Newmarket Era , September 27, 1918, p. 2 (2024)

advertisem*nt EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN I must sell my silo filler also ten horse power gasoline engine both like new Enquire at Era Office The Great Newmarket Co Over Entries in All Departments if OUR j SOCIETY COLUMN Watch with case Wall ham fob on fob Kinder please return to Malhew- Timothy SL and re ceive reward FOR SALE BY AUCTION Sheep in Great Shape for a Big Crowd Between nduncemeol later Newmarket Between 20 for the and 25 Race Horses Here Speeding Contests This Afternoon Mrs G is visit ing at Buffalo Mr Ed- Oliver of Toronto was in town over Sunday Mr Barker of Toronto gave Mr Jackson a call on Monday Rev A Bagby leaves tins week for Indiana on a business trip Mr J G was a judge at the Stroud Fair last Monday Miss Butt and Miss Locke of Toronto were the guests of Mrs Neil Morton over Sunday Quite a number of Cadel Harry Keith of the Fly ing Corps was home oyer Sunday Miss Gladys is visit ing her friend Miss Maud Rush at Little Miss Beryl Jackson of Montreal arrived here on Wed- to make her home again with- her grandparents Dont ft CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 84433 UNES HEIFER LOST the the 2nd of second Strayed from lot 22 East Gwillimbury about week in Sept a Roan Heifer years Information leading to recovery rewarded JOHN A BOAG SON old will be MAID WANTED i good general servant and respectable Apply at once MBS FOSTER Moscow Ave Toronto TO RENT building now occupied Mr as a Marble Cutting Shop at corner of Main and Queen Streets Newmarket Possession 1st Nov particulars apply to for owner Newmarket n The beautiful weather on Wed nesday put heart into the Offi cers and Directors of the New market Fall Fair and the numer ous exhibitors came in good lime with their contributions making a lively scene on Pre paration Day The elaborate decorations in Floral Hall were completed previously and cer tainly are away ahead of anything outside of the Toronto Exhibi tion With the splendid display people attended Sutton Fair Everybody who has any taste for afternoon beautiful needlework will be Hughes of To- decpiy interested in this depart- ronto galling on old friends I in town last Saturday hen again East side of and Clifford PEACHES the Gallery the Soldiers at New- Aurora spent Sunday with market Military Hospital have an excellent display of fancy needle and Mrs A work in various designs from a and others i Methodist Church last Quilt to a table mat The work J was largely attended is most beautiful not made by day morning service women but men Dont miss Lpie Arthur Mustard of Da and the evening this exhibit Mrs Sibley was visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs the past week The Womens Institute met at the home of Miss Martha Jam- ieson Wednesday Mr and Mrs J Gull and daugh ter also Mr Geo to Drayton last Saturday to visit Mr have gone up man started business The Epworth League J A I well attended Tuesday night The Thanksgiving service at the Sunday The service conducted by Now that Fruit is getting scarce there will be more Dried Fruit used We have Prunes at12i5 a lb finer in Peaches than what we have at and per lb i Nice Sweet Juicy Ora at 30 and annul uuatM Military Hospital spent service by Rev Of New- r in market The Church was The Secretary has made nearly j y afternoon with his broth- entries for this Show andj town tifullv for the oeca- this number nearly are Mrs Geo Montgomery of the The Choir rendered beau of Cut Flowers Fruits and House of stock and Canadian is spending a music especially the occupying the whole cen- This is a good indication C0UpIe weeks Mrs by Misses Bertha Fox and Ire a very favorable impression ih general competition in Messrs Marshall is once produced upon the Main Bull mind of every visitor TI Competition in Vegetables is beyond the average Potatoes Production not in the least Mrs Manning Squash Cabbage Mangolds On- glee ted The exhibit comprises Rev and Mrs started the general competition in Brimson beer Bin Building Miss Maud Wallace of bind- Curtis Poultry Building is well till- j is spending a couple of I showing that this branch of j in town and is the guest of saved much gasoline last Sunday i not in the least Mrs Manning FARM FOR acre farm for sale miles north of or- miles from convenient to school ami church frame house firstclass cellar hard and soft water in house cement hog pen will stable hogs cement silos flowing wells class barn farm well watered Terms can he arranged Apply to Ft WILSON BANANAS at dozen We have a few DUTCH SETS left which we of fer at 15c lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try US 9 PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I i- ions etc are immense In the many prize birds and will be a class of Grain there are over 30 pleasure for those interested in samples the breeding of