in Brazil" and "If he doesn't want these kinds of facilities in Iran, he shouldn't want them in Brazil," the use of the verb is correct.d.(F) "You have to apply the same rules to adversaries as you do to friends". We could also say, "You must to apply the same rules to adversaries as well as do you to friends".e.(F) "But it is not used for producing weapons-grade material". We could also say, "However, it is not used to produce weapons-grade material".

House approves bill to curb "obesity" lawsuits


and NEIL BUCKLEY in New York

The House of Representatives yesterday easily passed the "cheeseburger" bill, which aims to protect food companies from obesity lawsuits. The House voted 276-139 to pass the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption act, which aims to shield food makers and sellers from "frivolous" lawsuits blaming them for causing obesity, provided their products comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

"Ronald McDonald made me do it" should never be considered the basis for a lawsuit in the real world", said Tom DeLay, the House majority leader. "Lawyers who have spread interest in frivolous lawsuits are not consumer advocates or health

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care advocates or advocates for anything other than their wallets."

(FINANCIAL TIMES, March 11, 2004)

4.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.(F) The objective of the "cheeseburger" bill is to defend obese consumers.b.(F) According to the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption act, people should never be responsible for their eating habits.c.(F) The House believes that according to all statutory and regulatory requirements food makers and sellers cause obesity.d.(F) Tom DeLay criticizes Ronald McDonald.e.(V) He says that lawyers who advocate frivolous lawsuits are only interested in money.

Once in a while

Once in a while,Will you tryTo give one little thought to me,Though someone else may beNearer your heart?

Once in a while,Will you dreamOf the momentsI shared with you,Moments before we twoDrift apart?

In love's smoldering ember,One spark may remain.If love still can remember,That spark may burn again.

I know that I'llBe contented withYesterday's memory,Knowing you think of meOnce in a while.


5.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

a.(F) "Once in a while" has the same meaning of "whenever"; in the text, the narrator believes that sometimes her/his lover feels lonely.b.(F) In the second stanza, the future tense "will you dream" indicates that the poet's lover remembers their moments of love and wants to share a life together again.c.(V) In the third stanza, the narrator seems to be hopeful, because some love may be still alive in his/her lover's heart.d.(V) "If love still can remember" means their memories of love.e.(F) The poet won't be glad unless the person she/he loves thinks about her/him all the time.

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FIC - Summer - 2004

Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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Brazil's land reform dilemma


In Brazil's extensive ranching country, the landless peasant's movement, the Movimento Sem Terra (MST), is impatient for change. But it is unclear whether the country's left-leaning President Lula da Silva is prepared to risk the ire of the nation's powerful farming lobby - and its valuable export dollars - to alleviate their condition. The MST has been fighting for agrarian reform for nearly two decades. Over the last 50 years, mechanisation has driven thousands of poor people from the land to populate the favelas that surround cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.Lula was swept to power on a wave of support for his programme of social justice. Expectations are high. […] Luis Antonio Nabhan Garcia is the local president of the UDR, the organization that represents land owners. Four years ago his land was invaded by the MST. He says he cannot forget it. "When I saw what those people had done, it was a complete shock to me. Tractors were destroying the land, the cattle were out on the road, and my father and brother were absolutely terrified."The farmers are nervous. And there are stories of them employing armed militias to protect their land. Luis Antonio denies this. "If there are armed militias, it is on the side of the MST. They call themselves a revolutionary force, and are connected to the FARC, the guerrilla group in Colombia", he claimed. And he continued: "Farmers are just working and defending themselves within the law."

(BBC NEWS, 13 Aug. 2003)

1. Analyze the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( F ) The landless peasants are impatient because the ranching country in Brazil is extensive.b. ( F ) In order to help the MST, President Lula is openly challenging the country's powerfulfarmers.c. ( F ) The reasons why the slums are so crowded are the lack of a clear policy concerningmechanisation, the lack of governmental rules and also the lack of support of landowners that are against agrarian reform.d. ( F ) Linda Pressly believes that the fact that Lula was elected president is ademonstration of social justice.e. ( V ) Luis Antonio states the farmers have not employed armed militias to defend their rights.

2.Analyze the sentences considering grammar.

a. ( F ) "The MST has fighted for agrarian reform in approximately twenty years" can replacethe sentence "The MST has been fighting for agrarian reform for nearly two decades".b. ( F ) "Four years ago his land was invaded by the MST" is the passive voice of "The MSTfour years ago has been invaded his land".

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c. ( V ) "They call themselves a revolutionary force, and are connected to the FARC, heclaimed." The reported speech of this sentence is: "He claimed they called themselves arevolutionary force, and were connected to the FARC".d. ( V ) "If there are armed militias, they will be on the side of the MST" and "If there werearmed militias, they would be on the side of the MST" are possible uses of theconditional in English.e. ( F ) In "They call themselves a revolutionary force" and "We call ourself a revolutionaryforce" the use of the pronoun is correct.

Brazil's new green pastures


In the long drought periods typical of north-eastern Brazil, the Brazilian Caatinga seem a sterile and dead landscape. The most successful city in the Brazilian Caatinga is Petrolina, in the state of Pernambuco. The town owes its success to two equally important factors: the natural fertility of its dry soil, and the action of local politicians.Where irrigation is not possible - or not economically viable - one solution being tried is to borrow native plant's abilities to survive in the region's hostile environment. However, where there is no irrigation and no finance for crops, many poor peasants areinstead making a living through local drug barons by secretly growing marijuana on their lands.Close to Petrolina, in an area where there is no irrigation, no research, no funding - but plenty of poverty - crime is thriving. In the so-called Marijuana Polygon, drug barons finance peasants in financial difficulty to grow marijuana. "These peasants are not actual criminals, but poor people who have no other options", said Captain Jose Mario, chief of police in the town of Cabrobro, at the heart of the Marijuana Polygon."Of course we arrest these growers when we catch them, but the solution will take much more than police work. This is a problem caused by poverty and wealth distribution." Mr. Mario added that as a result of the drug trade, the Marijuana Polygon has become a dangerous place to be. "There are robberies to pay for the marijuana crops, organized crime killings, child prostitution and a large number of guns in circulation", he said.

(BBC NEWS, 12 Aug. 2003)

3.Analyze the following sentences according to the text.

a. ( F ) The Brazilian Caatinga, sterile and dead, has never seen long periods of flood.b. ( F ) Local politicians helped drug barons to settle in Petrolina.c. ( F) Because there is no irrigation, native plants cannot survive in the region's adversesurroundings.d. ( F ) Even though they have plenty of options, many local peasants have decided tobecome criminals.e. ( V ) As a consequence of the drug trade, there are crimes, child prostitution and robberies

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in the so-called Marijuana Polygon.

4.Analyze the sentences considering grammar.

a. ( V ) "The most successful city, the best town, the least successful song and the worstproblems" are correct uses of the superlative.b. ( V ) "There is no irrigation" and "There isn't any irrigation" have the same meaning.c. ( V ) In "The town owes its success to the action of local politicians," the word "its" refers to"town".d. ( F ) "Close to Petrolina, in an area where there is no irrigation, no research, no funding -but plenty of poverty - crime is thriving." We could also say: "Nearly to Petrolina, intoan area where has no irrigation, no research, no funding - except a little poverty -crime is developing".e. ( F ) "These peasants are poor people who have no other options." The word "who" can bereplaced by "which".

