'Kendall Jenner of Bodybuilding' Vladislava Galagan Shares Her Best Fitness Advice For Women – Fitness Volt (2025)

Vladislava Galagan gives her fitness and bodybuilding tips to women, "If you want to do the competitions, yes [you need to use PEDs]."

Written byBelinda Evans

Published on6 December, 2023 | 2:01 AM EDT

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Known as the Kendall Jenner of bodybuilding because of her uncanny resemblance to the model and TV star, Vladislava Galagan boasts phenomenal good looks with an impressive physique. Often sharing fitness tips on social media, Galagan stepped out of her comfort zone with a podcast. During her appearance on First Things THRST on YouTube, Vladislava Galagan gives tips for women in fitness and also reveals how she deals with the negative effects of performance-enhancing drugs.

Vladislava Galagan has been working out since she was 16 years old and after 11 years flaunts massive biceps and rock hard abs. Her physique is so exceptional that many believe she photoshopped her images but her body is simply the product of a rigorous workout routine and strict dieting.

Galagan eats over 100 grams of protein daily from meats like chicken, fish, beef, and eggs. She also hits the gym six days a week for 90 minutes where she focuses on every muscle group twice. When it comes to cardio, she ensures she gets in three sessions weekly at the minimum.

Galagan rakes in over 10k per month on OnlyFans. While the site is often known for its X-rated content, Galagan reveals that she usually wears some lingerie or latex and leather while doing arm wrestling videos.

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Vladislava Galagan Reveals Women Who Wish To Compete In Bodybuilding Need To Use PEDs

Vladislava Galagan has been upfront when it comes to her use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). Previously, after being called out in an Instagram post, Galagan explained that she uses PEDs simply to ‘play even’ when she competes.

In her inaugural podcast feature on First Things THRST, Galagan not only imparts invaluable advice for women in the realms of fitness and bodybuilding but also candidly discusses her strategies for sidestepping potential side effects associated with steroid use.

“To compete, well, if you want to just do it for yourself, you don’t need stuff obviously. If you want to compete, well, everybody, men, even people that don’t compete take it so.”

“If you want to do the competitions, yes [you need to use PEDs]” Vladislava Galagan said.

Additionally, Galagan adds that although her secret to avoiding the undesirable effects of PEDs is taking breaks, she has had to deal with the psychological toll of knowing she won’t be as big when she’s off gear.

“I guess I was lucky [not to have a deep voice],” said Galagan.

“You’re very lucky. I’ve comeacross a lot of women who do train very hard and they are very big, obviouslyDubai, D1 Gym is full of them. But they all have this deep raspy voice. And it’s like whoa. That’s so weird,” said Mike Thurston.

“Maybe because well the steroids, the thing is, when people start taking it, it’s also psychological, you get used to you know being driven, ego, motivation, right? I know this.”
“I do cycles, I’m not on one big cycle all year round. In the beginning, it was really hard to kind of let it go. To have the breaks. Now I have a break.”

Galagan has accepted that her body will appear less pumped while off steroids and talks about how sugar can bring on side effects like bad skin regardless of PED use.

“I made my peace with it. I convinced myself that it’s just part of it. It’s part of the journey. So… and without having breaks… I would not look the way I would on my cycle.”

“Now, the skin yeah [it’s clear] but if you eat sugar it doesn’t matter anyways, if you’re on cycles or not, I have these outbreaks from sugar. But I was saying, when you’re on cycle, so the problem right, you ask me about women having deep voices and stuff.

I do breaks. Maybe that’s the secret. I made my peace with you know, that I will not look the same as when I’m on a cycle. When you’re on a cycle you’re always pumped right? The most interesting thing is when now when I’m off the cycle it’s different than the previous times,” she shares.

She added that it’s not challenging to adapt to steroids after abstaining for a while.

“It’s not that difficult for me to come back to bounce back when I start the cycle again. So, and yeah, you have always to battle to fight like the only pump you get is when you’re in the gym, when you’re natural, and then it’s gone.”

Vladislava Galagan has shared that the psychological aspect of bodybuilding is rooted in her childhood experiences. She revealed that she did not receive enough emotional support from her parents, which has led her to believe that being physically strong is her way of compensating for what she lacked when she was younger.

“Maybe it’s psychological aspects of this, because I had to be strong all my life.”
“Yeah [I don’t want to show I’m weak]. Maybe that’s why I started doing bodybuilding. That’s what my therapist told me.”

“For a year [I’ve had the therapist]. They actually told me that it might be that because I was lacking from both sides, mother and father, so that’s my way to combine it.”

“Not love, but time, I think. I think attention, time, so that’s what, yeah so that’s what the therapist told me. That’s my way to kind of combine the feminine and the masculine in one.”

PEDs continue to spark controversy, especially considering the amount of health complications and even deaths the bodybuilding and fitness communities have faced. Athletes such as Kali Muscle, advocate against using steroids after suffering a near-fatal heart attack. Kali Muscle explains that his heart attack was avoidable and encourages safer practices.

Vladislava Galagan is an inspirational figure in the fitness community. Her transparency regarding her cycles and mental struggles is admirable considering many athletes avoid the subject. Bodybuilders and fitness influencers claiming to be natural when they aren’t can set unhealthy expectations for followers hoping to achieve the same look. Galagan avoids this issue by always remaining honest with her audience.

To watch the full podcast, click the link below:

RELATED: The “Kendall Jenner of Bodybuilding” Talks ‘Short Cycles’ And Top 3 Exercises For V-Taper

If you have any questions about this news, please feel free to contact Belinda Evans by leaving a comment below.

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'Kendall Jenner of Bodybuilding' Vladislava Galagan Shares Her Best Fitness Advice For Women – Fitness Volt (2025)
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