chickens Besides the Display of Furnij About the usual display of Mrs T J Robertson and tore Stoves Sewing Machines Cutters and Farm 1 daughter got back from Ottawa Pianos and other me ills in the Implement last Friday after spending- the yesterday on a motor trip to Windsor to attend District Meeting and visit old friends HE COULD WAIT A DAY OR SO PHONE 36 A I O A D and Telegraph work as taught In Shaws School To ronto will ensure a good position at a good salary Write for particulars W SHAW 3 St East Toronto Thorough Bred Jersey Bull If months old and I Grade Jersey Cow Calf weeks old C MORRISON SI 1 Newmarket Manufactures the Field Comforts ing Power Separators Milkers Society have a very attractive Washers etc will be interesting Booth on the floor of he Main to farmers wives Building and also a Fish Pond There is a big entry in Horses both of which are well patronized Cattle Sheep and Pigs while the In the Gallery turning to the Speeding Events give promise of North the first thing hat strikes exciting dashes There are he- is the excellent display of and race horses in Vegetables and Seeds made by the town ready to take part in the summer with Miss Helen Robert son Rev J Wood Messrs Irwin and Jackson at tended District Meeting at Brad ford Methodist Church last Mon day Miss Pugsley of Toronto one of the singers in the Chris- School Gardens of Nwmarket Free for All and the pace Mian Church last Sunday was the Friday September Kith Bos ton Terrier answering to name Tim Finder kindly return A J Davis Newmarket and receive reward an exhibit to he proud of and it which commences at one oclock includes more than what appears this afternoon has laid the foundation fori The Aurora Band which was useful employment in all these here yesterday afternoon will be young competitors the results of here all day to help pass the which are farreaching The away with bright music I Girl Guides contribute to this J There is a for nihil which is worthy of inspec- the children and numerous Nearly the whole side of tractions for Grown- Ops on the the Gallery is occupied with the Midway work of School Children in- Baseball match on the grounds eluding many specimens of Pen- yesterday afternoon between Drawings etc I Newmarket and the Toronto Fly- There is lively competition Corps the Dairy Class while Preserves The Roller Skating High Wire Canned Fruits Pastry Bread and Juggler performance in and Huns indicate that the ladies front of the Grand Stand not been idle past few day will he repeated today days At a Parade of all Morses The whole of South side of and Cattle winning First Prizes COME TO Bolton Fair Monday and Tuesday Sept 30 Oct the Gallery is occupied with Fine Needle Work and Ladies Domes tic Work a very fine display and nearly he whole of it is excep tionally artistic For qualify it ii- equal to Toronto Exhibition will take place in front of the Grand Stand Everybody turn out and make a record attendance today List of Prize Winners in next issue THE CASE OF THRIFT I The for llnift present Kline may be up The country in Canada tie briefly summed been in a Compel Free for All Class Named Knee Horse Ring Purse iO Special Features in Front of Grand Stand Concert Liberal Prizes at Night in Meet Write Friend Secretary try Department at Bolton Fair for Prize List unexampled prosperity for He pas I I wo it three years owing it is quit- to unusual war condi tions Wages have profits are large and I lien ihseriei of IMffOpIoyflMMII work- sin limn before thousands for filllC Willi I his fori nol I disposal many spend llir ftSHiiiiiifoii will on I now If iMopIn Brown Hill We seem to have much cool weather now Potato digging has been he largest object on record lately Our merchant Frank Chapelle spent a couple of days in the city lb is week There was large turn out church on Sunday night John Kin look Charge of Ihe service Johnnie is an old lime preacher and hard fo heat Miss Lillie spent over Sunday with her parents hero after lining a few months in i Mr Harold Hose has purchased a and lot here owned by I A Ilillis Mrs W II Ross and family expect to move in F Leaven MARJORIE RATCLIFF Teacher of Sinking Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music Wevmarket on Wednesdays Canada to immediately undertake a vigorous eairipafgn of personal J about Oct We are much in from Mm of nil pleased lo have stay as they luxuries and nonessentials and to en- are a respected family ami an deavour to neeumulaKe as great a sav- i ample for possible many Mr Frank Of will they are now living will unloaded a ear of cement here and Ibis week standard of living lias actually guest of Mrs Jos for the weekend Miss Hazel Davis of Fort Riley Kansas who is home on fifteen days leave before going to France was the guest of Miss Mary Lloyd one day last week Miss Marrow and Miss of Toronto visited the formers sister Mrs C Cane last Fri day