5.Analyze the sentences according to the use of grammar.

a. ( F ) "In Brazil's extensive ranching country, the landless peasant's movement is impatientfor change." We could also say: "In an extensive ranching country of Brazil, themovement of the landless peasants' is impatient for change".b. ( V ) "It is unclear whether the President is going to solve their problem." Colloquially, wecould say: "It isn't clear if the President's gonna solve their problem".c. ( V ) "Luis Antonio denies this." The forms plays, cries, studies and fries are also correctuses of the simple present tense.d. ( F ) "These peasants are not actual criminals, but poor people who have no otheroptions." The singular of this sentence is: "That peasant is not an actual criminal, butpoor person who has no another option".e. ( V ) "Of course we arrest these growers when we catch them". We could also say:"Naturally, when these growers are caught, they are arrested".

FIC - Winter - 2003

Prova de inglês das Faculdades Integradas Curitiba

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'Suicide Tourists' go to the Swiss for help in dying


ZURICH, Feb. 3 – On a Monday morning in mid-January, Reginald Crew, a retired auto worker, flew in from Liverpool to kill himself. The 74-year-old Englishman, who suffered from motor neurone disease, met a doctor at 10 a.m. In accordance with Switzerland's liberal euthanasia law, the doctor agreed that Mr. Crew was terminally ill and prescribed a deadly barbiturate. By 3 p.m., Mr. Crew sipped, through a straw, some water containing the

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barbiturate. Four minutes later, he was dead. His wife and his daughter were at his side.

The Crews were among a growing number of people known in Switzerland as suicide tourists – the desperately ill who long to end their suffering, and come here to do so legally. In 2000, three foreigners committed assisted suicide in Zurich. Last year, in Zurich alone, 55 foreigners came to die by their own hand. Most of those deaths occurred in Zurich, in an apartment rented by Dignitas, a group which was founded by Ludwig Minelli, 70. He started Dignitas in 1998, he said in an interview, to help others to die with a dignity they cannot find in their own countries, which in Mr. Minelli's opinion have "laws from the Middle Ages" on euthanasia.

(THE NEW YORK TIMES, Febr. 4, 2003)

1.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

( V ) Mr. Reginald Crew was a suicide tourist; he flew to Zurich to meet a doctor who practices euthanasia.

( V ) Mr. Crew’s death was a quick one.

( V ) People fly to Switzerland so that they can commit assisted suicide, something that Switzerland’s euthanasia law authorizes.

( V ) The number of suicide tourists has grown dramatically from 2000 on.

( F ) According to Mr. Minelli, Switzerland has laws from the Middle Ages on euthanasia.

2.Analyse the sentences considering grammar.

( F ) Mr. Reginald Crew died on Zurich, on an afternoon in mid-January.

( V ) It is not correct to say: "He was a 74-year-old."

( F ) In "In accordance with Switzerland’s law," In accordance with can be replaced by In agreement with.

( V ) "The Crews were among a growing number of people known in Switzerland as suicide tourists – the desperately ill who long to end their suffering, and come here to do so legally." (P2) The word here refers to Switzerland.

( V ) "Most of those deaths occurred in Zurich." Most of can be replaced by The majority of.

Cuba executes 3 who tried to reach U.S. in a Hijacking

By David Gonzalez

MIAMI, April 11 – After a swift and secret trial, the Cuban authorities executed three men who hijacked a ferry last week in a failed effort to reach the United States. Four other men who used a gun and knives to help

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commandeer the boat were given life sentences, a Cuban government statement said. Although the death penalty has been infrequently applied in Cuba, the three faced a firing squad after having been convicted of what the statement called "very grave acts of terrorism."

Human rights advocates, diplomats and American lawmakers condemned the executions as excessively harsh and questioned the motivation of the Cuban government. "This is excessive in the extreme" said Wayne S. Smith. "It just goes too far. There is no rational, sensible explanation." Today's executions were believed to be the first in two years, said Curt Goering. He said in a statement that the men had "almost certainly" been denied due process.

3.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

( F ) The three men were caught in the United States.

( V ) Four other men who helped control the boat are going to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives.

( F ) The three men who were killed were dangerous international terrorists.

( F ) Diplomats and American lawmakers believe the Cuban government was right to apply the death penalty.

( V ) Curt Goering believes the process was not really just.

4.Analyse the sentences considering grammar.

( V ) "The Cuban authorities executed three men who hijacked a ferry." "Who" can be replaced by "that".

( F ) "Three men have hijacked a ferry last month."

( V ) "Other men were given life sentences." In the singular, we would have: "Another man was given life sentence."

( F ) "The three faced a firing squad after having been convicted." We could also say: "The three faced a firing squad after to have been convicted."

( V ) "There is no rational explanation." We can also say: "There isn’t any rational explanation.

Israel eyes Iraqi oil

By SIMON WILSON, in Jerusalem

An Israeli minister says he wants to reopen a pipeline which has been closed for more than fifty years to bring Iraqi oil through Jordan to Israel's Mediterranean coast. A spokesman for the infrastructure minister, Joseph Paritzky, said the move would cut fuel costs in Israel and help regenerate the port city of Haifa.

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There has been no official comment yet from Jordan, but any suggestion that Israel might benefit from the fall of Saddam Hussein is likely to enrage many people in Arab countries. The pipeline was built after Britain took control of Iraq, Jordan and what was then British mandate Palestine after the First World War. The section from Iraq to Jordan is still functioning, but the route from Jordan to the port of Haifa, which is now in Israel, was cut in 1948 when the British pulled out. Nevertheless, Jordan may find it difficult to align itself publicly with a project which would cause outrage in much of the Arab world.

(BBC NEWS, April, 2003)

5.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

( F ) The pipeline is certainly going to be reopened.

( F ) Israel, except for the port city of Haifa, could benefit from Iraqi oil.

( F ) In Arab countries, many people like the idea that Israel might take advantage of the fall of Saddam Hussein.

( V ) The pipeline was built before the Second World War.

( F ) Jordan intends to publicly help the Israeli minister with his project.

6.Analyse the sentences considering grammar.

( V ) "An Israeli minister wants to reopen a pipeline which has been closed for more than fifty years." "Which" can be replaced by "that".

( V ) "Israel might benefit from the fall of Saddam Hussein." "Might" expresses possibility.

( F ) "The pipeline was built by foreign people." The active voice of this sentence is: "Foreign people have been building the pipeline."

( F ) "The pipeline was built after Britain took control over Iraq." We could also say: "After took control over Iraq, Britain was built the pipeline."

( V ) "Nevertheless, Jordan may find it difficult to align with the project." "Nevertheless" can be replaced by "However".

Smokey the Bear Sutra

Once in the Jurassic about 150 million years ago, the Great Sun Buddha in this corner of the Infinite Void gave a Discourse to all the assembled elements and energies: (...)

a Discourse concerning Enlightment on the planet Earth. "In some future time, there will be a continent calledAmerica. It will have great centers of power calledsuch as Pyramid Lake, Walden Pond, Mt. Rainier, Big Sur,

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Everglades, and so forth; and powerful nerves and channelssuch as Columbia River, Mississippi River, and Grand Canyon.The human race in that era will get into troubles all overits head, and practically wreck everything in spite ofits own strong intelligent Buddha-nature." "The twisting strata of the great mountains and the pulsingsof volcanoes are my love burning deep in the earth.My obstinate compassion is schist and basalt andgranite, to be mountains, to bring down the rain. In thatfuture American Era I shall enter a new form; to curethe world of loveless knowledge that seeks with blind hunger:and mindless rage eating food that will not fill it."

7.Analyse the following sentences according to the text.

( F ) When the Great Sun Buddha made his discourse, the world was already formed as it is today.

( F ) The Great Sun Buddha’s discourse concerned the great financial centers of the U.S.

( V ) Despite having a powerful discerning Buddha-quality, human beings can get into trouble.

( F ) Buddha’s radiant love for the earth can never be seen in the movements of volcanoes.

( V ) In that future American Era, the poet will heal the world of heartless intelligence

FIC - Summer - 2003

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Cocaine Trade Causes Rifts in Colombian War

IN THE ABIBE MOUNTAINS, Colombia, drug trafficking has fractured Colombia's paramilitary army into a collection of potent regional factions that disagree over whether the financial benefit of protecting the country's vast cocaine trade outweighs the political costs and internal corruption it has brought the group.Colombia's drug trade supplies 90 percent of the cocaine that reaches the United States, and much of the financial fuel for a civil conflict that began decades ago as a political struggle and last year claimed 3,500 lives. The war pits the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the smaller National Liberation Army (ELN) - two 38-year-old guerrilla movements fighting to replace the government with a Marxist state - against the AUC, which regards itselfas an ally of the Colombian government and its U.S. patrons. The AUC provides well-equipped combat troops in areas where the thinly stretched Colombian army cannot maintain a presence. FARC and AUC leaders have acknowledge collecting taxes from coca growers, but have denied facilitating the export of cocaine from Colombia. The U.S. strategy seeks to discourage small farmers from producing coca by paying

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them to grow legal crops, while spraying herbicide on the land of those who refuse to do so. As a rule, the FARC has fired on the herbicide-spraying planes in areas it controls. But paramilitary forces, which in the past year have driven the FARC from many of the southern coca fields where Plan Colombia has been most intensive, have allowed the spraying as part of Castaño's effort to ally himself with U.S. interests.

(SCOTT W. Washington Post Foreign Service, Monday, Sep. 16, 2002)

1.Analyze the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) Regional factions of Colombia's paramilitary army have different opinions concerning the benefits as well as the political costs drug trafficking has brought.b.( F ) The U.S. consumes 90% of the cocaine produced in Colombia.c.( F ) 3,500 people were arrested last year due to political struggles in the country.d.( V ) Both the FARC and the ELN get money from drug trafficking in an attempt to replace the government with a Marxist state.e.( V ) In areas controlled by the FARC, the American strategy of spraying herbicide on the land is not successful because the FARC fires on the herbicide-spraying planes.

2.Analyze the sentences considering grammar.

a.( V ) ..."drug trafficking has fractured Colombia's paramilitary army." We could also say "Drug trafficking fractured Colombia's paramilitary army last year."b.( F ) ..."drug trafficking has fractured Colombia's paramilitary army." The passive voice of this sentence is: "Drug trafficking has been fractured by Colombia's paramilitary army."c.( V ) "The AUC provides well-equipped combat troops in areas where the thinly stretched Colombian army cannot maintain a presence." Where can be replaced by in which.d.( F ) The sentence "FARC and AUC leaders have acknowledged collecting taxes from coca growers, but have denied facilitating the export of cocaine from Colombia", has the same meaning as "FARC and AUC leaders have admitted collecting taxes from coca growers; besides, they have refused to facilitate the export of cocaine from Colombia".e.( V ) "We don't know whether the conflict in Colombia will be solved." Whether can bereplaced by if.

Venezuela opposition hails strike "success"

Opposition figures in Venezuela are hailing as a success a 12-hour general strike called in an attempt to force President Hugo Chavez to resign or call early elections. The head of the Venezuelan Workers Confederation, Carlos Ortega, said that 85% of the country had effectively shut down during the protest, and said that the shutdown sent a message to Mr. Chavez that the country's population wanted him out of office. The country's vice-president, Jose Vicente Rangel, dismissed the claims, saying that for most industries it was business as usual. "Neither marches nor strikes can remove Chavez from the presidency", he told a rally of pro-Chavez supporters in Caracas.Shops, national airlines, factories and corporate businesses were closed, while hospitals were only attending to emergency cases. About 5,000 troops were deployed around the city to ensure peace was maintained after some supporters of the president threatened to loot stores that had been closed. In a show of support

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for the strikers, many of the country's newspapers did not publish on Monday. "This strike is a signal to the world and to the Organization of American States: help us resolve this crisis of governance", said organizer Elias Santana, head of the We Want to Choose civic group. "We are going to stay on the streets as long as necessary to end the anguish and tragedy", Mr. Ortega said. Production Minister Ramon Rosales estimated that the strike would cost the economy $300m.Mr. Chavez's opponents accused him of stoking social division with his fiery leftistt rhetoric and running the economy of the world's fifth-largest oil exporter into the ground. But the President insists that he will remain in office until his term expires in 2007 and that the next election will not be held until 2006. "I'm not going to die. I'm not leaving the country. I'm not going to be overthrown", he said on Sunday.

(BBC News. Tuesday, 22 Oct. 2002

3.Analyze the following sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) While the opposition in Venezuela says the strike was successful, the country's vice-president says it was not.b.( V ) The strikers wanted the president to know they demand his renunciation.c.( V ) Some pro-Chavez supporters threatened to invade stores that had been closed because of the strike.d.( V ) The opposition believes the President's leftist rhetoric has caused social division; they also accuse him of ruining their economy.e.( V ) The President refuses to abdicate his position.

4.Analyze the sentences considering grammar.

a.( F ) "Carlos Ortega said that 85% of the country had effectively shut down during protest." Probably Carlos Ortega's words were: 85% of the country will shut down effectively during protest.b.( F ) "Neither marches nor strikes can remove Chavez from the presidency" and "Either marches or strikes can remove Chavez from the presidency" have the same meaning.c.( V ) "Many of the country's newspapers did not publish on Monday". It's also possible to say, "Many of the newspapers of the country didn't publish on Monday".d.( F ) Shops, airlines, factories and businesses are plural words as well as cases, crisis, basis and success.e.( V ) "Mr. Chavez's opponents accused him of stoking social division with his fiery leftist rhetoric." It would also be correct to say, "Mr. Chavez's contestants blamed him for stoking social division with his flammable leftist eloquence."

Mexicans Arrest 25 to Stop Ring That Worked for Drug Cartels

MEXICO CITY, Oct. 21 - Mexican officials said today that they had arrested 25 people who infiltrated the army, the federal police and the attorney general's office on the behalf of some of the nation's most powerful drug kingpins. The arrests suggest that despite the recent jailing of leading figures from all the nation's major drug gangs, the cartels retain the money and the power to corrupt Mexico's government.The attorney general, Rafael Macedo de la Concha, said "corrupt public servants" were at the heart of a network that had been stealing secrets from the government and selling them to the cartels since 1996. "These unscrupulous people infiltrated and betrayed the government, and of course the citizenry, by sabotaging operations against drug trafficking", he said.The Fox government created a highly regarded central law enforcement command, which was apparently untouched by the ring. But the ring maintained an

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intelligence network inside the government. President Fox said "the pervasive influence of dirty money" had infected "law enforcement organizations and dishonest government bureaucrats" throughout Mexico. "The corruption of the past can't be ended overnight", he said, "but now we are truly trying to eradicate it."(WEINER, T. New York Times, Oct. 22, 2002.)