They expect lo go to Cali fornia next month to make their hom*o Miss of Toronto Spent over the weekend with Mrs Geo Wood She ex pects to go lo Kentucky visit her brother before the Christmas holidays Mr Alex Poller received word last week- that his nephew Pie Fred had been killed in action on Sept Pie Bonds father had a tailor shop here some years ago Mr and Mrs T of Richmond Hill Mr add Mrs of Maple and Mr and Mrs Keys of King were of Mr and Mrs L Lep- ard St on Sunday Mr and Mrs Isaac had a surprise on Tuesday when their nephew Mr J of San Francisco son of the laic came spend a few days with them and other friends in town Mr and Mrs were pleased lo receive a cable gram from their son Lieut Gil bert J Donne he had met his brother who has been in for over two years ami who is now spending a short lime in Mrs Neil lough and Miss Margaret II ulna of Winnipeg who have been spending two months The neatness of the New housekeeper is a matter common remark and the husbands in that part of country arc supposed to appre ciate their advantage A bit of dialogue reported as follows shows that there may be another side llie matter Martha have you wiped llie sink dry yet asked the fanner as he made final preparations for the night Yes Josiah she replied Why do you ask Well I want a drink hut I guess I can get along until morning ty T 13 Nowadays it Is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR- Almost any man can succeed if lie has a little good sense and a little good nature THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World- CHOCOLATES THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A- SPECIALTY Night attended to at residence J MILLARD Phones and Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies No Store Phone No I FOR 8ALE Tie kitchen No Heavy ferial twostory with as now erected at lot West hide Pro peel Avenue frames excellent Apply to A ma il lowered owing lo high of food and clothing Inn- hut docs not alter the furl 1 1 nniih exlrava aid this extalH decree we of prosperity at of Hie period f reul- will follow peace i The if thrift tin- Can rid th perils FALL TERM and Charles HI Toronto Every graduate and of under- of have secured position and out of the one hun dred and four applications for Office help filled only nine Catalogue free Enter J ELLIOTT Principal this wo regret mil eh an nounce the death of Mrs 1L who passed on pi 20th The hndy was to her daughters Mrs Silas Phoenix on Sept The service wan held pm Tuesday Service was taken hy lev Holt and ail appropriate ser mon was preached Remains were The Cradle On Tuesday Sept to Mr and Mrs D of Toronto a son Win on Sept to Mr and Mrs hert twins son and daughter Lopard- In Newmarket on Sept to Mr and Mrs Walter a daughter Young At on Sept to Mr and Mrs THE BEST SOFT COAL ON THE MARKET Leslie You son for A IN ETIQUETTE IQUI I hit captain to upon the sailor Importance of In his her head he asked answered old gruffly Another trial success Let me lake vhel said the skipper and you the ques tion her head roared the replied her no my man the old I goes forward and a smoke if you want know ail the mean llilng haw done the man he for an office in the church taken to Zephyr for in terment Mrs was an old resident of this place and well acquainted We sympathize with Hie I he spud market has pro perly glutted the last few days and the dealers have chalked off the pricearound the clip Mr Crittenden is on the sick list Threshing is the order of the day A few around here are looking forward for the Newmarket Fair had but omeone from these parts if r people now will large of savings to se cure us individually and collectively against any trying idiange hat in III iluMion It would make ihe conllnnance of Canadas pari in war and the maintenance of our war nanclns on Its sound The of JuxutJCH and eysenlfalfl would as mailer of release labor and material for war purposes Instead of using these great and scarce necessities for things that we could do Without The examples of other should Inspire Canadians to much effort in thrift Prance has been able to face her four years of trial reason of her hack- ground of personal thrift Great Britain as perhaps never before The United fast piling Up of money for use of her own and the other armies I of the allien Canada Has done much to finance tier own part In the war but das A no one can Hay that the limit of having I Lot Con reached or even approached will hold an ex tensive farm sale at one oclock months credit J Koa- Thursday Oct Mrs Virginia will dispose of a quantity of household fur niture oclock t Terms J a misfortune Tuesday mishaps seem to come Mr has on the sick score for or three days Bleeping Beauty o Sale Register Infanta and Children In For Over Years ltara OX Era Ada bring Try one with Mrs Wood leave for home today Mrs Wood had a few friends in afternoon tea on Monday get acquainted