5.Analyze the following sentences according to the text.

a.( F ) The army, the federal police and the attorney general's office have been infiltrated by Mexican officials.b.( V ) Even though to prank leaders from all the country's major drug gangs have been arrested recently, the cartels still have power over the government.c.( V ) According to the attorney general, dishonest public servants had been taking possession of secrets from the government and negotiating them with the cartels.d.( F ) Drug trafficking operations have been sabotaged by unscrupulous people.e.( V ) President Fox is hopeful; he believes his government will be able to extirpate corruption.

6.Analyze the sentences considering grammar.

a.( F ) "Mexicans arrest 25 trying to stop ring that worked for drug cartels' (paragraph 1) has the same meaning as "Mexicans arrest 25 stopping ring that worked for drug cartels."b.( V ) "The arrests suggest that despite the recent jailing of leading figures…"(paragraph 1). Despite can be replaced by in spite of.c.( F ) "These unscrupulous people infiltrated and betrayed the government" (paragraph 2), he said. The indirect discourse of this sentence is: "He said those unscrupulous people had infiltrated and betrayed the government."d.( F ) The government created a central command, which was apparently untouchedby the ring. Which refers to the government.e.( V ) "But the ring maintained an intelligence network inside the government." (paragraph 3). "But the ring…" can be replaced by "However, the ring…"

Find Myself


We took the long way home, you held my hand,The days so full of all the things we had planned.We walked beyond the green, beyond the day.We shared a dream that I let slip away.I had to find myself.I had to find myself.No use looking for no one else,'Cause I'll be lonely till I find myself.You were the man who knew too much to say.So many things that I learned came your way.These things I know that I can't forget,Deep in my heart, they're a part of me yet. (...)Too many years rolled by without a word.I tried to hide behind things that I'd heard.And now the truth is clear for all to seeThat through it all, it was you believed in me.You helped me find myself.

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I had to find myself.No use looking for no one else,'Cause I'll be lonely till I find myself.

7.Analyze the sentences according to the text.

a.( V ) The poet refers to a deeper meaning even in the simple things they did together.b.( V ) "We walked beyond the green, beyond the day" stands for the life perspective the poet had: his feelings and impressions reached further than common reality.c.( V ) Even though the poet feels responsible for allowing a dream to slip away, he is convinced that was the best thing to do because he had to find himself.d.( V ) The poet realizes that knowing oneself is a solitary journey. He recognizes there is no use looking for anyone else while he is still searching for his real self.e.( F ) His friend's words were meaningless, even though their relationship was strong.

FUVEST - 2006

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"CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. This is a great and historic advance." So proclaimed the state-run news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the car is steering it.

In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the government tightened rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish global market, China's demand remains mesmerising. Few expect this year's growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy goes on galloping at its current high-singledigit clip, many expect car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come.

The Economist June 4th 2005

1.According to the passage, Xinhua

a) had proclaimed that China's car industry would boom in 2004.b) played an important role in China's social and economic transformation.

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c) reported, with pride, in 2004, the beginning of a new era for China.d) considers the new bank lending rules to be responsible for China's mass car consumption.e) pointed out, in 2004, that China's car industry would grow beyond expectations in the short run.

2.The passage suggests that China's embrace of the car is likely to make environmentalists

a) distressed.b) angry.c) scared.d) startled.e) apprehensive.

3.The passage says that the demand for cars in China

a) was extremely high both in 2003 and 2004.b) is still quite impressive.c) may dip below 10% this year.d) fell by 15% when bank lending rules were tightened in 2004.e) has been badly hit by the sluggish global market.

4.Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

a) China became a car culture in 2003 thanks to the government's industrial development policy.b) Car sales in China are expected to increase by 10% at most as soon as the global market recovers.c) Unless the global economy slows down, China's rate of growth will remain in high single figures.d) The car industry has been crucial for the radical changes urban China is undergoing.e) Despite all rosy projections, China's economic growth for the next few years may be quite slow.

A new kind of intruder

Australians are not known for their love of boat people. They famously turned away a small group of Afghan refugees at the height of the war and rather amusingly, ran a scare campaign featuring crocodiles and sharks to deter would-be immigrants. But if global warming continues at its current rate, neighbouring Pacific islands could be lost to floods and Australia will be facing a new kind of intruder: climate refugees. Although the Red Cross produced a reportfour years ago estimating that 58 per cent of refugees are caused by environmental factors, no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue. Oxford University's Norman Myers recently claimed that there could be an estimated 150 million environmental refugees within the next 50 years, and half of these could land on Australia's doorstep. But the UN refuses to grant them refugee status, and aide groups and environmentalists squabble over whose responsibility they are.

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5.According to the passage, Australians

a) are regarded as being quite funny people.b) may have to face the "threat" of flood-stricken neighbours.c) are preparing to shelter a flood of climate refugees.d) have been criticized for their prejudice against war refugees.e) started campaigning to keep out strangers four years ago.

6.The passage says that Afghan refugees

a) became famous when they tried to enter Australia by boat.b) found Australia's scare campaign rather amusing.c) looked for shelter in Australia during the Afghanistan war.d) were sent away from Australia at the end of the Afghanistan war.e) were scared when they saw Australia's crocodiles and sharks.

7.Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

a) It has been estimated that 58% of the refugees living in Australia are war refugees.b) The Red Cross started a campaign for the cause of environmental refugees in 2001.c) Norman Myers estimates that as many as 150 million climate refugees may invade Australia in the coming decades.d) In 2001, it was reported that over half of the world's refugees are climate refugees.e) Aid groups and environmentalists have often been prevented from helping climate refugees.

8.Choose the correct passive voice form for: "… no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue."

a) no attempt has been made to tackle the issue.b) no attempt is made by anybody to tackle the issue.c) it could not be made any attempt to tackle the issue.d) it is not made any attempt to tackle the issue.e) no attempt was made by anybody to tackle the issue.

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Christoph Oswald has no problem approaching women. As he makes his way through the crowd at his favorite Frankfurt club, his cell phone scans a 10-meter radius for "his type": tall, slim, sporty, in her 30s-and, most important, looking for him, a handsome 36-year-old software consultant who loves ski holidays. Before he reaches the bar, his phone starts vibrating and an attractive blonde appears on its screen. "Hi, I'm Susan," she says.

"Come find me!" Christoph picks her out of the crowd, and soon they're laughing over a drink. Both Christoph and Susan have phones equipped with Symbian Dater, a program that promises to turn the cell phone into a matchmaker. By downloading Symbian, they installed a 20-character encrypted code that includes details of who they are and what they're looking for in a mate. Whenever they go out, their matchmaking phones sniff out other Symbian Daters over the unlicensed, and therefore free, Bluetooth radio frequency. If profiles match up, the phones beep wildly and send out short video messages.

(NEWSWEEK, JUNE 7 / JUNE 14, 2004)

1.The passage tells us that at his favorite Frankfurt club, Christoph Oswald

a) phones his girlfriend and asks her to join him for a drink.b) meets a woman who had left him a phone message the day before.c) has some difficulty spotting attractive women in the crowd.d) receives a video message from a woman he has never met before.e) gets several calls from women on his cell phone.

2.According to the passage, Symbian Dater is a program that

a) connects cell phones to radio stations.b) makes it possible to restrict the acceptance of calls on a cell phone.c) is installed in a cell phone to make it look for its owner's perfect mate.d) installs a code in cell phones in order to prevent them from being used by strangers.e) is still unlicensed because it has to be perfected.

3.In the passage, the correct translation for "picks her out" is

a) sorri para ela.b) espera por ela.c) reconhece-a.d) segue-a.e) acena para ela.

4.We can conclude from the passage that Christoph Oswald

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a) wants to meet new people.b) is not pleased with his cell phone.c) does not like outdoor activities.d) is a rather shy person.e) needs company for a ski holiday.

LOS ANGELES - Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers Pictures hopes to usher "Superman" into thousands of theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured history surrounding that studio's attempts to revive "Superman," the forerunner of Hollywood's now-ubiquitous comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steel's arrival would be nothing short of a miracle.

Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in development, employed no fewer than 10 writers, hired four directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls without settling on one. The latest director - Bryan Singer, who directed "X-Men" and its sequel, was named on July 18 to replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left the project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the studio was determined to make the film.


5.The passage says that Warner Brothers Pictures

a) has declared that a sequel to "Superman" will appear in 2006.b) is having difficulty distributing "Superman" to theaters.c) is attempting to show a tortured hero in its "Superman" revival.d) has made "Superman" into the most successful comicbook film ever.e) has been producing a remake of the "Superman" movie.

6.According to the passage, Superman's arrival

a) has been facing many obstacles.b) will have to wait another 19 years.c) will be evidence that there are no miracles.d) has been surrounded by mystery since 1993.e) has cost Warner over $10 million so far.

7.The passage suggests that, for its new movie, Warner Brothers Pictures still needs to

a) hire a more talented screenwriter.b) find an actor for the role of Clark Kent.c) dismiss their recently hired director.d) choose a more suitable shooting location.e) raise more funds for the film development.

8.According to the passage, Joseph McGinty Nichol

a) replaced Bryan Singer as the director of "Superman".b) wanted to shoot "Superman" in Australia.c) is an executive director at Warner Brothers Pictures.

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d) is no longer working on the "Superman" project.e) has co-directed "X-Men" and its sequel.

FUVEST - 2004

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From Susan Blackmore

In his article on computers and consciousness, Igor Aleksander was quite wrong to say that "Susan Blackmore...implies that constructing a machine that is conscious like us would be impossible" (19 July, p 40).I do indeed claim that consciousness is an illusion. This is because it feels to us humans as thoughthere is a continuous

flow of experiences happening to an inner self , when in fact, there is no such inner self. Computers have no inner self either, but if ever they start thinking they do they will become deluded like us, and hence conscious like us. And that day is surely not far off.We humans can sometimes wake up from our delusion, through intellectual insight or through practices like meditation. Maybe future computers will teach us a thing or two about waking up from illusion.Bristol, UK(New Scientist, August 9, 2003)

1.The author of the text criticizes

a) the construction of machines that resemble human beings.b) human expectations of mastering technology completely.c) an idea presented in a previous article published by New Scientist.d) experiments made with humans and computers.e) the illusions created by those who construct computers.

2.In her letter to the editor, Susan Blackmore claims that

a) computers are deluded in the same way human beings are.b) building computers with a certain degree of consciousness will be possible in the future.c) human consciousness is changing the kind of experiences that flow into an inner self.d) human beings are deluded in their belief that they possess an inner self.e) computers and humans will develop a new kind of consciousness one day.

3. Susan Blackmore says that

a) intellectual insight and practices like meditation can help us become aware of our delusion.b) computers will help humans increase their intellectual expertise in the future.c) meditation and similar practices are helpful for people who spend long hours in front of computers.d) people easily fall into the illusion that computers will solve most of their problems.e) computers are necessary in people's lives to free them from their illusion of an overpowering consciousness.

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4. According to the text, one day

a) computers will be prepared to think the same way we do.b) computers may understand consciousness limitations better.c) human beings will program computers which will help them meditate.d) human beings will wake up and have better insights towards computers.e) computers may teach humans how to deal with their illusions better.


English is a colonial language that continued to be the official language after independence in virtually all African countries that were under British rule. In some cases it was retained to avoid ethnic tensions. But in all cases it was retained because of its prestige and association with power. In contrast, the vernaculars were viewed as backward and inferior, and so were not developed. Students were made to feel ashamed of their mother tongue and punished for speaking it.In Kenya, for example, speaking in vernacular was forbidden and sanctioned in schools. One popular method of punishment was to make pupils carry around a skull of some dead animal the whole day as a way of embarrassing the pupil who dared speak in his mother tongue.Today it is difficult to use indigenous languages because they have not developed, been codified and standardised. Hence there is a shortage of teaching materials and trained teachers in the vernaculars. And this has often been used as an excuse for not adopting the vernaculars in schools.(The Guardian Weekly, August 2003)

5. Which of these statements is true according to the text?

a) As compared to English, African languages are inferior, poor and underdeveloped.b) English has a greater number of rules than most African languages.c) In former British colonies in Africa, the English language was adopted because of its prestige and power.d) Using vernacular languages in Africa was a way of maintaining peace among different ethnic groups.e) Adopting English as an official language in some African countries might result in a stimulus for the development of vernacular languages.

6. According to the text, in Kenya, students who spoke their native language at school

a) faced different sorts of punishment.b) had to carry a dead animal to school.c) could not speak for a whole day.d) had to find a skull of a dead animal.e) felt embarrassed because their mothers were informed.

7. According to the text, adopting the vernaculars in African schools today is

a) impossible because of ethnic tensions.b) used as an excuse for not training teachers.c) the result of a lack of teaching materials.d) considered impracticable due to the current limitations of those languages.e) slowly changing the status of teachers and speakers of those languages.

8. We can say that the author of the passage is

a) convinced that the English language will be beneficial to African countries.

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b) critical of the current status of development of African languages.c) optimistic about the future of vernacular languages in Africa.d) discouraged with recent Kenyan government measures concerning education.e) certain that better trained teachers are the key factor to improve Africa's education.

FUVEST - 2003

Prova de inglês do vestibular da FUVEST - 2003

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I used to think I could quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped kidding myself years ago. My e-mail program is up and running 24 hours a day, and once I submit to its siren call, whole hours can go missing. I have a friend who recently found herself stuck on a cruise ship near Panama that didn't offer e-mail, so she chartered a helicopter to take her to the nearest Internet café. There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam, but she thought the trip was worth it.

I know how she felt. You never know when you're going to get that note from Uncle Eric about your inheritance. Or that White House dinner invitation with a time-sensitive R.S.V.P.

TIME, JUNE 10, 2002

1.The passage tells us that the writer

a) believes it's about time he stopped thinking he can break the e-mail habit any time.b) is fully aware that he's a compulsive e-mail checker.c) used to think only kids wasted whole hours checking their e-mail.d) didn't think it would take him years to break the e-mail habit.e) thinks that once he's able to stay away from his e-mail for 24 hours, he'll get rid of his addiction.

2.Choose the correct translation for "...whole hours can go missing." (line 4)

a) não sinto falta das horas perdidas.b) vale a pena desperdiçar várias horas.c) sou capaz de perder horas inteiras.d) posso perder totalmente a noção das horas.e) não me importo em ficar até altas horas.

3.What did the writer's friend find when she was able to check her e-mail, according to the passage?

a) Unimportant messages.b) The writer's message.c) An invitation to dinner.d) No message at all.e) Her uncle's message.

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4.According to the passage, the writer's friend

a) was flown to Panama because the cruise ship had made her feel sick.b) regretted having chartered a helicopter, after she checked her e-mail in the café.c) left the cruise ship on a helicopter sent by her uncle to check her e-mail in the nearest Internet café.d) was offered a helicopter to take her to Panama when her cruise ship was stuck.e) was glad she had left the cruise ship on a helicopter to check her e-mail in the café.