with them iiiia llascott of ester Y is Ihe guest of Mrs Lewis St for a couple of weeks She is a -grad- nurse and is calling on old friends prior lo leaving for ser vice overseas with American forces oil her return to the Stales The Durham says Hi at Miss Irwin has received a Nattering offer from the Chau tauqua Company to accompany them on their Western Tour this Pall and she will prohahly accept Miss Irwin was organist In the Methodist Church at for three or four years and is an accomplished pianist We wish her every success Mrs T Stoddard Miss Stoddard ami Mrs Capt of were guests at the wedding of Miss Wrighl at Oil the 1 1 ill of last month The drawing room and dining room were handsome ly decorated with asters- the many different shades making a most appearance The bride who was given away her father vas rgownod in grey crepe dechine with touches of rose and carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses She also wore the gift of the groom a pearl necklace The ceremony was performed Rev A P Ken nedy rector of SI Pauls Church Rev Young uncle of the The wedding march was played Mr Geo organist of Hyde Park Methodist and during the signing Of tho register Mrs Coutlfl nee Miss Mono sang All Mine At tho wedding luncheon toast to bride was proposed by her uncle Rev Young and ably re sponded lo by groom Mr J Marks of Toronto The Tomb on Sept Hughes In Newmarket huh Annabel wife of the late 1 aged years Deceased has ill for ten years The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of her father Mr Unas Charles St Newmarket Cemetery Hartman Killed in action some where in France on September 2nd Lieut Hart- man I nil Trench Mortar Battery third son of L Aurora Bond- Killed in action Sept 2nd HUH Somewhere in Prance Frederick Horn of the Bait eldest the late lames and Isabella Bond formerly of Newmarket in his Phone Newmarket Our Toronto Letter to a gas healer in a boarding- house Sunday morning lb-lint- marked the Imal Hook of huh wan Kir lie had ni- iml line when his fie wan ancht ftiirt mi hill refused lie lake 1 1 Ihe mail iKtinst the fenei- i hi- WiiKuo A Womens Parly for Ihe of Hi- lias formed in and first rtsolulhui i Ibis Thai Ibis womens iri midday if all for tie- Iwi which all if the of from year lie did his duty cheerfully A Welland on Sept Mrs In her year Interred at Zephyr Wells Al his late residence 3rd Con King on Monday Sept Wells in his year funeral on Friday at pm Interment at Au rora Cemetery In Mount Albert on Sept Geo aged years months Funeral Monday Mount Albert I prayer S J Road house Undertaking North All This singing of the by Ihe members of Synod adoption of the Common Prayer Tribute was paid to the work of Bishop Huron diocese who has horse been chairman of the in its seven years of Hung work and to Archdeacon of Halifax the secretary for live years War conditions in make it impossible issue more than one edition and style of hook present Sir Wilfrid Toronto next Monday Id expected ru Canadians who will the United Stales under the re cent army draft convention to serve with Canadian Forces Ottawa has noti fied Toronto military headquar ters make preparations for tuartering a total of 10000 troops this winter During Ihe Sunday morning service at Trinity Methodist Church some person unknown broke into the choirs locker room and stole a valuable fur two hats a coat two purses and several small articles from the coal pockets of the choir bora NOTICE Is given that Fanners in the immediate vi- Lillian North formerly Lillian of the city are satis- Thompson of tho City of Toron- with the action of the excoujto in of York and live of the milk producers in Province of Ontario married wo- postponing the raise in the price man will apply to the Parliament of milk The recent rains have of Canada at tho next session made the pasture belter this fall thereof for a Bill of Divorce from than it has been for several her husband Frank North of years They have benefited tho City of Toronto In County of corn crop to such an extent that York and of Ontario on although it was very backward the grounds of and oru- now be the host crop for last three or four years bated at Toronto this day shall up their Intarls in hi fir Allies When a tiliuodi whirh lllli hi never j fm very much Curtailment d Ihe I Of and aeiessories lis the Induslries The of racing and it War hie models steel guards tool boxes stands and metal tanks is entirely roots are coming along very fast for a record I One man was found dead and another nearly overcome by 3m22 escaping gas from a tube attach- of June A Lillian North by Solicitors Godfroy Adelaide St Toronto I t Toronto nnrtiriil union Next of ship evening will wo Eaton The Church ship of I An f on 1 A ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO



Newmarket Era , September 27, 1918, p. 2 (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.