No chance before six…

Diana had been hopping to get away by five, so she could be at the farm in time for dinner. She tried not to show her true feelings when at 4.37 her deputy, Phil Haskins, presented her with a complex twelve-page document that required the signature of a director before it could be sent out to the client. Haskins didn't hesitate to remind her that they had lost two similar contracts that week.

It was always the same on a Friday. The phones would go quiet in the middle of the afternoon and then, just as she thought she could slip away, an authorisation would land on her desk. One glance at this particular document and Diana knew there would be no chance of escaping before six.

JEFFREY ARCHER, The Collected Short Stories, P.1

5.According to the passage, Diana

a) usually tried to leave the office shortly after five on Fridays.b) intended to leave the office at five o'clock at the latest.c) used to have dinner at the farm on Fridays.d) as a rule stayed in the office until 5 p.m.e) was used to having dinner by six.

6.The passage tells us that when Phil Haskins presented Diana with a document, she

a) glanced at the clock on her desk.b) couldn't help showing dissatisfaction.c) didn't hesitate to tell him she was about to leave.d) reminded him she left the office at 5 p.m. on Fridays.e) tried to behave naturally.

7.The passage says that on Fridays

a) Diana spent most of her time quietly preparing complex documents.b) the phones rang incessantly in the office.c) the office was busier than ever.d) there were hardly any phone calls in mid-afternoon.e) Diana and Haskins signed all documents to be sent out to clients.

8.Choose the item which best completes the sentence, according to the passage:

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Diana wouldn't be at the farm in time for dinner unless five.

a) would get awayb) gets awayc) got awayd) had got awaye) can get away

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FUVEST - 2002

Prova de inglês do vestibular da FUVEST - 2002

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It's taken 30 years for HaroldCohen to teach his student how to paint, but he's not struggling with a slow learner. Cohen's student, AARON, is a computer program. Cohen has "taught" AARON guidelines on composition and color. In the past, AARON has used those rules to paint large art works for major museums such as London's Tate Modern and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Now a company aims to bring AARON to computer monitors across the land as software ($19.95; available from for Windows PCs. After you download the program, AARON draws original pictures on your desktop, then fills them in with brushstrokes of color. You can also e-mail AARON's creations to friends - AARON will redraw its art work on their computers. And unlike temperamental humans, AARON never needs "inspiration" - leave it on as a screen saver and the program churns outdrawing after drawing. But, says Cohen, AARON will never draw the same picture twice.


1.According to the passage, AARON is a computer program that

a) can help slow learners.b) has taught students how to paint.c) can paint and draw.d) has been available for 30 years.e) has been bought by some museums.

2.We learn from the passage that Kurzweil

a) aims to market original pictures.b) has designed AARON, the computer program.c) commercializes paintings done by AARON.d) has sold PCs all over the world.e) is commercializing AARON as software.

3.According to the passage, AARON does NOT

a)function as a screen saver. b)repeat the same drawing.c)redraw a picture on a second computerd) send pictures by e-mail.e) draw new pictures, one after the other.

The role of women in Spanish society has changed fast since the country became a democracy after General Franco died in 1975. He had swept away liberal reforms introduced in the 1930s, when Spain was a republic. For women specifically, these included a benevolent divorce law and certain property rights. In the 1930s many women played a big part on the left, often fighting side by side with men in the pro-Republic militias during the 1936-39 civil war. But after it the new regime, for the most part applauded by the church, put them back in the home as wives and mothers, with divorce

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forbidden and working outside frowned on.

Change began in the 1960s when Spain opened up to tourists. Faced with competition from sexually liberated north Europeans, Spanish women "declared war on them, on men and on their elders", in the words of Lucia Graves, author of "A Woman Unknown", which recounts her life as an Englishwoman married to a Spaniard at the time. That aggressive self-assertion continues.

Not wholly successfully. At universities, women students now outnumber men. A typical couple has one or two children these days, a far cry from the days when families of eight or ten were common. But Spanish women still face the problems of their sisters in northern Europe. Their progress at work is often blocked, their pay often lower than men's.

The Economist August 11th 2001

4.According to the passage, since 1975,

a) the role of left-wing Spanish women has changed quite fast.b) the new regime has faced problems when bringing about changes in the role of Spanish women.c) there have been changes in the role of Spanish women.d) Spanish women have played an important part in the government's adoption of reformist policies.e) many Spanish women have assumed the role of social reformers.

5.The passage states that

a) most of the liberal reforms introduced in the 1930s were approved by the church.b) liberal reforms introduced when Spain was a republic were abolished under Franco's regime.c) many Spanish women fought in the pro-Republic militias in the early 1930s.d) all liberal reforms introduced when Spain was a republic benefited women.e) Spanish women obtained a benevolent divorce law and certain property rights after Franco died.

6.The passage tells us that after the civil war

a) divorced women were not allowed to work outside.b) the church prohibited wives and mothers from working outside.c) most women continued to fight for liberal reforms.d) many women were unwilling to work outside.e) Spain was under a regime that no longer allowed divorce.

7.Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

a) Although tourists helped Spain to develop in the 1960s, Spanish women declared war on them.b) Spanish women rebelled against north European tourists who married Spaniards in the nineteen sixties.

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c) Tourists started visiting Spain in the nineteen sixties, after the country underwent changes.d) For Spanish women, the arrival of sexually liberated north Europeans in the 1960s was most unwelcome.e) In the 1960s, sexually liberated Spanish women had to compete with their north European counterparts.

8.The passage tells us that Lucia Graves

a) portrays what her own life was like in the nineteen sixties in "A Woman Unknown".b) wrote a book about the problems she faced after marrying a Spaniard.c) depicts the war declared by Spanish women before Spain opened up to tourists in her book.d) recounts the life of Spanish women after the civil war in "A Woman Unknown".e) was a very aggressive English writer married to a Spaniard.O texto nos conta que Lucia Graves:

9.Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the situation in Spain now, according to the passage?

a) A family of eight is quite unusual.b) Female workers are seldom paid higher wages than male ones.c) Despite their gains, Spanish women have not achieved total success.d) There are roughly equal numbers of male and female students at universities.e) Spanish women are quite self-assertive.

If public speaking gives you the willies, the chances are you'll be just as scared of virtual people, experts have discovered. But in the long run these "avatars" will help you overcome your fears.

Mel Slater at University College London, and his colleague David-Paul Pertaub have developed a VR environment to help people overcome their phobias. In their virtual seminar room, people have to give a presentation to eight computer-generated people who can appear by turns fascinated, bored stiff or just annoyingly neutral.

While it's not the first time VR has been used to treat phobias, such as fear of spiders or flying, no one knew if the technique could also help people to overcome their social phobias.

To find out, Pertaub watched how people behave in seminars and programmed the virtual people to do the same things: crossing their arms, frowning, yawning and putting their feet on the table. "Our negative audience is very negative," says Slater.

Then Slater and Pertaub compared the performances of 43 volunteers who gave a talk either to an attentive audience or to an unenthusiastic one. Surprisingly, the subjects responded as if the avatars were real.

21 July 2001 o New Scientist o

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10.According to the passage, experts have discovered that

a) people willing to talk to a virtual audience will hardly annoy a real one.b) if public speaking gives us the willies, we will overcome our fears just by talking to an attentive virtual audience.c) a virtual audience may be as frightening as a real one for people who fear public speaking.d) a virtual audience is likely to be more frightening than a real one for people afraid of speaking in public.e) if public speaking gives people the willies, a virtual audience is likely to make them less scared than a real one.

11.Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

a) The virtual-reality technique has proved to be more effective for social rather than other phobics.b) The virtual-reality environment was developed to help people get rid of their fears.c) People who have fear of spiders or flying will, in the long run, become social phobics.d) The virtual-reality environment appears to be ineffective for treating some types of phobias.e) So far the virtual-reality technique has been used only to help social phobics.

12.According to the passage,

a) while addressing the virtual audience, the volunteers behaved as if it was real.b) the eight computer-generated people reacted negatively to the 43 volunteers' talks.c) the virtual people seemed to find the subjects of the volunteers' talks extremely boring.d) Slater and Pertaub were fascinated by the presentations, whereas the virtual audience showedno enthusiasm at all.e) the way the subjects reacted when addressing the computer-generated people was no surprise to Slater and Pertaub.

13.Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

a) Pertaub discovered that virtual reality could be used to treat extreme fears by watching how peoplebehave in seminars.b) Slater and Pertaub were amazed to see the response of the attentive audience to the volunteers' talks.c) Despite their fears, the 43 subjects had a surprising performance when exposed to the virtual audience.d) Pertaub programmed the computer-generated people to behave the way people do in seminars.e) Pertaub watched people's behaviour in seminars to help social phobics to adopt the same behaviour.

14." the long run" means

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a) afterwardsb) before longc) latelyd) from now one) in the end

UNICENP - 2005

Prova de inglês do vestibular da UNICENP - 2005

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Ivan leaves at least 12 dead in Grenada

Hurricane strengthens as it heads for Jamaica

Wednesday, September 8, 2004 posted 10:15 PM EDT (02:15 GMT)

ST. GEORGE'S Grenada (AP) - The most powerful hurricane to hit Grenada in nearly a decade killed at least 12 people, damaged 90 percent of its homes and destroyed a prison, leaving some criminals on the loose, officials said Wednesday. U.S. students took precautions against looters.

Hurricane Ivan was expected to inflict more damage as its 140 mph winds churn through the Caribbean. The U.S. Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, warned it could make direct hits on Jamaica. Cuba and the southern United States.

" We are terribly devastated… It's beyond imagination," Prime Minister Keith Mitchell told his people and the world from aboard a British Royal Navy vessel that rushed to the rescue.

Mitchell whose own home was pull down by Ivan, said 90 percent of homes on the island were damaged and he feared the death toll would rise.

" If you saw the country, it would be a surprise to anyone that we did not have more deaths than it appears at the moment," Grenada's Police Commissioner Roy Bedaau said in an interview with Voice of Barbados radio.

Students at St. George University, which overlooks the Grenadian capital, hid under mattresses or in bathrooms, " The pipes were whistling, the doors were vibrating, gusts were coming underneath the window," said Sonia Lazarevic, a first - year student from New York.

" It looks like a landslide happened," said another student, Nicole Organ, 21, from Toronto " There are all these colors coming down the mountainside - sheets of metal, pieces of shacks, roofs came off in layers."

1. De acordo com o texto, NÃO podemos afirmar que o furacão Ivan...

a) Foi o mais forte a atingir Granada em quase 10 anos.b) Matou menos de 12 pessoas e destruiu casas, deixando 90 pessoas feridas.c) Atravessou o Caribe, com seus ventos de aproximadamente 225 km por hora.d) Destruiu uma prisão e conseqüentemente pôs em liberdade alguns criminosos.

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e) Está ficando mais potente em seu caminho rumo à Jamaica.

2. The underlined Word "looters" in "... and destroyed a prison, leaving criminals on the loose, officials said Wednesday. U.S. students took precautions against looters", means:

a) meteorologistas;b) guardas de presídios;c) saqueadores;d) comissários de polícia;e) perdedores.

3. The Word "its" em " damaged 90 percent of its homes and destroyed a prison" refers to:

a) Grenada;b) 90 percent;c) people;d) hurricane;e) decade.

4.In the sentence… " Mitchell, whose own home was pulled down by Ivan, said 90 percent of homes on the island were damaged" … "the underline word "whose" is a relative pronoun. The following sentence must be completed with relative pronouns. Mark the correct option:

I. In St. George's, 900 families were homeless after the passage of the storm, __________ left the town without electric power.II. Rescue teams continued to search for 12 fishermen ________were caught in high sea by the strong winds.III. The tree _______ killed a man after reaching his car has also injured two other people.

a) which - whom - whom;b) which - whom - which;c) who - who - that;d) whom - that - which;e) which - who - that.

5. The adjective in: "The most powerful hurricane to hit Grenada in nearly a decade killed at least 12 people", is in the superlative form. Mark the alternative in which the adjective is in the same degree correctly:

a) Hurricane Ivan was much worse than the others;b) Most of the hurricanes occur in September;c) Tropical storms are getting more and more constant;d) The strongest winds cause a lot of harm;e) The most bright forecasters predict storms at once.

6. The reported form of the direct speech of the sentence " …It looks like a landslide happened, said Nicole Organ", could be:

a) She said it looked like a landslide had happened;b) Nicole Organ asked if it looked like landslide happened;c) She told that it looks like a landslide happened;

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d) She said them that it looked liked a landslide has happened;e) Nicole Organ told that it has looked like a landslide has happened.

7. In … " Had we been impacted by the main core of Ivan…. it could have been catastrophic"… the underlined expression in the sentence above could be replaced by:

a) As we had been;b) Whether we have been;c) If we had been;d) We had been;e) When we had been.

8. All the sentences are in the correct passive form, except:

a) Homes have been destroyed by strong storms;b) Keith Mitchell's home was pulled down;c) Grenada was hit and 90 percent of its homes were damaged;d) The doors were vibrating;e) Other people can be killed by Ivan.

9. Reading and reflecting on the numbered parts of the text, it is INCORRECT to infer that…

a) Grenada had already been hit by others hurricanes.b) Saint George's is the capital of Grenada;c) Mitchell's house was destroyed by Ivan;d) Nicole Organ, a Canadian, studies at St. George's university; e) Sonia Lazarevic was in her hometown when the hurricane hit Grenada.

10. … "roofs came off in layers"… the underlined word "roofs" is in the plural form. Mark the alternative in which the plural form is correct:

a) elf - elfs;b) shelf - shelfs;c) half - halfs;d) reef - reefs;e) calf - calfs.

History of the Games

" As in the daytime there no star in the sky warmer and brighter than the sun, likewise there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games", Pindar, Greek lyric poet, 5th century BC.


According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia, famous for its magnificent temples of the gods Zeus and Hera.


In the 19th century, intellectuals such as Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas

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lent their voices and efforts to the revival of the Olympic Games. However, it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who orchestrated the reestablishment of the Games.


The most important dates in history of Olympic Games. Find out when the first Winter Games were held (1932) which year the Games were broadcasted for the first time (1948), when was the first "10" awarded in Gymnastics Artistic (1976)….

Moreover, remember highlights of previous Olympic Games…

11. According to the passage, choose the best option:

a) The first Olympic Games were dedicated to the Olympian Gods in the 8th century BC.b) In the 5th century BC, Pinda, a Greek lyric poet, thought there were no stars in the sky.c) Pierre de Coubertin borrowed the voices from Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas in order to sing in the reestablishment of the Olympic Games.d) Only Evangelos Zappas and Demetrios Vikelas were able to sing at the time.e) The Olympic Games were first broadcast live from Olympia in 1932.

12. In… " However, it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who orchestrated the reestablishment of the Games"... the underlined word means the same as:

a) As;b) Therefore;c) So;d) Nevertheless;e) Hence.

13. Mark the alternative that offers the best option to complete the sentences:

I. We arrived _________ Athens and checked into the Hotel Grande Bretagne.II. The hotel was used by Churchill _________ his Christmas Eve visit in 1944.III. The Paralympic Games will be held _________ September 17 to 28.

a) In - on - from.b) At - in - from.c) In - at - from.d) To - on - at;e) In - in - in.

Grow your own teeth

Recent advances in stem cell research are giving older people the hope that they may soon be able to throw away their dentures in favor of the real thing.

If this dental dream________________a reality, stem cell will be taken from the patient, cultured in a lab and the reimplanted under the gum in the patient's jaw

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where the tooth is missing.

A healthy tooth is expected to grow in two months.

British scientists have already successfully experimented on mice, and similar experiments in humans are expected to get underway shortly.

Speak up, October 2004

14. Choose the correct verb tense to complete the text above:

a) becomes;b) had became;c) have become;d) become;e) will become.

15. The underlined words in … " Recent advances in stem cell research are giving older people the hope that they may soon be able to throw away their dentures.", could be respectively replaced by:

a) Early improvement/ change;b) Actual research / clean;c) Ancient improvement / get rid of;d) New development / fix;e) Late progress / get rid of;

Unioeste - 2006

Prova de inglês do vestibular da Unioeste de 2006

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Q: I have chronic pain from a dislocated shoulder. I have done everything from minor surgery to clean out debris to steroid injections. Can acupuncture help me with the pain?

A: Viveka S. Rucker, Dipl. Ac., writes - Yes, it is very likely that acupuncture can help your shoulder pain. Pain relief is one of the most widely utilized functions of acupuncture in our western culture, largely due to published studies showing that acupuncture causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural pain killers. Specifically, acupuncture has been very helpful for both acute and chronic shoulder pain.

adapted from

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1. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) em relação ao texto :

01. Em "Q" são apresentadas dúvidas dos leitores de ACUPUNCTURE magazine. 02. O texto é organizado em forma de pergunta e resposta. 04. É possível identificar o nome de um medicamento e o modo como deve ser ingerido. 08. Um dos objetivos do texto é esclarecer a respeito de uma das possibilidades de uso da acupuntura. 16. Apresentam-se os prós e contras da utilização da acupuntura.

32. É possível identificar o nome de quem faz a pergunta. 64. O texto afirma ser contra a prática da alopatia.

2. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) em relação ao texto:

01. O texto descreve dois tipos de dores, acute e chronic. 02. Os dados apresentados são fundamentados em estudos já publicados sobre o assunto. 04. A endorfina é um medicamento fitoterápico. 08. A endorfina age como defesa natural contra as dores. 16. Segundo Viveka, a acupuntura é mais comumente conhecida pela sua eficácia no tratamento de alergias. 32. Viveka afirma que as dores no ombro cessarão definitivamente com uma aplicação de acupuntura.

3. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que apresenta(m) frase no superlativo:

01. It is very likely that acupuncture can help your shoulder pain. 02. Pain relief is one of the most widely utilized functions of acupuncture in our western culture. 04. Acupuncture is used to pain relief largely due to published studies. 08. Published studies show that acupuncture causes the release of endorphins. 16. Endorfins are the body's own natural pain killers. 32. Specifically, acupuncture has been very helpful for both acute and chronic shoulder pain.



Q: Can Chinese Medicine help my kids with frequent colds?

A: Common childhood diseases are cold, flu, ear infection, sinus infection, bronchitis, allergy, asthma, and eczema. Chinese medicine can be very beneficial for your children. It strengthens and fortifies the immune system. This can decrease the severity and occurrence of the illness. Some children need acupuncture treatments and they tend to do well with the treatment. Powder, pill and tincture are usually prescribed for children. Herb tea is

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prescribed in absolutely necessary situations. Consult your doctor for more information.

adapted from


4. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) em relação ao texto:

01. O texto encoraja o uso da medicina oriental no tratamento de adolescentes. 02. São listadas dez doenças mais freqüentes. 04. A acupuntura combate o sistema imunológico. 08. O tratamento com a medicina chinesa cura definitivamente as doenças citadas. 16. A eficácia da acupuntura foi cientificamente comprovada. 32. Prescrevem-se pós, pílulas e tinturas e em certos casos também os chás.

5.Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que expressa(m) efeito(s) positivo(s) da Medicina Chinesa:

01. Common childhood diseases are cold, flu, ear infection, sinus infection, bronchitis, allergy, asthma, and eczema. 02. Chinese medicine can be very beneficial for your children against childhood diseases. 04. Chinese medicine strengthens and fortifies the immune system. 08. Chinese Medicine can decrease the severity and occurrence of the illness. 16. Some children tend to do well with the treatment of flues with Chinese medicine. 32. Powder, pill and tincture are usually prescribed for children. 64. Herb tea is prescribed in absolutely necessary situations.

Sugary and salty foods to be banned in schools

By Ben Russell

Published: 29 September 2005

Reprocessed burgers, sausages, sweets and chocolate are to be banned from schools under plans to crack down on junk food.

Ruth Kelly, the Education Secretary, said there would be a crackdown on high-fat, high-salt foods in school canteens. "I can also announce that from next September no school will be able to have vending machines selling crisps, chocolate and sugary fizzy drinks," she added.

Mick Brookes, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said children would bring junk food in packed lunches.

"School leaders are heartily sick of having initiative after initiative

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forced upon them," he said. "We wholeheartedly support healthy schools programmes.

But to expect schools to provide a quality meal for less than the price of the cheapest unhealthy burger does not stand up to serious scrutiny."

Fonte: 315807.ece



6. Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) correta(s) com relação ao texto:

01. O texto é um manifesto contra a venda de alimentos nas escolas.02. O texto traz a opinião de alunos e professores sobre o assunto.04. O texto é uma nota oficial publicada em um jornal.08. O texto informa sobre a proibição da venda de alimentos não-saudáveis nas escolas britânicas.16. O texto informa que a medida é válida a partir do mês de setembro.32. O texto apresenta a posição do autor quanto à medida a ser adotada pelas escolas.

7.Na frase, We wholeheartedly support healthy school programmes, a palavra wholeheartedly pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido para a frase, por:

01. completely 02. necessarily 04. probably 08. amazingly 16. fully 32. naturally 64. candidly.

8. Sobre o texto, é correto afirmar que:

01. Ruth Kelly é representante do governo britânico. 02. O tema abordado é a proibição de comidas que contenham açúcar e sal nas escolas britânicas. 04. As cantinas das escolas britânicas poderão instalar máquinas de venda de alimentos. 08. Mick Brookes acha que as crianças continuarão a comer os alimentos proibidos nas escolas. 16. Até a data da publicação do texto, as crianças nas escolas britânicas tinham acesso a alimentos como doces e refrigerantes. 32. Uma refeição de qualidade custa menos da metade do preço de um hambúrguer.

9. A frase Reprocessed burgers [...] are to be banned from

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schools under plans to crack down on junk food:

01. Está no imperativo. 02. Está no futuro. 04. Está no particípio. 08. Está no condicional. 16. Está no present perfect. 32. Está no conditional future. 64. Está no present tense.

10. Na frase We wholeheartedly support healthy schools programmes, "we", refere-se a:

01. School leaders 02. Children 04. Vending machines 08. School canteens 16. Ruth Kelly 32. Ruth Kelly e Mick Brookes.

Provas de inglês vestibular da EFA - [DOC Document] (2024)
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Article information

Author: Twana Towne Ret

Last Updated:

Views: 5668

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.